HOW TO View and extract a list of publicationsrecords
Quick Reference Guide
Access the RIMS application using the following link from Griffith Portal:

Enter your GU staff number and password to login. /
Viewing the list of publications
From the RIMS Researcher Profile, click on Research Outputs tab.
You will be displayed the list of the publications where you are listed as author.
To view additional information open individual records using button. /
You will be presented with the publication and authorship details broken down into tabs: Header, Authors, Documents, Notes and Summary.
Click on thetabs to view publication record details.
The status of the publication records can be viewed from the Header tab, in the Research output status field.
Note:As a researcher, your access to the publication records is restricted to read only view. /

Extracting a list of publications in Word format (Citation style)
From RIMS Researcher Profile page, click on My Reports button.
You will be presented with the My reports page where you
can make selections to produce a desired report.
Select desired filter values:
  • HERDC reporting year – Select the range of years for the publications being reported/ printed
  • Type of report – Leave the default value of ‘My records in citation format’
  • Style – Select required citation style from the list of available styles
  • Include titles – If you require the publication category names to be included in the report, select ‘Yes’. Otherwise select ‘No’.
Once filters are set, select the publication categories to be included in the report by ticking the box next to each of the category. Click button. /

Review the report on the screen.
If any adjustments are required click button to return to the report menu and modify selections.
To download the report click on button at the bottom of the page. /
To download your report right away, click on the Click this link to open your document link. Your report will be downloaded in MS Word format to your Downloads folder (on PCs). To download the report onto a specific folder on your computer right click on the link and click on Save link as option.
If you clicked the first link the downloaded report will be saved prefixed with ‘TMP’ e.g. TMP125244220141159.doc
Look for documents that begin with ‘TMP’ in your Downloads folder.
Once finished downloading the report click on the 2nd link to return to the Researcher Profile page. /
Extracting a list of publications in Excel format
From the RIMS Researcher Profile navigate to the Home page by clicking on Home link at the top right corner.
Once on the Home page click on the Reporting tab.
From the Reporting page click on Publication outputs link. /

You will be presented with the Outputs Reporting Wizardpage from where you can runvarious pre-defined reports.
To extract a list of the publications:
1)Select the reporting year using HERDC reporting year drop box
2)Select (15) All records – individual report from the Type of reportdrop box.
Click button. /
The Lookup Staff field will have your name added automatically. Check that your name is selected then click button.
Note:To run a report on other authors click on button and select the required author by looking up his/her name/ staff ID (if known). /
Your report will be presented on the screen. To export into Excel click button /
To download your report right away, click on the Click this link to open your document link. Your report will be downloaded to your Downloads folder (on PCs) in CSV format.
To download the report onto a specific folder on your computer right click on the link and select Save link as option from the dialog box.
If you clicked the first link the downloaded report will be saved prefixed with ‘TMP’ e.g. TMP125244220141159.csv. Look for documents that begin with ‘TMP’ in your Downloads folder to find your report.
To return to the Outputs Reporting Wizardtab, click on the Click this link to return to the Reporting Wizardlink. /

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