Turner Fenton Secondary School
Council Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Present: Jesus N. Gueriba, ImanMohamud, NatisaMohamud, DavinderKhehra, NiloferJetha, MalathyJegath, Sandra McLean, Hugh Wemegah, Richard Rozario, Janice Ing, Paul Hamilton, Ben Keeley, Cathy Darmanin, JagjitSidhu, Brensley Dickson, Shazia (Nadia) Jangda, Janet Vander Griendt, Bonnie Lauer, Tracy Zason, Suzanne Highgate, Sharon Lennie, RajkumarSeeparsad, Kerri Chisholm, AmitDalal, KarimLadak, Harwinder K. Puri, Parul Sharma and ShantiBhardwaj
Regrets: Terri Nunn, Martha Brunet, Gwen MacKenzie
1. Agenda approved
2. Meeting minutes from Thursday, May 17, 2012 approved
3. Elections were held. Chair: Janice Ing, Vice Chair: Harwinder K. Puri, Secretary: Christiana Wemegah
Principal report---Richard Rozario
-enrolment is 2150 students, we are staffed for 2086. Students are being reassigned, classes restructured number wise and teachers hired. Changes will be in effect mid October.
-more than 20 new staff
-reduced clerical staff by 2
-new gym floor in the south hall
-By September 2013 the School Board will be wireless. Turner is first in line thanks to the efforts of Mr. Hamilton, Vice Principal
-School Board states –Empower all to participate, learn and succeed. It is important to make sure all students feel valued regardless of pathway.
-Pervasive use of technology for teaching and learning
-The school continue on path to become a cashless school. Events like Terry Fox Run will likely be under cashless option next year
-Parent Night- October 18, 2012. Appointments can be made to meet with teachers.
Staff report—Janet Vander Griendt
-transition of Grade 9 was successful. Grade 9 students will continue to be monitored throughout the school year by the Link Crew
START, Girls Night and Boys Night are normally held in the Fall are being organized for the Spring this school year.
Discussion of Parent information evening— there are packages from the School Board to hand out to parents. Refreshments will be provided by the school. Brampton Safe City will have a table set up promoting the Yes program. Sheets to gather parents email address will be set up. Mr. Rozario and Peel Regional community officer will speak. Other topics to be covered are Kiss and Ride, cashless schools, attendance, study skills.