EZA: Europäisches Zentrum für Arbeitnehmerfragen

Practical information


The venue of the seminar is:

Hotel Bergse Bossen in Driebergen (The Netherlands).

Accommodation and meals are arranged at the same location. You can find more details on the venue on the following address


To complete the registration procedure it is essential to return the duly filled in registration form (in annex) before 15 November to the following address

CNV Onderwijs Academie:

Only duly registered participants can attend the seminar.

On arrival before the start of the seminar each participant will be invited to pay in cash a registration fee of 100 Euro to the seminar secretariat.

In hotel Bergse Bossen the seminar secretariat will be accessible:

  • On 10 February from 11.00 till 12.00 a.m. and from 12.45 till 16.00
  • On 11 February from 8.30 till 11 a.m.
  • On 12 February from 9.00 till 11a.m.


Travel expenses (plane or train tickets) will be reimbursed up to the maximum rate indicated in the list for each country (see end of document).

Reimbursement will be done via bank transfer only after the conference. Participants are invited to hand over to the seminar secretariat the travel expenses form duly filled in together with a copy of the invoice of the ticket and a copy of the tickets. Only the duly documented travel expenses claims will be refunded.

Arriving at the airport of Amsterdam (Schiphol) there is a train direct to NS-station Driebergen-Zeist every hour and 29 or 59 minutes. It is a 46 minutes trip and costs 9.40 Euro in second class. Ticket will be reimbursed if included on the travel expenses form.

In NS-station Driebergen-Zeist a shuttle service will be organised to the hotel.

It is of outmost importance to indicate clearly and exactly at what time your plane is landing in Schiphol so that we can estimate your time of arrival in Driebergen-Zeist and organise the shuttle to the hotel.

For the return journey transport to the station will be organised on the same basis and from the station you can travel by train to the airport. There is a train to Schiphol every hour and 12 or 42 minutes.


In the enclosed draft programme the participatory approach is omnipresent. There is a minimum of presentations and a maximum input of the participants through debates in working groups or in via Pecha Kucha exercise. Also the link with the reality in the schools will be achieved via the country reports and the exchanges with teachers and students during the school visit.

Country reports

Some participant will be invited to answer a short set of questions on the situation in her/his country. The situation in several countries will be presented to the seminar followed by an exchange among participants.

Seminar contacts:

The seminar steering group:

-Evert DE JONG (chair),

-Francis HUISMAN,

-Gaston DE LA HAYE


More information about CNV Onderwijs:

Flight rate reimbursement to Amsterdam
CROATIA / CROATIE / Zagreb / 225
CYPRUS / Larnaca / 512
CZECH REPUBLIC / Prague / 220
DENMARK / DANMARK / Copenhagen / 150
ESTONIA / Tallinn / 220
FINLAND / FINLANDE / Helsinki / 200
France (Plane or train) / Paris / 240
France / Strasbourg / 400
GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE / Frankfurt / 190
GREECE / GRECE / Athens / 230
HUNGARY / HONGRIE / Budapest / 270
IRELAND / IRLANDE / Dublin / 250
ITALY / ITALIE / Roma / 190
LATVIA / LETTONIE / Riga / 220
MALTA / Malta / 330
NORWAY / NORVEGE / Oslo / 180
POLAND / POLOGNE / Warsaw / 290
PORTUGAL / Lisbon / 200
ROMANIA / ROMANIE / Bucharest / 280
SLOVAKIA / SLOVAKIE / Bratislava / 220
SLOVENIA / SLOVENIE / Ljubljana / 220
SPAIN / ESPAGNE / Madrid / 190
SWEDEN / SUEDE / Stockholm / 340
UK / London / 150
UK / Edinburgh / 230
Belgium (train) / Brussels / 150

The above rates are a maximum. For reimbursement the amount mentioned on the invoice will make reference unless higher than the above.

For participants travelling by train only second class train tickets will be reimbursed.

For those travelling by car the reimbursed amount will be equal or inferior to the train ticket.

Organised with the support of EZA and the European Union. Page 1