Status note: These minutes are draft until approved at the next meeting. If amendments are made they will be referred to at the next meeting. The minutes on the web site will always be the draft minutes and may exclude attachments that make the file size too large. If necessary the reader should therefore refer to the following meetings minutes or speak to the chairman.
1 / Minutes of CLUB COUNCIL 12THNOVEMBER2013. / Action2 / Attendance.R. A. Crowe(RAC),Keith Elliott(KE), Alan Haines(AH), Denis Power-Neads(DPN), David Shannon(DAS).
Apologies. David Pattinson(DP),Tony Roberts(ACR),David Tranter(DT), Ivor Walker(IW). / N/A
The President welcomed Helen Van-Ristell to the meeting.
3 / Minutes of the Last Club Council.
After altering AOB 1 to read £3600-00, They were agreed as a true record, and proposed by DS, and seconded by DP-N.
4 / Matters arising.
1)Item 5 AOB the Club Marquees will be checked thoroughly for damage by (IW) and Malcolm Humphries when they are next erected
5 / Correspondence.
1)President. None.
2)Secretary. Has been asked by District to show next year’s “Conference DVD, he will arrange for this to be shown at the next meeting prior to the Phil Noakes “My Job Talk”.
3)Other Members. None
6 / Treasurer.
1)The Treasurer reported that we are still owed subscriptions by three members, the President will chase two and the Treasurer will chase the third.
7 / Cleo Maheson Fund.
1)AH reported that there had been changes to the investments with the sale of our Vodophone shares.
2)The fund as of this date stood at £43K.
3)Alan was thanked for his diligence at looking after this fund.
8 / Membership and Services Committee.
1)DS reported that the Club Guidance notes had been passed on to club members and voted for by the attending members.
2)The Charter was discussed and a) the President confirmed that the speaker would be James Button, speaking on “A Light Hearted Look atLicensing”. The menus will be available later in the week and the President and Secretary would meet at 11-30 hrs before our next club meeting. the committee decided that the following be invited guests at the charter a) Mayor & Mayoress, b) The DG and his lady, c) the President of Southwell and his lady, d) the President of Newark Castle and his Lady, e) the President of Inner Wheel and her Husband, and f) the Speaker for the evening and his Lady.
3)A risk assessment is to be completed for the Waitrose Collections. After long discussions it was decided that the Council could not recommend the visit to the “Averham Players” production as the risk assessment would not be acceptable.
4)There would be the following boards circulated at our next meeting, a) Christmas Carol Service, b) Waitrose Collection.
5)It was decided that we would try to arrange to have a stall on Newark Market on Saturday 16th November for the Philippines typhoon disaster, the president will contact NSDC, NCC, for the necessary licences etc and ask Andy Foreman to co-ordinate with Castle Club.
9 / International & Foundation Committee.
1)No report this month.
10 / Community Service Committee.
1)KE reported that all his committee decisions were now on the web site, and there were no further items to discuss.
11 / Programme.
1)KE stated that alterations to the programme had been forwarded to all members.
2)Brian Richardson has offered his premises once again to hold a Charity Evening, this is to be held on 28-03-14 it was also decided that the money raised would be allocated to the Cleo Maheson Fund.
12 / Youth Service.
1)No report this month.
13 / Fund Raising.
1)All events are now on the Club Programme.
14 / H & S.
1)As discussed in M & S minutes.
15 / Equality/Diversity.
1)Nothing to report at this meeting.
16 / Vulnerable Persons.
1)Nothing to report at this meeting.
17 / Items from District Council/RIBR/RI.
1)The next District Council Meeting 11th December Novotel.
2)It was reported that Andy Foreman and Helen Van-Ristell had attended the District Membership Workshop.
18 / AOB.
1)KE proposed that the Club look into purchasing their own projector etc for use when visitors require this facility. It was decided to discuss when the Treasurer was in attendance.
2)DS had spoken to a member of the Lions Club (which is in danger of folding) they have a “Santa Sleigh” which he reported that they were likely to donate to the Club.
3)Helen Van-Ristell reported on the Satellite Group, and informed us that the Deincourt were raising their prices for the breakfast to an exorbitant level, and the group were looking for another venue. She also reminded the council of their “Bag Pack” at Marks & Spencer.
4)Andy foreman asked the Council for joint funding for literature showing “Rotary in Newark” this was agreed.
19 / Date of Next Meetings.
The President thanked all for attending, and the dates of the next meetings were confirmed as follows.
December 5th 2013, (2014) January 14th, February 4th, March 12th, April 16th, May 13th, June 4th,
All at 38 Winchilsea Avenue, at 19-00 hrs. DS will hold his “Shadow Council” on June 17th. / N/A