The Keihanshin Consortium for Fostering the Next Generation of
Global Leaders in Research (K-CONNEX)
Program-Specific Assistant Professor
Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University
Feb. 15, 2018
In October 2014, Kyoto University, Osaka University and Kobe University decided toestablish partnerships under a MEXT program, building a consortium for developing human resources in science and technology. The consortium, named as The Keihanshin Consortium for Fostering the Next Generation of Global Leaders in Research (K-CONNEX), promotes development and securementof excellent young researchers who will lead the future global academic community. Weencouragesuch highly motivated young researchers to join the consortium through the following applications.
1. Target Research Areas
Code No. / 024KO1704Job Title / Program-Specific Assistant Professor with an annual salary
No. OfPositions / 1
Affiliation / Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
(Address: 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho Chuo-ku Kobe 650-0017)
Research Fields / Pharmacology
Research Fields
(Details) / ‘Pharmacology’ is a discipline to elucidate the interactions between drugs and our bodies as well as molecular mechanisms underlying pathophysiology of diseases, contributing towards the developments of novel drugs and therapeutic strategies. Using multidisciplinary approaches, our laboratory aims to identify molecular, cellular and neural-circuit mechanisms which regulate cognitive and emotional functions as well as their deficits related to psychiatric disorders.
Previous studies have shown that, using repeated social defeat stress in mice, brief stress induces dendritic hypertrophy and augments stress resilience through the prefrontal dopaminergic pathway. By contrast, prolonged stress induces microglia-derived neuroinflammatory responses, leading to dendritic atrophy of prefrontal neurons as well as behavioral depression and elevated anxiety. However, the mechanism about how prolonged exposure to stress induces long-term changes in functions and morphologies of neurons and glial cells and how these changes are maintained remain elusive. To address this question, we should perform comprehensive analyses regarding transcriptional and epigenetic changesin brains of stressed mice and manipulate these changes in a brain region- and cell type-specific manner.Therefore, here we would like to recruit a researcher who has knowledge and skills as well as hands-on experience on both behavioral experiments using mouse stress models and methods for brain region- and cell type-specific analyses and manipulations of transcriptional and epigenetic machineries.
In addition, candidates with a background in pharmacology are preferred, since the successful applicant is supposed to be involved in teaching pharmacology courses in Kobe University School of Medicine.
Term / From the day of arrival at the post to Mar. 31, 2023 (5 fiscal years)
Employment Conditions / Discretionary labor system: Working hours are at the discretion of the worker with the standard working hours from 8:30 (starting time) to 17:15 (ending time).
Holidays are Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays and anyother daysset by Kobe University.
Starting Date / On and after August1, 2018
Salary / Commensurate with experience and skills, in accordance with the salary regulation of Kobe University
Social Insurance / Eligible for MEXT* mutual aid association membership, employment insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance *Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Note: Starting date can be changed depending on individual situation.
2. Qualifications
Requirements for the position:
- Applicants should hold a PhD that was acquired from April 1, 2007 to April 1, 2017, and should be under 40 years old as of April 1,2017.
- Research and education capabilities about the target research fields
- To start works until March 31, 2019
If you had intervals as maternity leave and/or child-care leave, the limitation of the period of receiving a Ph. D degree could be extended depending on the length of the leave.
Applicants who participated in the mandatory clinical practice are eligible to apply unless they are 43 years old or older as of April 1, 2017.
Any nationality is acceptable.
Since this project is supported by Funds for the Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology under MEXT, these age restrictions are subject to exceptional treatment by the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act of “Koyou taisaku” Act 1-3 (1-(3-2)).
3. Employment Conditions
Annual salary will be determined in accordance with Kobe University regulations.
Research fund for initial investments will be granted up to 7 million yen in a first academic year.
To allow researchers to focus on their research, they will spend at least 60% of their time on research including research funded with independent funds.
Support from mentors and university research administrators (URA) will be given.
Participating in various training programs is required.
The consortium offers various types of programs so that young researchers can acquire the research and laboratory management skills necessary to lead academic research as a principal investigator (PI) in the future.
Note: There are possibilities that the research fund is reduced depending on the national budget.
4. Selection Process
Primary selection: Around May 2018
An expert committee at K-CONNEX from their respective academic fields will examine application documents, focusing on academic achievements and research plans.
Secondary selection: Around June 2018
The council under K-CONNEX will conduct interviews. In addition to applicants' academic achievements, the council will evaluate their potential to become leading figures in the future global academic community.
Third selection: Around June 2018
The university which accepts the application will make the final decision considering the results of primary and secondary selections.
5. Result Notification
Results of the selection will be notified to all applicants by e-mail.
Please note that information on the process of the selection and reasons for pass/fail will not be provided.
6. Application Instructions
Required items should be emailed to the following address.
The application must arrive by8 May 2018 (Tuesday), 17:00 (Japan time).
Send the application by e-mail to:
Office of K-CONNEX
E-mail: recruit* (Please replace “*” with “@”.)
E-mail subject: [Application for K-CONNEX - Code No. 024KO1704, First name, last name ]
*An application acceptance email will be sent within three working days of receiving the material. Applicants who do not receive an email should contact the office.
7. Documents to Submit
(1) Proposal
Please download a form from
(2)Two reprints or copies of representative papers
8. Contact
Please contact via e-mail, not telephone.
About applications:
Office of K-CONNEX
Mail : recruit* (Please replace “*” with “@”.)
About research field and contents of the work
Division of Pharmacology, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University
Mail : tfuruya* (Please replace “*”with “@”.
About procedures after selection, research fields, affiliation:
Reserch support division,Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University
Mail : k9shien* (Please replace “*” with “@”.)
9. Notes
Personal information contained in the application documents will be used only for the purpose of selection and recruiting procedure, never for any other purpose without applicants' consent.The documents will not be returned to you. We ask you for your understanding.
Expenses needed to apply for this project shall be borne by applicants in principle.
We support a gender-equal society. We hope that many female researchers will apply for the position.