Honors Psychology Final Exam Review Name______
1. What is the definition of Psychology?
2. Who established the first Psychology lab, in what year?
3. How do psychologists define behavior?
4. What perspective of Psychology are Rogers and Maslow associated with?
5. What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
6. What are the characteristics of naturalistic observation?
7. Define the following parts of an experiment: control group, experimental group, random assignment, placebo, double-blind, independent variable, dependent variable, sample
8. Define the parts of the nerve cell: axon, dendrite, axon terminal, myelin sheath, cell body. Describe the sequence of signal transmission (what order the message travels).
9. What are the chemical messengers produced by the endocrine system called? Name 3 and describe their effects on behavior.
10 What are neurotransmitters? Name 3 and describe their effects on behavior.
11. Contrast the behaviors of the right and left hemispheres.
12. Identify the 4 primary lobes and describe their main roles.
13. What body gland regulates body growth?
14 (a-i) What are the primary roles of the following brain parts:
a. thalamus,
b. corpus callosum,
c. reticular formation,
d. cerebellum,
e. hypothalamus,
f. medulla,
g. pons,
h. hippocampus,
i. amygdala
15. What controls the size of the pupil?
16 What are the functions of the rods and cones?
17. What is the order in which sound passes through the ear?
18. Summarize Gestalt.
19 (a-c). What are the processes of the following Rules of Gestalt:
a. Proximity
b. Similarity
c. Continuity
20. Define Illusion. Give a real life (non-artistic or Goggle regurgitated ) example.
21. What are the 4 stages of sleep, describe each.
22. Why is REM sleep considered paradoxical?
23. List 2 consequences of sleep deprivation (death doesn’t count, although ultimately it’s true).
24. (a-c) What are the characteristics of the following sleep disorders:
a. sleep apnea,
b. insomnia,
c. narcolepsy,
25. How does meditation change behavior?
26. What roles can hypnosis play in helping people manage behavior?
27. What type of learning is associated with B.F. Skinner?
26. Identify the 4 components of Motivation.
27. What is a drive?
28. Identify 2 major theories of motivation? How do they differ?
29. Draw and identify the stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
30. Define Id, Ego and Superego
31. What are 3 factors that indicate possible psychological disorder. Give an original example of each.
32. Define locus of control.
33. (a-h) Describe the basic symptoms of each disorder which causes discomfort or suffering.
a. phobia
b. generalized anxiety
c. obsessive compulsive
d. schizophrenia
e. depression
f. bi-polar
g. Substance Abuse (Addiction)
h. Alzheimer’s Disease
34. Why are labeling and stigmas subversive to mental health treatments?
34. What are the characteristics/components of Emotion?
35. How does Ekman’s theories help us understand emotions?
36. What is emotional literacy and why is it important to acknowledge increasing apathy in recent times?
37. What ideas about behavior does Carl Rogers connect?
38. What did Milgram find in his study of obedience?
39. What did Zimbardo find in his prison study?
40. What did Asch find in his conformity study?