Bookings by the end of July 2018 to Sheila Wynn, 17 Southfield Drive,

West Bradford, Clitheroe, Lancashire BB7 4TU

Email: or Phone: 01200 425813

Mobile number, for use at the event only, 07875 284334

(When booking please let me know if you do NOT want to have the buffet lunch on Saturday and advise of any dietary requirements if you do.

Also, please inform me ofwhich field meetings you wish to attend and whether you will require transport. If you are coming by car please let me know how many passengers you can take, as car sharing will be necessary on Sunday and Monday)


Evening meals at Slapton: If you are not staying at the Field Studies Centre and would like to join us for an evening meal on any day, please book your meal directly with Kerry Taylor at Slapton Ley by phoning01548 580466. The cost per meal will be £10, payable in advance. The deadline for booking meals is Friday 24th August.

Friday 31stAugust at 2 pm: Branch and Competition Secretaries' Meeting

Theroom will be available from 1pm and tea and coffee will be available before and after the meeting.

Saturday 1stSeptember

Walk on the shingle ridge between Slapton Ley and the sea. Leader: John Swindells

Meet at the Field Studies CentreSX823449 at 9.30.

We will observe many of the plants typical of a shingle shore line and hope to see some of the local specialities including Lanceolate Spleenwort (Asplenium obovatum), Strapwort (Corrigiolalitoralis), Shrubby Hare’s-ear (Bupleurum fruticosum) and Sea Daffodil (Pancratium maritimum).

1pm: Buffet Lunch

This year a buffet lunch will replace the usual tea party. The cost will be £10/person payable on the day.

2pm: AGMfollowed by a short talk by Bethan Staggon ‘Novel teaching methods in botany’

With part-funding from the Wild Flower Society, Bethan has designed and piloted a variety of novel teaching and engagement methods for botany, including computer and mobile identification keys, memory games, drama games and observation-based learning methods. She will present her findings to date.

There will be a short break for tea and cake followed by

An illustrated talk by Andy Byfield entitled,‘Saving rare plants in the south-west’

During the afternoon, entries to the Photographic Competition will be on display and the winners will be announced. Entries to the ‘Shoot and Show’ competition will be voted on by members present at the AGM.

There will be our usual Plant Identification Quiz, provided by Stephen Clarkson.

There will also be a sale of botanical books donated by Tom Fowler and others. A list of these with suggested minimum prices will be circulated before the event.


Leaders: Andy Byfield & other local botanistsFor contact on the days of the meetings: Andy Byfield : 07816 945650 Sheila Wynn: 07875 284334


Wet weather gear – Devon can be dank!

Windproof & warm clothes – we are botanising mainly at low altitudes, but the coast could be windy.

Stout footwear – many of the sites are rocky/ rough, but all are dry.

Sunglasses / suncream / hats etc – in the unlikely event that the sun shines!

Lunch – bring packed lunches on both the Sunday and Monday

Sunday 2nd SEPTEMBER
10.00 hrs / Tavistock Railway Line
Humid secondary woodland in railway cutting
Common ferns luxuriate at this site, more temperate rainforest gorge than urban railway cutting. The highlight here is the population of Diaphanous Bladder-fern Cystopterisdiaphana, which forms veritable curtains (for small windows!) of fronds along a short stretch of dripping cliff. Fans of hybrids may spot Polystichumxbicknellii. / Car park at Kilworthy Park / West Devon District Council offices at SX481747
[Approaching Abbey Place from the south-west on the A386, turn left at Abbey Place T-junction, carrying on straight ahead at the cross-roads with West & Duke streets. After c. 250m, pass under railway viaduct, taking first turning right. Follow road for c.200m – car park at end of road].
[Gentle 1.5 km walk along level; 1 hour]
11.30 hrs / Dewerstone Rocks, Shaugh Prior
Humid riverside woodland
The River Plym tumbles through a deep and wooded ‘cleave’ as it drains off the steep flanks of Dartmoor. The filmy ferns Hymenophyllumtunbrigense H. wilsonii grow over riverside rocks and trunks, the former in luxuriant abundance. Lemon-scented Fern(Oreopterislimbosperma) is abundant in one spot, whilst Hay-scented Buckler Fern (Dryopteris aemula) and Royal Fern (Osmundaregalis) occur rarely. Eagle-eyed folk may even find Killarney Fern (Trichomanesspeciosum) in shady recesses – but sadly only gametophytes! On leaving Dewerstone, fine Asplenium obovatum adorns dry walls in adjacent Shaugh Prior village (we’ll stop briefly if time permits, depending on car numbers!) / Park cars at the National Trust Shaugh Bridge car park (at SX533636, immediately S. of Shaugh Bridge).
[1 - 1.5 km walk along boulder-strewn riverside – we’ll take things slowly! 1.5 hours]
13.30 hrs / Blackstone Point, south of Noss Mayo
Grazed coastal cliff slopes on Devonianshales
The National Trust manage the cliffs east of the entrance to the River Yealm beautifully, resulting in glorious well-grazed turf. Weather permitting, we’ll take a late picnic lunch on the gentle cliff slopes, before botanising. We should see Autumn Squill (Prospero autumnalis) and Autumn-ladies Tresses (Spiranthesautumnalis), but the highlight will be Shore Dock (Rumexrupestris) in one of its larger UK populations. / Park in National Trust car-park at SX541665. Car park fee may be payable (probably donation). We need to keep car numbers low – car sharing essential).
[1.5 – 2 km walk down relatively gentle cliff slopes – we’ll aim to do a small circuit, but possibilities of returning to cars early! 2 hours]
16.00 hrs / Jennycliff, Mount Batten, Plymouth
Cliffs with flushes
We’ll take advantage of the low tide (at 16.58 hrs) to view dramatically good colonies of native Maidenhair Fern Adiantum capillus-veneris on Devonian shale cliffs, with all-important tufa-encrusted, lime-rich seepages. Asplenium marinum also present. Plus a grandstand view of Plymouth Sound, with the city and Cornwall beyond. / Car park at SX492523. Currently free of charge.
Café (if we are not too late!), plus toilet facilities likely to be available.
[c. 0.5 km walk, down tarmac path to beach – fairly steep with steps, but easy walking. 1hour]
Monday 3rd September
10.30 hrs / Berry Head, Brixham
Devonian Limestone headland / Park cars at the Berry Head Country Park car park at SX9405561, at south end of country park. Car parking charges apply – bring change.
[c. 3 km walk, generally easy on the flat plateau of the headland. We’ll take it slowly – 4hours +]
Berry Head is the finest remaining expanse of Devonian Limestone habitat in the UK, and one of Britain’s classic botanical spots, famed for its abundance of rare plants and fine views.
We’ll first head south, toward Mudstone Bay where moderately humid cliff-slope grassland is home to one of the UK’s larger colonies of Goldilocks Aster (Aster linosyris). Returning to the Berry Head Common, we’ll gently mosey our way northwards, stopping off at varied spots to see many of the classic plants (though most well past their best!). Autumn Squill, Autumn Ladies’-tresses. Autumn Felwort (Gentianella amarella) should be in fine form, whilst Blue Fescue (Festuca longifolia) andSmall Meadow-rue (Thalictrum minus) should be in seed. Additionally, we could / should see Small Hare’s-ear (Bupleurum baldense), Nit Grass (Gastridiumventricosum), Honewort (Triniaglauca) and White Rock-rose (Helianthemum apenninum) in varied states of decay! A mint hybrid – probablyMenthaxgentilisorMxpiperita– occurs in one spot, along with other non-natives such asAloe aristataand an abundance of Common Parsley (Petroselinum crispum). Altogether, the flora should make for a fine day’s botanising, even at this late stage of the season.
Bring a picnic lunch (which we’ll eat during our walk), and we can finish off the day with tea and scones in the excellent café on site.



1STSEPTEMBER 2018, 2pm,




  1. Apologies for Absence
  1. Minutes of previous meeting (published in the Wild Flower Magazine, Winter 2018)
  1. Matters Arising
  1. Financial Matters:

a)To adopt the approved accounts for the year ending 31/12/2017

b)Election of the Independent Examiner

  1. Officers’ reports.
  1. Photographic Secretary’s report
  1. Election of Officers
  1. Election to Executive Committee
  1. Other Business
  1. Date and venue of next meeting: 7thSeptember 2019at Wolvercote, Oxfordshire
  1. Presentation of the Presidents’ Award