30 to300Film Festival
- The length of the film should be between 30 seconds and 5 minutes (300 seconds).
- There will be 4 categories: Junior High (grades 6 to 9), High school (Grades 10, 11 and 12), Christian schooling promotional film and overall best film.
- The themes of films must be consistent with biblical values or films must show a biblical principle or principles.
- Films to be submitted online to
- Music, animation, existing clips can be used with appropriate permissions from their sources.
- Positivepresentation of alcohol abuse, use of illegal drugs or tobacco, criminal activity or other behaviour contrary to the principles of Scripture will result in disqualification. So will films that include swearing (i.e.,“taking the Lord’s name in vain”)or use of other foul language.
Incomplete (1-5 points) / Satisfactory (6-10 points) / Proficient (11-15 points) / Exemplary (16-20 points) / /150
Concept / The story concept is unclear or missing vital information. / The story concept is complete and identifiable. / The story concept is intriguing and clearly defined. / The story concept is original, compelling, thought-provoking and/or memorable. / /20
Production Value / The film is difficult to watch or understand. Elements of the creative, pre-production, production, or editing are missing. / The film adequately communicates the story to the audience and demonstrates some planning in the creative, pre-production, production, and editing stages. / The film is concise and demonstrates careful planning in the creative, pre-production, production, editing and finishing stages. / The film demonstrates intentionality and professionalism in all details of production, including but not limited to, the creative process, pre-production, production, editing and finishing. / /20
Character(s) / The character(s) are unrelatable, flat or unbelievable. Their qualities are not demonstrated on screen. / The character(s) are relatable and believable, although the qualities that make them intriguing are not demonstrated on screen. / The character(s) are relatable and believable, and intriguing. / The character(s) are relatable, believable and intriguing. The audience feels an emotional connection with them. / /20
Story Goal / The story lacks a clear purpose or goal to move the story forward. / The story has a purpose or goal to move the story forward, but it is difficult to identify or seems weak. / The story has a clear purpose or goal to move the story forward. The audience can recognize the character’s desire and relate to it. / The story has a clear purpose or goal to move the story forward, The audience feels a vested interest in seeing them succeed. / /20
Conflict / The story lacks conflict, and the character(s) encounter no challenges. / The story has some conflict, but it is difficult to identify or seems weak. / The story is centred around a compelling and believable conflict, that is resolved. / The story is centred around a compelling and believable conflict, and resolves in a satisfying, and/or unexpected way. / /20
Theme / The story lacks a message or moral. / There is a message or moral to the story, but it is difficult to identify. / There is a clear message or purpose to the story. / There is a strong, memorable and easily identified message or moral to the story. / /20
Creativity / The short film demonstrates that the creator(s) did not utilize the resources available to them in the making of the film. / The short film demonstrates that the creator(s) utilized creativity in the making of the film. / The short film demonstrates that the creator(s) utilized creativity and problem solving skills in the making of the film. / The short film demonstrates that the creator(s) utilized creativity, problem solving skills and originality in the making of the film. / /20
Additional Elements / Notes: / /10