The intent of the crosswalk is to help educatorsunderstandhow the new Common Core Standards in Eng/LA compare with current expectations for students (POS) AND to inform thinking about the implementation of Kentucky Core Academic Standards.
Code / ExplanationCluster / Focus of Skill(s)
CCSS / Common Core State Standards
Example: CCS.7.SL.1 / CCS: Common Core Standard Grade 7
SL: Speaking and Listening Standard #1
DM / Degree of Match (between POS and CCSS)
- DM 1: Weak Match, Major Aspects of the CCSS Not Addressed in POS
- DM 2: Good Match, With Minor Aspects of the CCSS Not Addressed in POS
- DM 3: Excellent Match Between the Two Documents
Notes / Some standards will include specific notes about why it was identified a particular DM
Example: MG 6 / MG: Matched Grade is 6th
This is the grade level of the KY POS standard that matched the CCS
Example: GD 1 / Grade Difference (between theKY POS and CCSS grade that the standard is taught)
- A positive number (1) indicates that POS teaches the skill one grade level lower than the CCS (ex: KY currently teaches skill at 6th, but CCS teaches it at 7th)
- Zero (0)indicates that KY POS and CCS are taught at the same grade level
- A negative number (-1) indicates that KY POS is taught at one grade higher than CCS (ex: KY currently teaches the skill at 8th, but CCS teaches it at 7th)
Example: KY.7.SLO.SC.6 / Kentucky POS Grade 7 SLO: Speaking, Listening, Observing
SC: Skills and Concepts of the POS Standard #6
(Not Shown in this example – EU: Enduring knowledge and Understanding of the POS)
Developed by Carole Mullins, KDE/KVEC Regional Network Content Specialist, Eng/LA