Cardiovascular Module
Cardiovascular Studies
Semester 5.1
Student Name (Block Capitals):______
Student Number: ______
Cardiovascular Module Logbook
Any breach of confidence in a clinical case is taken extremely seriously by the medical school and the persons involved may be liable for disciplinary action. The student is referred to the Code of Conduct as outlined in the 5.1 Handbook.
You must sign this prior to commencing the module
I have read and understood the University Code of Conduct and will abide by this.
Signature Date
CCU/Wards (Two days)
What do I need to do?
The purpose of the CCU/ward day is to give you an insight into the workings of the high dependency aspects of cardiology. The patients in the coronary care unit are generally post-MI, or have decompensated heart failure, or some other critical CVS illness, so the learning opportunities here are extensive. The patients on the ward are generally less unwell but still provide excellent learning opportunities. In order to get the most of the day, you are obliged to have done the following prior to the morning ward round:
- Have taken three patient histories for presentation on the ward round
- Have examined the same patients
- Have looked up their recent clinical course, investigations, current medications, and plans for further management in the patient chart. This includes bloods, xray and CVS investigations such as ECG and echo
On the morning ward round you should present a succinct summary of the current patient status using the following format:
- Brief summary of HPC, PMH and inpatient course
- The patient's subjective symptoms over the last 24 hours
- Your objective clinical findings
- Results of recent investigations
- Plans for further management
Time is limited on the ward round, so you need to deliver as much information as you can in as short a time as is possible- remember, the consultant or registrars will usually be aware of the patient's history, so your job is to update them as much as possible. The SHOs and nurses can help you to prepare.
Patients presented - CCU
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
Patients presented - Wards
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
Cardiology Ward Rounds (CCU/Wards)
DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
Daily: Start 8.30, Cardiology Department Tutorial Room
Tutor assessment: in each case the student: (circle)
- Knew the patient historyYESNO
- Had examined the patientYES NO
- Knew the patient's recent investigationsYESNO
- Had a broad idea of the plan for further managementYESNO
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Patient Histories
Use this space to write a brief summary of each patient you saw in the CCU or on the wards. This is subject to evaluation at the end of your rotation.
Patient 1
Patient 2
Patient 3
Patient 4
ED/MAU (Two days)
What do I need to do?
The emergency department and medical assessment unit provide ample opportunity to interview, examine and evaluate patients under close supervision. There is an SHO on duty to the ED and MAU every day (pager number 182) who will have you to find patients and will listen to your case presentations. During each ED/MAU day, you should see at least three patients. At the end of one of the ED/MAU days, you go on call until 10pm. This is mandatory. If you do not go on call, you will not be signed off.
Cardiology Emergency Admissions Clerked and Presented
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
5 ______
6 ______
7 ______
8 ______
Tutor assessment: in each case the student: (circle)
- Knew the patient historyYESNO
- Had examined the patientYES NO
- Knew the patient's recent investigationsYESNO
- Outlined a general plan for further managementYESNO
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
This Student has been on call for cardiology (Pass/Fail)
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Inpatient and Emergency Cardiology: Procedures Performed
Supervised IV Cannulation
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
Daily, wards and angiography suite; liaise with intern
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
Available every day on wards and in cardiac investigations unit. Liaise with interns and technicians.
Patient histories
Use this space to write a brief summary of each patient you saw in the MAU or in the ED. This is subject to evaluation at the end of your rotation.
Patient 1
Patient 2
Patient 3
Patient 4
Patient 5
Patient 6
Patient 7
Patient 8
Stress Tests Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
Daily, cardiac investigations unit
Holter Monitor Interpretation Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
Daily, cardiac investigations unit
Pacemaker/ICD Interrogation Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
Daily, cardiac investigations unit
Echo (TTE or TOE) Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
Daily, cardiac investigations unit
What to do
The reason we ask you to attend the cath lab is not to stand on the darkness for hours- it is so you are exposed to the patients undergoing a cardiac procedure. If you attend at the cath lab, you will quickly begin to understand why patients have angiograms, why some of them get stents, what the indications for pacemaker insertion are, why we put in ICDs, and so on. Much of cardiology nowadays involves some form of intervention, with which you need to be familiar, no matter where your career might take you. It is also a near-certainty that you will be admitting/clerking/referring a patient for a cardiac intervention at some stage in the future, so now is the time to learn how to do it! You should arrive early, so as to start clerking patients and be ready to present to the registrar or consultant.
How to admit a patient for angiography
The decision to send the patient for angiography has already been made, so your don't need to dwell too long on the HPC; in general, the patient will have experienced chest pain or dyspnoea. When admitting a patient for any procedure, you need to establish a few things:
- Why the procedure is being performed.
- What the patient's past medical history is (with specific regard to renal function in cases of angiography)
- What medications the patient is on
- If they have any allergies
- If there is any obvious contraindication to the procedure
- If there are any examination findings which may preclude angiography (specifically, is there an easily palpable femoral pulse)
Is the patient on dual antiplatelet therapy?
This is the question the consultant is most likely to ask you- not being on dual antiplatelet therapy precludes stent insertion, so ask the patient this question specifically.
Admission care pathways are available from the cath lab staff. Liaise with the interns. Remember, each patient will also need an IV line!
Patients Clerked for Angiography / Pacemaker / ICD
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
Daily, Angiography Suite; patients arrive at 8am; start clerking then; liaise with the duty intern
Diagnostic Angiography Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
Daily, angiography suite
Record the abnormalities below
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
Daily, angiography suite
Record the abnormalities below
Pacemaker/ICD Insertion Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______*
Daily, angiography suite
Tutor assessment: in each case, the student:
- Knew the patient history and indication for procedureYESNO
- Had examined the patientYESNO
- Knew the indications for and complications of the procedureYESNO
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Patient Histories
Use this space to write a brief summary of each patient you saw during your cath lab day (procedure, indication, intervention, medications on discharge). This is subject to evaluation at the end of your rotation.
Clinic Day
What to do
There are two types of patient in clinic: the new patient and the review patient. With a new patient, you take a full history, perform a full examination, come up with a differential diagnosis and think of what investigations you want to perform. You then present the patient to the registrar or consultant, go see the patient together and come up with a plan.
With review patients, the diagnosis has already been made and the patient is presenting for routine evaluation of symptoms and their clinical condition. Here, a SOAP format is useful- ask the patient about relevant subjective symptoms, examine them for objective clinical findings, put these together to get an assessment of their condition and make a plan for further investigation or management.
Times and places
The main cardiology clinics are on all day Wednesday (9.45 – 1pm and 2pm-5pm) and on Thursday morning (9.45 – 1pm), on the first floor of the outpatient department. There is also a heart failure clinic on Friday mornings after journal club.
Cardiology Clinic – Patients Clerked and Presented
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
5 ______
Wednesday 10am -5pm, Thursday 10am-1pm, First Floor, Outpatient Department
Three Sessions, two to three students per session
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Patient histories
Use this space to write a brief summary of each patient you saw in clinic. This is subject to evaluation at the end of your rotation.
Patient 1
Patient 2
Patient 3
Patient 4
Patient 5
What to do
The cardiology department runs a busy inpatient consult service. In such cases, a medical or surgical team submits a formal consult, which is a request for a cardiology opinion on further management of the patient. For example, a routine blood test post-op may demonstrate an elevated troponin; the team may be unsure how to interpret the test result and ask for a formal consult. This usually involves a review of the patient's history, physical examination, a review of investigations and formulation of a set of recommendations. You should see at least two patients.
When you go to see a consult, you should link with the consult registrar before and after you have seen the patient; before so they can tell you what to look for, after so you can present your history. The consult registrar may be contacted on page 761. You should only take a copy of the consult- the original should stay with the SpR.
Cardiology Consults – Patients Clerked and Presented
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Patient histories
Use this space to write a brief summary of each patient you saw on consults. This is subject to evaluation at the end of your rotation.
Allied services
In addition to seeing patients in clinic, in the cath lab, and on consults, you should attend the cardiac rehabilitation services and the nurse-led heart failure clinic. These services provide excellent learning opportunities- you get a chance to see patients in the few weeks post-MI when they are coming to terms with their illness and in a good position to describe the effects it has had on their lives. Similarly, attending the heart failure clinic gives good insights into the realities of having a chronic long-term illness.
In addition, there is a journal club and case conference every Friday that the people on the cardiology part of the rotation should attend.
Cardiac Rehabilitation Session Attended (1 hour)
DateSignature of Tutor
Daily, Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit, Link Corridor to Obs/Gynae
Nurse-Led Heart Failure Clinic Attended (1 hour per student)
DateSignature of Tutor
Daily, HF Unit, Link Corridor to Obs/Gynae
Cardiology Journal Club Attended
DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
Friday 8 am-9am, Cardiology Department
Go-to people
Mr Wael Tawfick (Lecturer in Vascular Surgery)
Mr Sultan (Consultant Vascular Surgeon)
What to do
During the vascular surgery week you should aim to see all aspects of vascular surgery- inpatient, outpatient, investigations and surgical management of vascular disease. You should attend all available ward rounds (with patients clerked and ready to present), clinics, and theatre sessions. You should also attend the vascular lab and observe an ABPI, Arterial and venous duplex. Finally, a minor vascular clinic is conducted Monday to Thursday in the ArtAssist room; here, patients with peripheral vascular disease and vein disease are evaluated- this is an excellent learning opportunity.
Why should I bother turning up?
Vascular disease is very common and is seen with great frequency in clinical practice (and in clinical examinations!). Having a knowledge of how to evaluate and treat vascular disease will serve you well regardless of what specialty you end up in.
Do I really have to go on-call?
Yes. If you don't, you don't get signed off.
Schedule – Team Activities
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday7:45 am / Ward Round
St Nicholas' Ward / Ward Round
St Nicholas’ Ward / Vascular/
Radiology MDM Conference
Vascular Department 1st Floor / Vascular Journal Club
Vascular Department
1st Floor
8:00am / Surgical Grand Rounds
8:30am / Ward Round
St Nicholas’ Ward / Ward Round
St Nicholas’ Ward / Ward Round
St Nicholas’ Ward
9:00 am / Arrange with Vascular Lab for time to attend / Theatre 12
(All Day) / Theatre 12
(All Day) / Major Vascular OPD (2nd Floor)
10:30 am / Vascular Core Topic Tutorial
CSI: Room 315 / Minor Vascular Veins/Ulcer Clinic / Vascular Bedside Tutorial / Minor Vascular Veins/Ulcer Clinic
14:00 pm / Minor Vascular ArtAssist Clinic / Minor Vascular Veins/Ulcer Clinic / Minor Vascular ArtAssist Clinic / Minor Vascular Veins/Ulcer Clinic
Monday -Friday: Vascular Lab
Monday-Thursday: Minor Vascular Clinic, ArtAssist Room, Ground Floor, Outpatient Department
(Monday/Wednesday: Peripheral Vascular Disease; Tuesday/Thursday: Veins/Ulcers)
Vascular Surgery Ward Rounds Attended
DateSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
Times as scheduled in previous timetable, St Nicholas' Ward. Liaise with Vascular team
How to clerk a patient for vascular surgery
When admitting a patient for surgery, the decision to operate has already been made, so the emphasis is placed more on ensuring the patient can safely go through with the operation. This involves:
- Full history and examination
- Chest Xray, and usually pulmonary function testing
- Bloods, including renal function, FBC, coagulation studies, and grouping and crossmatching blood
- Anaesthesia assessment
You should liaise with the vascular NCHDs in this regard- they will help you admit the patient and will supervise you in performing procedures such as IV cannulation
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Ward Patients clerked for Vascular Surgery
Patient's initials and board numberDiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
Inpatients admitted on the wards – liaise with surgical intern/SHO
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Vascular Surgeries Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
Note: of these surgeries, at least one should be aortic (open or endovascular), one peripheral revascularisation, and one carotid surgery. The availability of surgeries may vary. You should have clerked the patient before the surgery.
Major Vascular Clinic – Patients Clerked and Presented
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
Friday 9am – 1pm Outpatient Department
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Minor Vascular Clinic – Patients Clerked and Presented
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
3 ______
4 ______
Monday – Thursday (ArtAssist/Venous Clinic) Outpatient Department
Tutor comments
Overall assessment ExcellentGood
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Emergency Vascular Surgery Admissions Clerked and Presented
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
Emergency Department. Liaise with duty SHO
This student has been on-call for vascular surgery (pass/fail)
Signature of Tutor: ______Date: ______
Vascular Lab Session – Procedures Observed
Patient's initials and identifier DiagnosisSignature of Tutor
1 ______
2 ______
Daily, Vascular Lab, Outpatient Department
Vascular Surgery Bedside Tutorial
DateSignature of Tutor
Wednesday Mornings, 10:30am, St Nicholas Ward
Vascular/Angiography MDM Conference Attended
DateSignature of Tutor
Thursday Mornings, 7:45am, Western Vascular Institute, First Floor, Admin Dept
Vascular Journal Club Attended
DateSignature of Tutor
Friday Mornings, 7:45am, Western Vascular Institute, First Floor, Admin Dept
Go-to people
Mr Mark DaCosta
Mr Deve Veerasingham
What to do
The cardiothoracic part of the rotation gives you an opportunity to observe the surgical treatment of cardiovascular and respiratory disease. You should place emphasis on seeing patients in the outpatient and inpatient settings, particularly patients going for surgery. It is also mandatory to attend the cardiothoracic intensive care unit for at least half a day.
How to follow patients
During the CTS rotation, you should clerk your inpatients on Monday or Tuesday then follow their progress for the week- that is, watch their surgery, evaluate them in CT-ICU and follow their clinical course.
Schedule of Activities- Cardiothoracic Surgery