Home Learning
The Kingfishers and Swifts
Autumn Term 1
Home Learning Book
Autumn Term1 2016
Set: Friday Due: Tuesday
Note to Parents:
Each week the children are encouraged to:
- Practise and learn spellings
- Read daily (and record in the reading log on the 3rd page)
- Complete a written task
- Practise and learn tables
- Complete Mathletics Tasks (if internet is available)
Home learning and daily reading is a National Expectation.
Parents’ role:
- Please could you sign the homework each week on completion
- Let us know if they struggled with any of the tasks
- Indicate if they spent the time on the task but couldn’t complete it
- Support and encourage, but avoid ‘doing’ the homework!
The Home Learning Books will be collected from children on Tuesday (for assessment) then handed back out on Friday to take home.
Below is a spelling grid where children are encouraged to list any spellings they have had corrected in their books. These spellings can then be taken home and learnt at the earliest convenience.
While in class, focus is on the teaching of spelling conventions – patterns and rules; but integral to this teaching is the opportunity to promote the learning of spellings, including statutory words, common exceptions and personal spellings.
In the Home Learning Booklet, the children are given the opportunity to improve knowledge around their personal spellings and statutory words - specifically. Some children will have target words to learn and these take precedence over the Home Learning Booklet word lists.
Reading Log
After listening to feedback from children the decision was made to include a ‘reading log’ element to the Home Learning Booklets. So, please make a note of the date and pages read below.
Date / Pages / BookTimes Tables
Once you know your tables off by heart you never have to learn them again!
Expectation for children by the end of Year 6 in the New Curriculum is that:
“By the end of year 6, pupils should be fluent in written methods for all four operations, including long multiplication and division, and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages.”
(This can only be achieved with secure times tables and related division facts)
Techniques to help learn their tables:
- Chant them (once 2 is 2 etc)
- Sing the times tables songs we are learning in class, make up their own songs, dances and actions!
- Chant them forwards, backwards, randomly (it may help to have them written in front of them to start with so that chanting in rhythm correctly – remove or cover facts as they get more confident).
- Have flash cards – play pairs with them (eg. 16 4x4)
- Put their tables up around their bedroom – chant them looking at the tables – take one table down each day – encourage them to still look to where it had been displayed (this helps them to visualise it).
- Online games – they have fun with these and it helps consolidate their learning.
- Timed completion of multiplication tables.
- Race against themselves – have random tests – they have to do it quicker each time.
Children will be given spot checks for theirtimes tablesthey are working on. We will be going back to recap all times tables apart from the 2, 3 ,5 and 10 times tables, which the children should be secure with. Please test these times tables at random as well as the weekly ones.
Most weeks there will be a chance to complete a Mathletics task in class. Thechildren will then be able to continue this at home.
Week 1
Homework set: / Friday / Homework due: / TusdaySpelling
Spellings I aim to lern this week:
As this is the furst week back we will look at commonly mispeled words. So, can you find the misspellings on this page (there are at least 9…)? List them to the lefd and not downe any more you can fink ov. The space below is where we would normally practise spellings, so show me some tricks you have for remembering spellings.
Times tables practised and trick to success: / Mathletics tasks completed:
Written Task – Living things and their habitats
This week I would like you to research living things and their habitats. You can present your findings on this sheet, or create something that could be displayed in the class.
Week 2
Homework set: / Friday / Homework due: / TuesdaySpelling
Spellings I aim to learn this week:
accident(ally) / Practise your spelling here using some of the spelling strategies used in class
Times tables practised and trick to success: / Mathletics tasks completed:
Written Task – Living things and their habitats
This week I would like you to read the opening paragraph in your reading book and rewrite it by changing all the nouns you find to something else. If you fancy a challenge you could try changing the adverbs, verbs, and adjectives.
Week 3
Homework set: / Friday / Homework due: / TuesdaySpelling
Spellings I aim to learn this week:
believe / Practise your spelling here using some of the spelling strategies used in class
Times tables practised and trick to success: / Mathletics tasks completed:
Written Task
Bullet point 5 things you have learnt so far about our gateway topic. Are there any questions you have about our topic so far you need answers to? If you do, write them down!
Week 4
Homework set: / Friday / Homework due: / TuesdaySpelling
Spellings I aim to learn this week:
calendar / Practise your spelling here using some of the spelling strategies used in class
Times tables practised and trick to success: / Mathletics tasks completed:
Written Task
Family Quiz Time! Using your reading books, find an interesting sentence and read it aloud to a family member or friend. See if they can identify all of the adjectives, nouns and verbs (bonus points for adverbs and connectives you can spot). Write the sentence below and score them (4 points each).
Week 5
Homework set: / Friday / Homework due: / TuesdaySpelling
Spellings I aim to learn this week:
disappear / Practise your spelling here using some of the spelling strategies used in class
Times tables practised and trick to success: / Mathletics tasks completed:
Written Task
From our story, draw a picture of your favourite character. Write 5 sentences to describe what has happened to the character so far.
Virtual Learning
Some children have asked about websites
The sites below are an excellent resource. Try them out!
Google / Web Address / What does it do?Bitesize grammar / / Helps to remind you of some of the main spelling and grammar rules in a fun way.
Punctuation pyramid / / Gives good examples of how to use all those different pieces of punctuation we have talked about in class
That quiz / / Gives you quick practise of key number skills to help your mental maths. One of Mr Dix’s favourites! Don’t forget to up the level and difficulty on the side bar!
Reading comprehension passages (it’s the 2nd website down!) / / Gives you lots of short, but interesting reading passages, which you can then sharpen your comprehension skills on by answering the multiple choice questions. (Year 6 need to be doing the grade 5+ questions)
SAT’s revision / / It is an index page for useful revision websites.
Spelling / / Locate your year group under classes and then click on spelling.