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Invitation forTender

Tender Notice No. 03/2010-11

1. / Ministry/Division / Water Resources
2. / Agency / Bangladesh Water Development Board (http://www.bwdb.gov.bd/)
3. / Procuring Entity Name / The Executive Engineer, Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur.
4. / Procuring Entity Code / -
5. / Procuring Entity District / Faridpur.
6. / Invitation for / Emergency Temporary Protective work for Protection of flood control embankment of Faridpur-Barisal Project( Faridpur Unit) and Chandrapara Pak Darbar Sharif from erosion of Arial khan river under Non Development Revenue Budget of Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur during 2010-11.
7. / Invitation Ref No / Office of the Executive Engineer, BWDB, Faridpur, Memo No. T-1/350
8. / Date / 17-02-2011.
9. / Procurement Method / OTM (Open Tender Method),
10. / Budget and Source of Funds / Non-Development Revenue Budget, GOB
11. / Development Partners (if applicable) / None
12. / Project/ Programme Code (if applicable) / -
13. / Project / Programme Name (if applicable) / Non-Development Revenue Budget.
14. / Tender Package No. / CPPW-01/2010-11 & CPPW-02/2010-11.
15. / Tender Package Name / .As Stated in SL No-25.
16. / Tender Publication Date / 17-02-2011
17. / Tender Last Selling Date / 15-03-2011 during Office hours/ Banking hours.
Date / Time
18. / Tender closing Date and Time / 16-03-2011. / up to 12:00 hours (noon)
19. / Tender Opening Date and Time / 16-03-2011. / at 15:00 hours.
20. / Name & Address of the office(s) / Address
Selling Tender Document (Principal) / a) Sonali Bank, Goalchamot Branch, Faridpur
Selling Tender Document (Others) / b) Janata Bank, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka
c) Sonali Bank, Main Branch, Rajbari.
Receiving Tender Document :
Primary Place : / a) Office of the Executive Engineer, Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur.
Secondary Place : / b) Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Faridpur.
c) Office of the Superintendent of Police, Faridpur.
Opening Tender Document / Office of the Executive Engineer, Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur.
Tenderers or their authorized representatives (with authorization letter from the proprietor concerned) may be present.
21. / Place / Date / Time of Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) / No pre-bid Meeting will be held.
22. / Eligibility of Tenderer / All eligible person(s)firm(s)fulfilling the conditions laid in PPR-2008 and Standard Tender Documents.
23. / Brief Description of Goods or Works / Emergency Temporary Protective work under Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur during 2010-11.

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24. / Brief Description of Related Services / -
25. / Brief Description
Sl. no / Package
No. / Identification of Lot / Location / Price of Tender Document (Tk) / Tender Security Amount (Tk) / Completion Time in days
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1. / CPPW-01/2010-11. / Emergency Temporary Protective work for Protection of flood control embankment of Faridpur-Barisal Project( Faridpur Unit) and Chandrapara Pak Darbar Sharif from erosion of Arial khan river from ch. 1300.00m to ch. 1550.00m=250.00m in Upzilla Sadarpur, Dist. Faridpur under Non Development Revenue Budget of Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur during the year 2010-11. / Chandrapara,
Dist. Faridpur / 1500/-
( One thousand five hundred ) only
per set (Non-refundable) / 2,20,000.00 / 45 (Forty five) days.
2. / CPPW-02/2010-11. / Emergency Temporary Protective work for Protection of flood control embankment of Faridpur-Barisal Project( Faridpur Unit) and Chandrapara Pak Darbar Sharif from erosion of Arial khan river from ch. 1550.00m to ch. 1800.00m=250.00m in Upzilla Sadarpur, Dist. Faridpur under Non Development Revenue Budget of Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur during the year 2010-11. / Chandrapara,
Dist. Faridpur / 1500/-
( One thousand five hundred ) only
per set (Non-refundable) / 2,20,000.00 / 45 (Forty five) days.
26. / Name of Official Inviting Tender / Md. Abdul Matin Sarkar.
27. / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / The Executive Engineer.
28. / Address of Official lnviting Tender / The Executive Engineer, Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur.
29. / Contact details of Official lnviting Tender / The Executive Engineer, Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur
Telephone : 0631-63479 (Office).
Fax : 0631-63479.
30. / Special Instructions:
a) / Tender security may be submitted in the form of BD/DD from any Schedule bank of Bangladesh in favour of Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Center (RAC), BWDB, Faridpur.. In case of Pay Order must be lssued from any Branch of Sonali Bank within Faripdur Town in Favour of Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Center (RAC), BWDB, Faridpur.
b) / The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason.
c) / The work may totally be dropped, increased or decreased, No claim or extra rate will be entertained for cancellation of the tender or issuance of work order with decreased/ increased quantity of Work.
d) / The signature of the tenderer duly notarised by a Notary Public should be enclosed with the tender, if it is proved at any stage that information furnished in the tender by the tenderer in false and the tender is signed and submitted in a way of fraudulent practice instead of signing by the actual tenderer/ their authorized signatory, his tender will be outright rejected and action will be taken according to PPR 2008.
e) / Payment will be made subject to the availability of fund. No claim or extra payment will be entertained for delay or payment.
f) / If it is not possible to receive/ open the tender on the scheduled date for any unavoidable circumstances, the same will be received/ opened on the next working day at the same time and same venue.
g) / Notification of Award will be issued only after getting proper clearance from competent authority and getting budget allocation.
h) / The provisions laid down in PPR 2008 and standard Tender Documents will be in strict compliance.
i) / In case of credit certificate from bank, specific lot/ package number and name of the work must be shown in the certificate.
j) / Paid-up amount of completed work will only be considered in case of calculating Similar nature work and average annual construction turnover.
k) / Additional 2 (Two) copies of BOQ (available with STD) duly filled in by typed or written in indelineable ink and shall be signed by the person duly Authorized to sign on behalf of the tenderer should be submitted in separate two sealed envelope and marked “Additional BOQ” over the envelope.

(Md. Abdul Matin Sarkar.)

Executive Engineer

Faridpur O&M Division

BWDB, Faridpur.

Memo no. T-1/ 350(30) / Date : 17-02-2011
Copy forwarded for kind information/information and wide circulation to :
1. / The Director General, CPTU, Shere-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.
2. / The Additional Director General, O&M-2, BWDB, Dhaka.
3. / The Chief Engineer, South Western Zone, BWDB, Faridpur.
4. / The Chief Monitoring, BWDB, Dhaka.
5. / The Superintending Engineer, Faridpur O&M Circle, BWDB, Faridpur.
6. / The Director, Contract & Procurement Cell, BWDB, WAPDA Bhaban (8Th Floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka.
7. / The Director, Publicity Cell, BWDB, WAPDA Bhaban (7Th Floor), Motijheel C/A, Dhaka. He is requested to make necessary arrangements to publish this tender notice in the official website of BWDB and in all editions of two widely circulated national newspapers (one Bangla and one English) on the same day for one day.
8. / The Deputy Commissioner, Faridpur.
9. / The Superintendent of Police, Faridpur. He is requested to take necessary steps to provide police force on 16-03-2011
10. / The Deputy Director, Rapid Action Battalion, RAB-8, Faridpur.
11. / The Executive Engineer, Rajbari/Madaripur/Goplagonj/Shariatpur O&M Division, BWDB, Rajbari/ Madaripur/ Goplagonj/ Shariatpur.
12. / The Executive Engineer, PWD/RHD/LGED/BADC/DPHE, Faridpur.
13. / Mr. Sayed Rafiqul Alam, The System Analyst, Computer Section, Office of the Chief Monitoring, BWDB, WAPDA Building, Dhaka. He is requested to take necessary steps to publish this tender notice in the CPTU/ BWDB website. This action has been taken vide memo. no. CPC-51/359(250) Dated- 09/05/2007.
14. / The Sub Divisional Engineer, O&M Sub Division, BWDB, Faridpur/ Boalmari / Bhanga.
15. / The Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Centre (RAC), BWDB, Faridpur.
16. / The Assistant Director, NSI, Faridpur.
17. / The Manager, Sonali Bank, Goalchamot Branch, Faridpur, with 20 (Twenty) sets for each package of tender documents. (Please see Note-1)
18. / The Manager, Janata Bank, Dilkusha Corporate Branch, 29 Dilkusha C/A, Dhaka, with 10 (Ten) sets for each package of tender documents. (Please see Note-2)
19. / The Manager, Sonali Bank, Main branch, Rajbari, with 5 (Five) sets for each package of tender documents. (Please see Note-1)
20. / Assistant Engineer, Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur.
21. / Divisional Accountant/ Divisional Estimator/ Head Assistant, Faridpur O&M Division, BWDB, Faridpur.
22. / M/S, Mr......
23. / Notice Board.
24. / File.
Note / 1.The above indicated number of sets of Tender Documents are sent herewith for selling to intending Tenderers upto 15-03-2011 during Banking hours at the rate of Taka as stated in Package No. per set. The sale proceeds shall be credited to the Deputy Director, Regional Accounting Centre (RAC), BWDB, Faridpur Account No. SB-4164, Sonali Bank, Goalchamot Branch, Faridpur.
2. The above indicated number of sets of Tender Documents are sent herewith for selling to intending Tenderers upto 15-03-2011 during Banking hours at the rate of Taka as stated in Package No. per set. The sale proceeds shall be credited to Account No. STD-36001008 of his bank. Unsold Tender Documents alongwith the copy of the credit advice shall have to be sent to the undersigned at the earliest.
(Md. Abdul Matin Sarkar.)
Executive Engineer
Faridpur O&M Division
BWDB, Faridpur.

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C.- Sujon Biswas, Sub-Division, BWDB, Faridpur.