The Member (Finance)
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan
New Delhi 110 001
(Through Proper Channel)
Respected Madam,
Sub: Implementation of CAT Chennai Judgment in respect of grant
of Grade Pay Rs.5400/- to Assistant Accounts Officers-request
for application of same analogy in Indian P&TAFS cadre-reg.
With respect, I wish to submit the following few lines for your kind consideration and favorable orders.
1)I have passed JAO Examination in the year ……… and posted as AAO (Group “B” Gazetted) on regular basis w.e.f…………… with the grade pay of Rs.4800/-.But the Sr. Accountants (Group “C”) who are working under my control as subordinate officials, are getting the grade pay of Rs.5400/- by virtue of MACP orders.
2)In this regard, I wish to invite a reference to the judgment given by Hon’ble CAT, Chennai Bench in OA No 966/2009 and 967/2009 filed by the Indian Audit and Accounts Department officers, on grant of Grade Pay 5400/- to AAOs in comparison with those who are getting Rs 5400 grade pay due to MACP. In that judgment the benefit of 5400 GP from the day on which the juniors/sr accountants are given under MACPs were extended to the AAOs who are seniors and in supervising cadres and getting Rs 4800 GP only.
3)The IAAD Department moved a Writ Petition in Hon’ble High Court of Madras, and the High court also upheld the CAT Chennai Judgment . The SLP moved at Supreme Court against the decisions given by the CAT, Chennai and HC of Madras has also been turned down.( all the above copies are enclosed for ready reference) The order of CAT Chennai has been implemented at the AG Office Chennai during Aug 2014.
Madam, it is requested that the judgment of CAT, extending the benefit of MACPs by granting GP Rs.5400/- to AAOs with all consequential benefitsis opt and valid in my case also since I am a supervising officer(AAO) with 4800 GP whereas the officials in SA cadre supervised by me are getting the 5400 GP which is a similar anomaly as that of the IAAD department. It is pertinent to mention that the apex court of India already held in various cases that similarly placed officials need not approach the legal forums to accrue a benefit due to implementation of a court order, but the benefits are to be extended to all eligible similarly placed officials by the administration itself by an executive order. Hence Most humbly I submit that a favorable decision may kindly be taken at your level on granting the 5400 GP to me without any further delay so as to avoid any unwanted litigation in this regard.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Faithfully
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