The Mayor and Council met in regular session on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.

in the meeting room in City Hall.


Percy J. Purnell, Jr., Mayor

LaVerne Johnson, Council Vice President

Raymond D. Anderson, Councilman

Kimberly B. Lawson, Councilman

Mike Atkins, Councilman

Mark Konapelsky, Councilman

Robin Cockey, City Solicitor

Michael Sullivan, Attorney

Joyce L. Morgan, Clerk-Treasurer

Mike Tabor, Chief of Police

Harold W. Frock, Sr., Supt. Public Utilities/Works

Noah Bradshaw, Inspector

Also in attendance; Valerie Swift, Secretary; Dennis Smith; Bibiana Cohee; Billy Drewer;

Eddie Heath; Liz Holland; Arnold Agello; Irving Saltz; Robert Hooks; Richard Crumbacker; Lamont

Potter; Phil Riggin; Greg Cain and Matt Cain.

Mayor Purnell called the meeting to order with the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of the minutes was deferred until the end of the meeting.


Mr. Dennis Smith, Park Manager, appeared before the Mayor and Council to invite them and

the public to an open house at the park on May 5th from 11-3. Councilman Lawson thanked him for

the park service.


Chief Mike Tabor presented his monthly report highlighting its contents. He also noted that

that Officer Devonta Watford had resigned to accept a position closer to his home. The Chief advised

that the Department is looking for a certified officer.

Mayor Purnell commented that CPD officers have been loyal to the Chief adding that he appre-

ciates the Chief keeping up the spirit of loyalty.

Council Vice President Johnson commended the officers for the Anthony Ward funeral detail.

Mayor Purnell made reference to the Red Speed Camera agreement, which Mr. Cockey had re-

viewed and advised that he would hold on signing until Mr. Frock reported on the cost for street


Joyce L. Morgan, Clerk- Treasurer, presented her monthly budget report, comparing the actual

budget to the 9 month budget.

Harold W. Frock, Sr., Superintendent of Public Utilities/Works, presented his monthly report.

Mr. Frock reviewed a drawing of the mark-up for the school zone at a cost of $1200 per

school for CHS and Headstart.

Mr. Frock also reviewed the list of goals for the Carvel Hall property. Mayor Purnell requested

holding on the two electric bids for Carvel Hall.

Mr. Frock reviewed a letter from MDE concerning the mandatory replacement of the well doors.

Councilman Konapelsky advised that he would like to look at the doors due to the expense, before

having them replaced.

After further brief discussion, Councilman Lawson made a tentative motion to make a budget

adjustment of up to $7,000 to replace the doors on the wells with steel doors. Motion seconded by

Council Vice President Johnson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Purnell made reference to a bid from Bozman Paving for Tawes Drive, which would be

held till later in the meeting.

Noah Bradshaw, Inspector, presented his monthly report, highlighting its contents. He also

made reference to imposing fines on people who cut their grass and blow it into the street. Councilman

Konapelsky asked that the City use common sense and not go overboard when issuing fines.

Councilman Lawson made reference to all of the condemned houses in the City and advised

that a new plan was needed to build homes in the City, offering incentives such as tax abatement

structure for municipal government workers, teachers and workers that live in the City but work out-

side. Councilman Lawson advised that we need to encourage new citizenry by taking drastic action

and made a motion that the Planning Commission, Mayor and Council and Mr. Bradshaw draw up

a Resolution for this plan. Motion seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Purnell presented for 2nd Reader Ordinance 617 Deleting Article 1, Section 112-5.

Approval so moved by Councilman Atkins, seconded by Councilman Konapelsky and carried unani-


Mayor Purnell made reference to the American Legion Agreement as presented by Mr. Phil

Riggin,Commander. Mr. Cockey advised making sure the City has the proper insurance coverage.

Mrs. Morgan advised that the City has it.

Councilman Lawson made reference to the Beach Improvement group. Mr. Riggin advised

that the group gave a presentation to the Legion.

Mr. Bradshaw noted that the City would have to do permits for any work that the beach

group does.

After a brief discussion, Councilman Lawson made a motion to accept the terms of the lease

with the American Legion. Motion seconded by Councilman Konapelsky and carried unanimously.

Request for Sign Waiver

Greg and Matt Cain appeared before the Mayor and Council to request a waiver of the current

sign ordinance. Mr. Bradshaw noted that the current ordinance does not allow for any direct source of

light, therefore the ordinance would have to be re-written.

Councilman Lawson advised that the Planning Commission would have to make the recom-

mendation to the Mayor and Council. Mr. Cockey advised that the Board of Zoning Appeals could

grant a Variance for this request.

Mayor Purnell advised that the City would proceed with this matter as soon as possible.

Bids – Carvel Hall Electricity

Mrs. Morgan opened and read aloud the bids that were received for Carvel Hall as follows;

Scott Drewer & Sons – 600 AMP, 480 V - $36K, Bradshaw Electric – 600 AMP, 480 V - $9,893.

Mayor Purnell advised Mr. Bradshaw to review the bids and re-bid if necessary.

Depot Bids – Design Services

Mrs. Morgan opened and read aloud bids received for design services at the depot as

follows; George Young - $15,525, GMB – Declined to bid, and Davis, Bowen & Friedel - $182,450.

Mayor Purnell requested that the bids be tabled at this time, for review.

Event Applications

Mayor Purnell presented Event Applications for Movie’s at the Dock, Elks Flag Day and the

Little League Parade.

Mrs. Morgan noted that the City’s Liability Insurance would cover the Movie events, but if

an event is off-site, the City would get a rider policy.

At this time, Council Vice President Johnson made a motion to approve the event applications

for the Movies on the Dock. Motion seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried unanimously.

Council Vice President Johnson made a motion to approve the Flag Day celebration event ap-

plication. Motion seconded by Councilman Atkins and carried unanimously.

Council Vice President Johnson made a motion to approve the Little League Parade event

application. Motion seconded by Councilman Atkins and carried unanimously.

Approval of Deferred Minutes

At this time, Councilman Atkins made a motion to approve the minutes from the Closed

Meeting of March 14, 2012, the Regular Meeting of March 14, 2012 and the Special Meeting of

March 23, 2012, as written. Motion seconded by Councilman Konapelsky and carried unanimously.

Red Speed Contract

Mayor Purnell presented for review the Red Speed Contract. Councilman Atkins made

reference to item I, as to who pays the $5.00 fee for flagging, the driver or the client ( City). It

was clarified that the fee would be paid by the registered owner. At this time, Councilman Kona-

pelsky made a motion to accept the contract with Red Speed with the modification. Motion seconded

by Councilman Lawson and carried unanimously. It was also concurred that the enforcement would

commence at the beginning of the school year.

Mayor Purnell made reference to the dip in the highway in the area of 7th & Broadway. Mr.

Frock noted that this area met compression requirements at the time. Mayor Purnell advised that

Goldsborough Construction has a tentative price to make this repair. Mr. Frock advised that this won’t

interfere with the crosswalk.

At this time, Councilman Anderson made a motion to go ahead with the repairs. Motion

seconded by Council Vice President Johnson and carried unanimously.

Public Input

Irving Saltz commented that if thieves can steal copper pipe, they can steal the well doors.

Councilman Lawson advised that they are in a secure site.

Lamont Potter commented that there was no promotion of Little League at the Community


Bibianna Cohey inquired about banning skateboarding. Mayor Purnell advised that this is only

at the new park because of liability and vandalism issues.

Mayor and Council Q & A and Report

Councilman Atkins made reference to the need to pave Tawes Drive and commented that

without curb and gutter the road will still erode. Councilman Atkins commented that he was sorry to

see a good police officer like Devonte Watford leave. He also made reference to the sad passing of

Mr. Anthony Ward. Councilman Atkins also made reference to the open house at the park and

McCready Hospital’s Founder’s Day, both on May 5th.

Councilman Konapelsky had no comments.

Councilman Anderson reminded everyone about the upcoming Pride Lodge parade.

Council Vice President Johnson commented that Mr. Anthony Ward was a good man.

Councilman Lawson noted that he has the blueprint for the park walking trail and also

advised that May 14th is National Kids to Parks Day. He advised that an event needs to be planned.

Councilman Lawson also advised that the beach group wants to paint the chain link fence.

Mayor Purnell advised that the City will get the paint.

Councilman Lawson thanked Mr. Frock and his personnel for their operation of the treatment


Councilman Lawson commented that he agrees that Tawes Drive is awful and needs paving, but

a street paving plan is needed before it is done “piecemeal”.

Councilman Lawson commented that it is hard to restrict skateboarders from using the park as

it has a sidewalk.

Councilman Lawson advised that he appreciates the City employees. He also reminded every-

one about tomorrow’s wind turbine public hearing.

Council Vice President Johnson reminded everyone about the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

on May 3rd.

There being no further business for discussion, Councilman Atkins made a motion to

adjourn, seconded by Councilman Konapelsky and carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at

8:16 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joyce L. Morgan, Clerk-Treasurer

Prepared by Valerie Swift, Secretary

M&C 41112