Model Presentation
Initial Meeting w/potential customer
1 / PVL powered by FLVS / · Opening5-Feb / 29 seconds, countdown / · Approximately every 29 seconds…
6 / Student drops out / · …an American high school student drops out.
7 / 1/3 students / · This means we lose approximately one-third of our student population, nationwide, every year.
8 / Budget crisis / · And with the ever-growing budget crisis in more and more districts around the country
9 / Budget cuts / · Nearly every school is experiencing budget cuts. Often this leads to teachers on furlough and less money for quality curriculum.
10 / Equity / · Under these conditions, how can schools provide access for all students regardless of economic situation or learning preparedness?
11 / Retain teachers / · How can we retain and recruit highly qualified teachers?
12 / Boost students / · How can we engage more students and boost student achievement for all students?
13 / Save money / · How can you save money while retaining teachers and boosting achievement?
14 / Pearson iPad / · Pearson now offers a Virtual Learning program to help counteract some of every district’s biggest obstacles—providing personalized instruction for every student while keeping students and dollars in the district.
15 / Personalized-on demand-proven / · Virtual Learning is personalized, on demand, and with Pearson Virtual Learning powered by Florida Virtual School, it is proven time and time again.
16 / Largest publisher / · You already know Pearson is the WORLD’S largest educational publisher. Pearson leads the world in online learning with more than 7 million registered K-12 users in the US alone. Pearson Virtual Learning p/b FLVS is just one more option for our online users.
17 / First school / · We have an exclusive partnership with Florida Virtual Schools, who in 1997 pioneered virtual learning. They were the first public school to offer any time, any place learning.
18 / Codie / · FLVS has a solid history of success to offer to you with over 800,000 successful completion and an undisputed track record of success, year after year.
19 / e-Parrtner / · Now Pearson can be your complete e-Partner to provide proven personalized learning with the flexibility to meet all students wherever they are.
20 / Pearson iPad / · Pearson provides the knowledge, experience, and capabilities to truly transform education with endless possibilities.
· Not only do we meet students when they learn, but how they learn…
21 / 100 courses / · Our courses will engage all levels of students—on-level, below-level and advanced.
22 / Learning recovery / · We don’t call it credit recovery. When a student has not been successful in learning in the first place, they need to recover the learning, not the credit. Learning recovery is automatically individualized based on student pre-test results.
23 / AP / · We also can provide challenging instruction for students who are ready for new challenges.
24 / Can’t afford / · Often schools cannot afford the staff or materials to challenge small groups of highly-motivated and capable students or offer a diverse array of accelerated courses.
· We can expand your curriculum and save you money through our cost effective course options.
25 / $500,000.00 / ·$500,000.00 = your ADA x 100 students that have left (used $5,000 as multiplier).
·We use less of your ADA money per student. For as low as $50/course think of the money you can save. $50.00 x 100 students = $5,000 on a virtual course.
· Over a 5 year period, FLVS was able to save the state of FL 52 million dollars.
26 / Summer school / · Due to the costs associated with keeping a building open, it is also becoming more difficult to offer summer school to both your accelerated or struggling learners. With Virtual Learning, you can provide more courses with highly qualified teachers, with very little set-up, saving money in summer school programs.
27 / Engaging courses (demo) / · Whether learning recovery, advanced or somewhere in between…Pearson Virtual Learning p/b FLVS provides engaging courses for all students. Any time, any place.
· Let's take a look
28 / Personalized instruction / · Our courses are so flexible that they can be personalized by content, by time or by teacher involvement.
29 / One to one / · For example, a student receives one-to-one interaction because the constraints of a fifty minute period or 25 other students vying for attention is no longer an obstacle.
30 / My pace / · A student also has the ability to work faster or slower, depending on the learner needs and there is no pressure to move on before a skill is mastered.
31 / Teacher supervised / · A student also has the undivided attention of an expert teacher, who can explain, re-teach, facilitate discussion and provide tutoring.
32 / On demand / · These levels of personalization are only possible because the course content is available on demand. The teacher is not pulled in 30 different directions and forced to “cover the content” in fifty minutes. The learner can stop, go faster and receive individualized responses from an expert teacher.
33 / Now! Later! / · You can provide this content NOW—in the course of the typical school day, or LATER wherever and whenever the student is turned on to learn.
34 / Class time anytime / · Teachers can support their students during the time they prefer to learn.
35 / 7-3? / · The typical school day is 7 AM to 3 PM. But. Have you ever seen a teenager at 7 AM in the morning?
36 / All hours / · With virtual learning, students can learn at any hour they feel motivated. Our site statistics show that, when given a choice, there are an average of 3218 active logins at 9 PM versus only 421 at 7 AM, and that usage peaks around dinner time, when teens are most active.
37 / Pearson iPad / · By offering individual attention and personalized anytime learning, Pearson Virtual Learning can help you bring students back to your school/district.
38 / Expert teachers / · Our teachers are expert teachers and we can help you prepare your expert teachers to make the transition from traditional to a virtual blended environment.
39 / Yours / · That’s right, Pearson will work with your teachers to be 21st century educators… Or you can use our highly-qualified content area teachers who are experienced with virtual learning.
40 / Clock, 8AM-8PM / · If students work best outside of the 7-3 school day, then teachers will accommodate that, as well. Not only do teachers have the flexibility to provide on-time feedback to each individual student, but they have flexibility to provide this feedback in new ways using student-centered tools.
41 / Video Conf / · Our teachers provide “face time” and individual or small group tutoring via video conferencing for a personal touch.
42 / Texting / · Students might also contact their teacher via text or instant message to receive an immediate answer to a question.
43 / Email / · And of course there is always email. Students can receive answers within 24 hours, and nearly everyone uses email everyday.
44 / Day / · The flexible “school day” provided by Pearson Virtual Learning p/b FLVS now allows LEARNING to occur all day…
45 / Night / · …all night…
46 / Weekends / · …or even on the weekends—whenever they are best turned on to learning.
47 / Teachers helping / · Through mentoring and extensive Professional Development, we help teachers step into the future of teaching, allowing students to move at their own pace rather than silently struggling or feeling frustration at lack of challenge.
48 / Pearson iPad / · Pearson Virtual Learning p/b FLVS is the best solution for building your virtual blended solution because it is built on solid, research-based and experientially proven results over the last 14 years.
49 / Proven Results / · PVL courses have documented test scores which show that students enrolled in FLVS courses consistently out-perform students in traditional classrooms in math and reading, scoring higher on state exams year after year.
50 / 800,000 students / · FLVS over its 14 years of experience has over 800,000 completions.
51 / 14 years / · FLVS has successfully run blended and virtual school for 14 years. Over the years, they have learned many important lessons from both things that work and things that don’t—and they are now allowing you to learn from their lessons by providing up-to-date, rigorous, pedagogically sound curriculum.
52 / Research / · A few years ago, Tax Watch a third party agency enlisted by the state of FL wanted to make sure that FL tax payers money was going to good use. They investigated the courses, students and results of these virtual courses.
53 / Results / · What the Taxwatch research found was that our courses improve results.
54-55 / Scores charts / · This data illustrates only a snapshot of how students in these courses outperformed their peers in traditional classrooms on standardized state assessment.
56 / AP Results / · Not only did FLVS students outperform in state tests, but on the AP test as well.
57 / Pearson iPad / · Pearson Virtual Learning will help you provide the right education at the right time to achieve greater return on learning/the proven results you are seeking
58 / ePartner / · We are your partner to create an e-learning initiative of your own.
59 / Personalized-on demand-proven / · Whether you need to bring students who’ve checked out, dropped out, or tuned out back or you need to provide options for all students, you will be able to offer proven courses from the strongest partnership in virtual learning.
60 / School or district / · Every time a student walks out your door, money walks out with him or her. Bring those dollars back, retain your teachers and enhance your district’s educational options.
61 / Global, easy, select / · You choose the model that works best for your needs. Again, you can use our teachers or yours. Mix and match or do both. Save money as you grow your program.
62 / Teachers helping / · If you choose to use our teachers at first, we will work with you to transition your expert teachers become expert virtual and blended teachers if and when you are ready.
63 / ePartner / · Pearson will partner with you every step of the way. You’ve called on us when you’ve needed quality textbooks and professional development. Now you can count on us to provide quality virtual courses for your district.
64 / Pearson iPad / · Closing