The Mathematical Association – Teaching Committee – Post-16 Subcommittee

Annual Conference 2006 – Advanced Revision – Resources

23 April 2006



AdvancedRevisionIdeas.docIntroduction and suggestions for how to approach revision and websites to use
Microsoft Word document

AdvancedRevisionResources.docThis document
Microsoft Word document

BingoCards.docBingo cards for general questions
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

HowToPassAnExam.pdfAdvice for candidates
Adobe Acrobat file

PastPaperChase.xlsGroup activity for working past papers
Microsoft Excel workbook

RevisionCards.docExamples of revision cards which students annotate and personalise
Microsoft Word document

RevisionNewsletter.docExample of a school’s newsletter for staff on revision
Microsoft Word document

RevisionPlanner.docExample of an outline revision planer for students to complete
Microsoft Word document

SPECS.pptA whole-centre approach to revision
Microsoft Powerpoint presentation

Core AS

ASAQARevision.docMixed revision exercises for AQA C1 and C2
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

DifferentiationExtension.docExtension exercise on differentiation
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

DifferentiationExtrema.docPractice of turning points
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

DifferentiationRational.docMatching activity on differentiation with rational powers
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

FractionsAlgebraic.docMatching activity on algebraic fractions
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

FractionsNumericalAddition.docMatching question and answer cards to practice addition of numerical fractions
Microsoft Word document

Indices1.docMultiple-choice quiz on indices
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

Indices2.docExecrices on solving problems with indices
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

IndicesAlgebraic.docMatching activity on algebraic indices
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

IndicesNumerical.docMatching cards for numerical indices and suggested activities using them
Microsoft Word document

IntegrationArea.docPractice of finding areas by integration
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

IntegrationRational.docActivities on integration with rational powers
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

Logarithms.docActivities consolidating the laws of logarithms
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

LogarithmEquations.docPractice of solving exponential equations using logarithms
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

MixedAS1.fjswMixed revision, C1 and C2
Standard 6-piece jigsaw using DfES Standards Unit software

MixedAS2.fjswMixed revision, C1 and C2
Standard 24-piece jigsaw using DfES Standards Unit software

MixedAS3.fjswMixed revision, mainly quadratics and differentiation
Standard 24-piece jigsaw using DfES Standards Unit software

Progressions1.docMatching cards for arithmetic and geometric progressions (solutions on first page)
Microsoft Word document

Progressions2.docMatching cards for arithmetic and geometric progressions
Microsoft Word document

Progressions3.docOutline summary for arithmetic and geometric progressions
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

QuadraticCompletingSquare.docPractice in completing the square
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

QuadraticEquations.docMatching cards for solving quadratic equations
Microsoft Word document

QuadraticInequalities.docPractice in quadratic inequalities
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

QuadraticProof.docOutline of a proof of a formula for solving quadratic equations
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

Quadratics.fjswQuadratic expressions in factorised and expanded forms
Standard 24-piece jigsaw using DfES Standards Unit software

Series.docMatching cards for series (solutions on first page)
Microsoft Word document

SimultaneousEqQuadLin.docPractice in solving simultaneous equations: one linear, one quadratic
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

TrigonometricEquations.docPractice of solving trigonometric equations
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

TrigonometricTransformations.docMatching activity on transformations of trigonometric curves
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

Trigonometry.docMatching activity on trigonometry
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

Core A2

ExponentialsAndLogarithms.docExercises on exponentials and logarithms
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

IntegrationTrigMatch.docMatching activity on integration of trigonometric functions
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

IntegrationTrigSummary.docSummary of techniques for integrating expressions involving trigonometric functions
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

Iteration.docOutlines for posters for students to complete and illustrate graphically
Microsoft Word document

ModulusFunction.docActivities for the modulus function
Microsoft Word document

TransformingFunctions.docCards for transformations of functions for students to identify and illustrate on posters
Microsoft Word document

TrigonometryProofs.docTrigonometrics proofs with steps to be cut up then arranged in order
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

Further Pure

ComplexNumbersDeMoivre.docExercise using De Moivre’s Theorem
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

ComplexNumbersForms.docBlank-filling exercise on different representations of complex numbers
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

ConicClassify.docMatching cards for different descriptions and properties of conics
Microsoft Word document

FP1AQARevision.docMixed revision exercises for AQA FP1
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

HyperbolicGraphs.docExercise matching hyperbolic graphs to their equations
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

HyperbolicIdentities.docExercise on hyperbolic identities stressing the links with trigonometric identities
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

HyperbolicIntegration.docDominoes of functions and their integrals involving hyperbolic functions
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

HyperbolicInverses.docGraphs of inverse hyperbolic functions for description
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

SimultaneousEquationsTriple.docExercise illustrating the geometrical interpretation of the solution of three equations
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)


Kinematics1D.fjswKinematics in one dimension with constant acceleration (formulae in centre)
Standard 24-piece jigsaw using DfES Standards Unit software

M1Summary.docSummary of M1 quantities and their properties (outline and completed versions)
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)


BinomialDistributionExercise.docExercise practising the binomial distribution
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

BinomialDistributionJigsaw.doc24-piece jigsaw practising the binomial distribution
Microsoft Publisher document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

BinomialDistributionSummary.docSummary of key points about the binomial distribution
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

BivariateData.docMatching activity on correlation and regression
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

CLTandCI.docMultiple-choice quiz on the Central Limit Theorem and Confidence Intervals
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

ConfidenceIntervals.docPractice in calculating confidence intervals
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

NormalDistribution.docMatching activity on the normal dstribution
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

PopulationSample.docPopulation parameters and sample statistics summary with matching activity
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

Probability.pub24-piece jigsaw practising elementary probability with associated contingency table
Microsoft Publisher document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

S1RevisionInteractive1.docOn-screen drag and drop exercise to revise statistical terminology
Microsoft Word document

S1RevisionInteractive2.docExamples of question types using fields in a document for an on-screen activity
Microsoft Word document

S1RevisionTestAllWrong.docA test with wrong answers – a way of drawing attention to common errors
Microsoft Word document

TI82ObservedDataBivariate.docGuide to using the TI-82 to calculate correlation and regression
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

TI82ObservedDataGrouped.docGuide to using the TI-82 to calculate summary statistics for grouped data
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)

TI82ObservedDataIndividual.docGuide to using the TI-82 to calculate summary statistics for individual data
Microsoft Word document (provided by Sir George Monoux College)