Spanish II Unit 1

4 / Application of the Standard
In addition to level 3, student will be able to:
- Use an enrichment activity outside the class room
- Find a solution for any application
- Do peer teaching / Meta cognition:
I know all this information and more
I can teach this information to others
I can maintain a conversation in Spanish with another speaker
I can write a poem is Spanish
3 / Unit 1
Standards for Learning Spanish
1.1 Interpersonal mode
•Discuss the challenge for each team in Central America.
•Speculate on which pair will win the challenge.
•Discuss what students know about Central America.
•Talk about the geographical features included in a legend.
•Interview a classmate.
•Play a guessing game with a classmate.
•Survey the class on a particular subject.
1.2. Interpretive mode
•Take notes from an audio recording.
•Read a cultural text and extract pertinent information.
•Summarize information in a written text.
1.3. Presentational mode
•Write a postcard to a friend.
•Write a poem.
•Write a summary of a pair’s challenge.
•Present an original short story based on characters in a painting.
•Develop a personal profile.
•Develop a diagram around the five critical questions of a familiar story.
2.1. Practices and perspectives
•Discuss prior knowledge of Central America.
•Read about the Mayan legend of creation.
•Read about the use of surnames.
•Research the influence of Mestizos on Central American cuisine.
2.2. Products and perspectives
•Discuss the impact of a Nicaraguan poem.
•Research the influence of Mestizos on Central American clothing.
3.1. Interdisciplinary connections
•Acquire knowledge of Central American geography.
•Work on a Venn diagram.
•Convert meters and kilos into feet and pounds.
•Discuss the auxiliary verb in English.
•Identify the main idea of a text.
•Write a short story.
3.2. Viewpoints through language / culture
•Read a cultural text in Spanish.
•Read a postcard from a foreign friend.
•Read a Rubén Darío poem.
•Read the blog of a Mayan teenager.
4.1. Compare languages
•Compare possessives
in English and Spanish.
•Compare the position
of adjectives in English
and Spanish.
•Compare irregular comparative adjectives.
•Compare interrogative sentence patterns in English and in Spanish.
4.2. Compare cultures
•Discuss cultural sharing.
•Discuss festivals which
use street puppets in the United States and in other countries.
•Compare myths and legends from different cultures.
•Discuss ecotourism.
5.1. Spanish within and beyond theschool setting
•Create a relationship web using photos and clippings.
•Discuss languages spoken in the student’s community.
•Based on two personality profiles, determine the best person suited to be class president.
5.2. Spanish for lifelong learners
•Plan an ecotourism trip.
•Write a poem.
•Research Central American topics. / Evaluation Criteria
Introduce oneself and others.
Express admiration of someone’s traits.
Express personal feelings and emotions.
Identify family members.
Describe someone’s physical characteristics and personality traits.
Express states of being and feeling.
Provide personal information.
Recognize and use possessive adjectives and pronouns.
Recognize and use adjectives that agree
in gender and number with the nouns
they modify.
Compare people and things to express equality, inequality, and extreme degrees of an adjective.
Recognize and use interrogatives when asking and responding to questions.
Express understanding of the role
of padrinos.
Express understanding of selected
Central American customs, geographical aspects, and historical facts.
Calculate height and weight using the International System of Measurement.
Identify the main idea of a text.
Write a short story about an imaginary character.
Meta cognition:
I know all this information
I am confident and understand this information
I can discuss and apply information with accuracy
I can move to level 4
2 / Unit 1
•To identify yourself and others.
•To describe people.
•To express states of being and feelings.
•To ask questions.
•To use expressions to introduce oneself,
to express admiration of someone and to express joy and fun.
•To describe family members and personal relationships.
•To describe a person’s physical characteristics and personality traits.
•To provide personal information.
•To make comparisons and use superlatives.
•To explore cultural aspects of Central America.
•To acquire facts about the geography and history of the countries in Central America. / Contents
Vocabulario. Vida personal
y social
Personal introductions, expressing admiration, expressing feelings
and emotions.
Family members and personal relationships.
Physical characteristics
and personality traits.
Emotional states and feelings.
Personal information.
Possessive adjectives and pronouns.
Adjectives and nouns.
Comparisons and superlatives.
To ask questions: Interrogatives.
Culture. Centroamérica (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panamá)
Central American geography
and cultures.
Lake Atitlán.
Los garífunas.
International System of Measurement.
Honduran linguistic diversity.
La gigantona y el enano cabezón.
Rincón de la ViejaNational Park.
National Palace of Culturein Managua
Meta cognition:
I know most of the information taught
I can discuss the information, with minor errors.
I need to use my notes to review concepts
I am confident with the information provided so I could do well
I can move to level 3
1 / With help,
-I have a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes at level 2.
-I know the basic terminology/vocabulary
See page 74 / Meta cognition:
I am beginning to understand the information taught
I need help grasping the concept /skill
I can move to level 2