Regular Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2009
CALL TO ORDER: CoChair Harrigan called the meeting to order at 6:33 PM
PRESENT: Laura Adair, Dawn DeFeo, Janet Finneran, Lucy Painter, Mary Sofair, James Stirling
ABSENT: SalAmadeo, Malcolm Brinton
VISITORS: Technology teacher Tamra Velleca presented a video on 2008-09 BCS activities. Parent Nancy Scanlon requested an explanation on board policy: “Children of Non-Resident Staff” and the present status of that policy. Parent Chris Pittenger noted editorials on “per pupil expenditure” and the need for clarification.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Finneran, seconded by Stirling to approve the regular meeting minutes of May 13, 2009. Voted unanimously.
a. CoChair Harrigan acknowledged the hard work and many hours expended by three outgoing board members: James Stirling, Dawn DeFeo and Lucy Painter. Board member Lucy Painter received a State Citation for her 12 years of dedicated service to the Bethany Board of Education.
b. Motion by Finneran, seconded by Adair to recommend approval for a one year leave of absence for Melissa Shea . Voted unanimously.
c. Motion by Adair seconded by Painter to move to establish an ad hoc committee of the board consisting of board member, administration, staff member to review proposals, interview vendors and act accordingly in choosing a food service management company. Voted unanimously.
a. Water tank replacement bids. No additional info at this time.
Motion by Stirling, seconded by Painter to postpone consideration of replacing the water tank until more information is available from the Stimulus package and other funding sources. Voted unanimously.
b. Superintendent Connellan updated the board on the 2008-09 budget. Reviewing the reductions from the original proposed budget 2009-2010 request and the June budget update for 2008-09. Discussed database system with support thru ACES. Updating Microsoft Office, Out of district placement and costs, REAP, FinalSite – hosting website.
Motion by Stirling, seconded by Painter to approve expenditures of items totaling $36,000 from the June spread sheet as outlined in the superintendent’s presentation. Voted unanimously.
- Stimulus funds update:The stimulus funds will help the state maintain current funding levels to municipalities through its Education Cost Sharing Formula program (ECS). The funding is through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)of 2009. Discussed whether monies will be sent to towns or boards of education. Monies will need to be tracked and documented – will now come in 6 payments.
b. Superintendent Connellan reviewed some of the certified staff changes for 2009-2010.
- Board Special meeting scheduled for July 8, 2009 at 6PM
Housemasters/Curriculum/Special Education: Noted
a. Budget/Finance: Motion by Adair, seconded by Sofair, to accept the expenditures and adjustments report to the 2008-09 operating budget line items as presented for May with 98.9% expended. Voted unanimously.
b. Curriculum/Program: Committee met June 2 and reviewed Math Curriculum. Reviewed social Studies book. Pilot enrichment program for Grade 5 presented – to assess who is qualified to participate in an enrichment program
Motion by Painter, seconded by Adair to adopt the Social studies text book for grades 4 and 5 as recommended by the Curriculum Council and staff. Voted unanimously.
c. Policy: Motion by Finneran, seconded by Stirling to adopt revised Policy 6164.2 –Comprehensive School Counseling as presented. Voted unanimously.
Motion by Painter, seconded by Finneran to adopt revised Policy 5121.3 – Academic Dishonesty as presented. Voted unanimously.
Discussion held on summer review of policies on Health/Wellness, Communicable/Infectious Diseases; with more communication to parents.
d. Transportation: N/A
e. Facilities: N/A
f. Negotiations: To be moved to the end of the meeting
g. ACES : Continual work on budgets and school programs.
h. CABE: N/A
I. Communications: N/A
VISITORS: Parent Chris Pittenger requested that ad hoc committee be aware of how terms are qualified in food service proposals.
Motion by Painter seconded by Stirling to move to executive session for the purpose of discussion of the superintendent’s contract. (8:10PM) Voted unanimously.
IN ATTENDANCE: Laura Adair, Dawn DeFeo, Janet Finneran, Maura Harrigan, Lucy Painter, Mary Sofair, James Stirling
ABSENT: Sal Amadeo, Malcolm Brinton
ENTERED: Tim Connellan at 9:10PM
Return to open session at 9:10 PM Superintendent reenters at 9:10 PM
Motion by Finneran, seconded by Stirling to accept the recommendations of the Negotiations Committee which include a renewal of the contract of the Superintendent for three years with a one year zero percent (0%) salary increase (2009-10) and changes to benefits as outlined by the negotiations between the Superintendent and the Negotiations Committee.
In favor, all. Opposed, none, no abstentions
Meeting adjourned 9:15 p.m.
Phyllis Rohloff, Recorder