PRR Notes

December 7, 1999

The Last Meeting…

Mel Colvin, PRR vice president, presided. The major item on the agenda was election of officers for 2000. The modelling demonstration was a repeat of Al Culver’sgreat step-by-stepdescription for building a fiberglasswing joiner tube for two-piece wings.


Eric Horn, current president, Mel Colvin, current vice president, and Al Culver, current Secretary/Treasurer all agreed to serve another year if no one had a burning desire (or could be drafted) to serve.

A question was brought up as to whether the Secretary/Treasurer position should be divided into two positions. This was discussed for a few minutes and rejected.

The members present unanimously decided to retain the current slate of club officers for another year. Bob Boettecher and Don Hart will continue as Safety Officers, and Don Hart will continue as Newsletter Editor with assistance from Les Grammer.

Al Culver announced that he may be leaving the Palouse in June 2000 to live in/near Muncie, IN, if his wife Carol Culver is offered and accepts the position of Education Director for AMA. We’ll all miss Al and Carol if they go.

Meeting Format

Mel Colvin found an article in the current issue of RCM by Chuck Cunningham that talked about a way to make club meetings more interesting and get more members to attend meetings. The basic idea is to have demonstrations/presentations/videos at the beginning of the meeting and have the business meeting afterwards. Those members attending the meeting decided to try this format next month. If it works out well, we’ll continue the new format.

Future Presentations

Everyone who flies models will at some time be faced with a damaged model.A suggestion for a future presentation/demonstration was reconstruction of a crashed model. If you have a suggestion for or would like to do a presentation or demonstration, contact Eric Horn, Mel Colvin or Al Culver.

Please bring models for display at future meetings – everyone enjoys seeing the results of all those long hours of building you spend in your shop.

New Members

Brian Lee introduced himself and asked for assistance with flight instruction. The club flight instruction program was outlined for him and an instructor was identified.He has building experience, but limitedexperience flying.Brian recently moved to the Palouse area from Edgewood, WA.

This led to a discussion of new member retention. Some new members come to one meeting and are never seen again. Others come to a few meetings, come to the flying field and then disappear. The suggestion was made to identify a mentor for each new member, someone who would be the primary contact for assistance with modeling and any club related questions. The mentor would be expected to follow-up by contacting the new member to learn what was needed to get him/her involved in flying with the club and to make sure the person knows when and where the next meeting is. If you would like to volunteer as a mentor, give your name to Al Culver.

Mall Show 2000

Bertle Spence, chairman for the Mall Show (he has graciously agreed to serve again), had the dates: set-up is Thursday, March 2, 2000; the display will run from Friday, March 3 through Sunday, March 5, 2000.

The idea was suggested that we might actually build a simple R/C model during the Mall Show. With several members working on it, it should progress rapidly and be completed by Sunday. A CG “Gentle Lady” glider was suggested as the model. One may be available for donation. This idea will be pursued at the next meeting.

K2R Spot Remover

K2R, a spray on spot remover, is great for removing soaked-in oil from balsa. It has been hard to get in local stores. Bertle Spence has arranged to get a case for club members. It can be purchased at Spence Hardware (915 White Ave, Moscow - phone 883-8131). Ask for Brian and tell him you are a club member interested in getting K2R. If you can’t make it to Spence Hardware, Bertle will bring the remainder of the case to the next club meeting.

Indoor Flying

Al Culverdid not have firm dates for the indoor flying at the Potlatch Elementary Gymnasium. He is planning for three dates this winter to be announced at a future meeting.

Puyallup Model Show

Reminder: The Puyallup Model Expo is scheduled for February. A great show with lots of fabulous models on display and booths for all the model industry companies. Plan to attend!

Year 2000 Dues

Club dues are due! Pay your $20 club dues soon to continue receiving the newsletter and all those other tangible and intangible club benefits.

Super Bowl Snow Fly 2000

The Super Bowl Snow Fly is on for Super Bowl Sunday at Jeff and Tawny Nelson’s flying field near Troy. Mark your Calendar! Great food! Great FUN!!! GREAT FLYING!!!

Refreshments for January meeting

Jeff Nelson volunteered to bring refreshments to the next meeting.