The Kendall County Expansion & Review Committee Minutes
January 26, 2009
Attending: Kayla Bissonette, Tim Kellogg, Natasha Lehrer, Bev Rehberg, Tom Thomas, and Linda Fitzgerald
Absent: Scott Brummel, Mary Church, Pat Van Riper, Kim Eisnaugle
The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. Tom moved to accept the minutes as presented. Bev seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The enrollment trends handouts were distributed. A discussion was held on them. The group felt that Kendall County was holding steady the enrollments and doing well regionally. Linda pointed out that last year we had 7 attend New Family Orientation and this year we had 45. Also noted was that the 4-H staff is working with the Oswegoland Park District providing a team building lesson to each of the 13 after school sites and a nutrition/fitness lesson for the 2 kindergarten sites. 4-H is being well received and each child receives the 4-H brochure to take home.
Tom suggested that we contact the local paper and ask for an interview/article with pictures on the Oswego after-school program. He felt this would be an excellent PR opportunity. The group discussed the idea and thought the emphasis on life skills, team building, family values and community awareness might lead to new membership of youth and adult volunteers. Tim said that we should include that 4-H is not a huge time commitment and the family building and togetherness aspect. The group felt that in these tough economic times families may do more things together and be looking for learning and fun that is lower cost and close to home.
Tim asked how many Cloverbud members there were. We will have those numbers for the next meeting.
Other ideas mentioned: Jodi Brummel is leaving at the end of the 4-H year and the group thought she would be a great middle management type mentor to the new leaders. The new equestrian facility that the Forest Preserve purchased could be a possible asset to the Horse clubs.
Tom asked if this might be a time to continue our efforts to promote 4-H and develop more awareness because of the trends we see. He suggested we meet every other month. This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
Next meeting date is March 30, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Linda Fitzgerald
Acting Secty.