The Jeffrey Food List

Goal: eat close to nature, with the goal of nourishing the body’s blood.

That means eliminating the 4 whites:


white flour

dairy/cow milk products/fat


Logic: sugar and white flour are refined and not close to nature; they are completely unnatural substances. Humans are the only mammals that still consume milk long pasts infancy (an unnatural act). Salt is natural but the amounts put in our food is unnatural.


Now for the specific dietary guidelines:


no white sugar

no sugar substitutes, which are heavily processed & even worse than sugar

no tropical fruits (mango, pineapple, coconut, oranges, limes, lemons, bananas, papaya, avocado

limited juicy fruits (grapes, watermelons, plums)

honey is better than sugar. Maple syrup is better than honey.

no corn because it’s filled with sugar

Good to have: apples, pears, Asian pears, blueberries


no wheat or pasta made of white flour

Okay: limited spelt, which is an ancient, rough grain.

Okay: limited potatoes (red potatoes better; they’re less starchy)

Okay to have: rice, oat

Good to have: quinoa (high in protein; it’s a seed rather than a grain)


Cow milk products are really bad.

Sheep milk is a little better.

Peanut & corn oil are terrible. So are peanuts, cashews, pistachios.

No mayonnaise

No fried foods

Okay to have: limited amount of goat milk products

Okay: almond milk

Okay: tofu/soy once a week

Good to have: olive oil, sesame oil

Good to have: almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds


No luncheon/deli meats because they’re full of salt

Limit canned products because they’re full of salt

Okay: sea salt, Bragg Amino Acids instead of soy sauce

Other stuff:


No duck, turkey

Okay: limited beef

Okay: chicken, lean pork


No shellfish with legs (shrimps, lobsters, crabs) because they aggravate skin

Limited sushi/raw fish

Good: shellfish with no legs (clams, mussels, oysters, scallops)

Good: fish (fresh water is better than ocean water fish)


No tomatoes, green peppers, eggplants

No onions and, definitely no onions in combination with beef

Good: all dark, leafy greens

Good: root veggies are great (beets, carrots, parsnips, radishes, etc)

Good: sweet potatoes, squashes

Good: string beans, snow peas, sugar snap peas

Okay: limited broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage


Okay: limited hummus, chick peas

Okay: limited large beans (eg kidney)

Good: small black beans, black-eyed peas, aduki, lentils


No hard liquor

No soda

Limited caffeine, esp coffee

Decaf products are worse than caf products because they are more processed


Okay: Very little juice

Okay: a glass or two of wine per week