Name: ______Date: ______Per:______

“The Pianist” Movie Questions:

1.  How does the family hear the news or media in 1939?

2.  Why is the “Szpilman” family happy with Britain and France after the announcement?

3.  What are the Jewish citizens wearing on their sleeves? Why are they doing this?

4.  Where do you think the main character’s family ended up, when they were separated from their son and brother, Wladyslaw Szpilman?

5.  Who were the Gestapo?

6.  What does the main character contemplate with constant German threats, while staying in the apartment on the German side of the wall? (Give an example if possible)

7.  What has happened to Germany, Warsaw and other parts of Europe throughout the course of WWII?

8.  What country has troops that overtake Germany in Warsaw near the end of WWII and the movie and allow Szpilman to survive?

9.  What became of Szpilman at the end of the movie with regards to his own life?

10. What are some of the feelings “The Pianist” left you with? Describe some of these feelings in a two-paragraph free write, where you explain your feelings going into, during and after watching the movie.