International Year of the Older Person (M. Phair)
Recommendation:That this report be received for information.
Report Summary
- This report was prepared in response to an inquiry by Councillor M. Phair at the January 19, 1999 City Council meeting requesting information on the International Year of the Older Person. (IYOP).
Previous Council/Committee Action
- At the City Council meeting of January 19, 1999 Councillor M. Phair made the following inquiry:
“As 1999 is the International Year of the Older Person, I would like the following information:
- Is there a local organizing committee for this special year and if so, what does it hope to achieve?
- Is the City aware of special programs/initiatives for the International Year of the Older Person?
- How is the City and/or how could the City participate or initiate activities for the Year of the Older Person.
I would like this inquiry to return to the Community Services Committee.”
- The City of Edmonton recently appointed Wendy Zelt, Supervisor of Northgate and Central Lions Senior Citizens Recreation Centres to the North Central International Year Of The Older Person Committee, which includes representatives from other municipalities including Strathcona County, Beaumont, St. Albert, Vegreville, Lloydminster, Vermilion, etc. The goals of the Committee are to collect and share information on IYOP events and activities in the area, to co-ordinate the launch of the IYOP in Edmonton, to prepare and implement a marketing plan for IYOP for the region, and to ensure that the Alberta and Canada Committees are aware of the activities in the area. Currently there is no City of Edmonton Organizing Committee.
- The Community Services Department is keeping a database of information and contact numbers for local events and projects for the IYOP (Attachment 1). The Alberta Government also has set up a web page to which project and event information can be submitted.
- On October 1, 1998 the City of Edmonton hosted a Kick-off Event for the International Year of the Older Persons in 1999. Mayor Bill Smith (represented by Councillor Rosenberger) made a declaration in support of the City’s participation in the International Year. On February 11, 1999, the Canada IYOP Committee, the North Central IYOP Committee and the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce launched the International Year with a luncheon and keynote address by Flora McDonald and Don Harron, the Co-Chairs of the Canada Committee.
The Community Services Department is actively involved in IYOP activities by having a Department representative on the North Central IYOP Committee, encouraging the use of the IYOP logo on Department correspondence and printed materials, preparing articles for Community Services staff newsletters about IYOP, distributing information packages to key Department staff, encouraging City-owned recreation facilities and attractions to offer events and programs for seniors during the year, and keeping a database of activities and projects occurring in the City of Edmonton. The City-funded senior centres and agencies are hosting IYOP events and are also involved in planning and implementing a major seniors’ event in Hawrelak Park on June 6, 1999.
The Edmonton Public Libraries will be putting up displays for IYOP, and encouraging seniors to get involved in reading during the IYOP by creating two booklists with titles of interest to seniors. The Edmonton Pride Events will be honouring two or more senior nominees during the Seniors’ Klondike Picnic in the Park and Sunday Promenade.
The Federal Government has developed a kit for IYOP which has many excellent suggestions for activities and projects which municipalities can undertake for the IYOP. Suggestions include:
- creating an IYOP Organizing Committee for the City,
- using the IYOP logo on all City correspondence and written material in 1999,
- encouraging City Departments and City businesses to become more Senior Friendly by participating in the Senior Friendly Challenge,
- providing support and information to community groups and businesses who wish to participate in IYOP,
- establishing a seniors’ advisory group to advise on seniors’ issues, and
- integrating the needs of older persons in urban and community planning in the areas of housing, transportation, health and social services.
Other suggestions could include:
- providing funds for an IYOP Co-ordinator to facilitate and promote IYOP activities,
- providing some core funding for groups wishing to undertake IYOP projects or events,
- providing support for research into the Needs and Strengths of Seniors in Edmonton, and
- setting up a web-site or database with information on IYOP projects and events in Edmonton.
Background Information Attached
- International Year of the Older Persons-IYOP-Events & Programs-Edmonton Area.
Background Information Available on Request
- Federal Government’s Community Kit for the International Year of the Older Person, l999
Staff Hours to Prepare Report: 8
Staff Cost: $180
Peripheral Cost: n/a
Total Cost of Inquiry Preparation: $180
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Attachment 1
International Year of the Older Persons – IYOP – Events & Programs – Edmonton Area
DATE / EVENT TITLE / DESCRIPTION / LOCATION / CONTACT / PHONE #Jan. 12 / Launch / IYOP Tea / Society for Retired & Semi-Retired / Nicholas Spillios / 483-5294
Jan. 12 / Address / The Senior Friendly Challenge / Minerva Seniors Studies Institute / 497-5088
Jan. 29 / Kick-off / Dinner & Dance / Central Lions Senior Centre / Lenore Hartstok / 496-7366
Jan. / Program / New Swim Program for Seniors / Londonderry Leisure Centre / 496-7349
Feb. 11 / Launch / Cross Canada Tour-Don Harron & Flora MacDonald / Canada Co-ordinating Committee / Marlene Kurt Ann Ryan / 427-2705
Feb/Mar. / Programs / Sunday afternoon series: Reminiscing: Bringing Back the Memories / John Walter Museum / 496-4852
Feb. 19 / Panel / Retirement: Have it Your Way / Minerva Seniors Studies Institute / 497-5088
Feb. 22 / Lecture / Travel for Transformation / Minerva Seniors Studies Institute / 497-5088
Mar. 1 / Lecture / Creating a Friendly Welcoming Atmosphere at Home / Minerva Seniors Studies Institute / 497-5088
Apr. / Open House / Life Long Fitness-50 Plus Fitness / William Lutsky YMCA / Candace Swick / 439-9622
Apr. 15 / Reading / Author Agnes Jensen-"No One Must Know" / Capilano Library / Tracy Sopkow / 496-1982
Apr. 19 / Dinner / Volunteer Appreciation-IYOP Theme / Northgate Lions Senior Centre / Judy Salamandick / 496-7355
Apr. 25-27 / Conference / Alberta Association of Continuing Education Conference in Edmonton- IYOP Stream / Co-ordinated by Faculty of Cont. Education-Calgary. Conference to be held at Edmonton location. / Blane Harvey / 780-220-7345
May. 16 / Choir Festival / IYOP Celebrates with a Song / Central Lions Senior Centre / Lenore Hartstok / 496-7366
June. 6 / Special Event / Seniors Showcase 1999-entertainment, demonstrations, arts & crafts displays, prizes at Hawrelak Park / Seniors Centres & Agencies / Wendy Zelt / 496-7355
June 10-12 / Conference / Vitalize 99-Maturing Stream- Volunteering for Life-on Older Adult Issues / Wildrose Foundation / Tim O'Donnell / 422-9305
July. 21 / Event / K-Days Seniors Picnic in the Park Lives Well Lived Awards ceremony / Edmonton Pride/K-Days Assoc. / Jeanette Guertin / 423-2822
Sept. / Open House / Life Long Fitness-50 Plus Fitness / William Lutsky YMCA / Candace Swick / 439-9622
Oct.? / Conference / Think Tank on Seniors Issues / Society for Retired & Semi-Retired / Roger Laing / 423-5510
Oct? / Awards / Seniors Awards of Distinction Gala / North/Central IYOP Committee / Karen Clipperton Marlene Kurt / 427-6566
TBA / Event / Community picnic / Calder Seniors & Calder Community League / Sonya Barton / 451-1925
1999 / Program / Literacy program for Chinese Parents & Grandparents / Edmonton Chinese Community Services Centre / Lan Chan-Marples / 429-3111
PROJECT TITLE / DESCRIPTION / CONTACT / WHO / PHONE #BOOK / "No one Must Know"- for sale-Seniors & Depression / Agnes Jensen / 466-9478
BOOKLISTS / Titles of Interest to Seniors / Tracy Sopkow / Edmonton Public Library / 496-1982
COMPETITION / For Design Students-invent a roller chair / Agnes Jensen / 466-9478
COOKBOOK / IYOP Cookbook with recipes from Aboriginal Seniors / Shiela Garbe / Native Seniors' Centre / 476-6595
DISPLAY / Myths & Stereotypes of Aging / Pat Power / Community Services Public Education Team / 496-5974
DISPLAYS / Re: Seniors / Tracy Sopkow / Edmonton Public Library / 496-1982
FUNDING / Grants available for multi-cultural projects / Nick Spillios / Alberta Association for Multicultural Education / 483-5294
GRANT / $1200 grant provided for Elderhostel Program / Edmonton Area Elderhostel Speakers' Bureau
PAMPHLET / Brochure on Financial abuse to go out with CPP cheques / Jeanette Wright / Elder abuse Team / 496-4990
PET PROJECT / Seniors Education & Discount for Pet Adoptions / Kirsten Rains / Alberta Community Development & ESPCA / 422-4526
POSTER/ BROCHURE / 101 Active Living Ideas for Older Adults / Jennifer Tuininga / Alberta Centre for Well-Being / 427-6949
PROGRAM / Senior Friendly Program -How To Become More Senior Friendly-Tool kits, Workshops, Video / Jan Reimer / Alberta Council on Aging / 423-7781
RESEARCH / Strengths and Needs Assessment of Edmonton Seniors / Roger Laing / FCSS-Collaborative P roject-Seniors' Agencies / 423-5510
RESEARCH / Impact of the Aging Population / Marlene Kurt / Alberta Community Development / 427-6566
SENIORS' WALL / Plaques saluting special seniors on a wall at Goldstick Park / Deborah Johnstone / Easter Seal Office / 429-0137
THEATRE / Older Adults and Physical Activity / Jennifer Tuininga / Alberta Centre for Well-Being / 427-6949
VIDEO / Veterans' Contributions to Society / Sherry Schaefer / Mewburn Veterans' Centre / 496-7199
WEB LINK / From Library Web-Site to Alberta IYOP Web Site / Tracy Sopkow / Edmonton Public Library / 496-1982
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