Westside Baseball of Oak Lawn Board Meeting Minutes
Jan. 21, 2016
*Board members present: Jason Walker, Bart Vittiori, Brad Lempera, Jen Radosevich, Bill Claussen, Nick Devivo, Andrea D’Amico, Janet Dukic, Kim Fowler, Tom McAleenan, Jeannette Palumbo, Tony Rodriguez, Wendell Thacker
6:38 p.m. Called to order
Motion to accept 12-10-15 minutes: motion- Jeannette; seconded- Tom
6:40 p.m. Budget- Brad
Brad reviewed and discussed the budget. There was a $1,000 donation from Hawk Ford. An insurance bill was paid.
Motion to accept the budget: Tony; seconded- Jeannette
6:44 p.m. 10U Girls Softball Team
Brian Strelow is bringing a team of 14 girls to Westside. His team will follow the same procedures as Kim’s softball team.
6:50 p.m. T-Ball/ Pinto House Rules- Wendell
Wendell presented various ideas for updating/ improving the T-ball and Pinto divisions. The Board’s focus is to improve the learning of the fundamentals while also encouraging young players to put the ball into play. T-Ball will need to be restructured. Some ideas included:
-Require an orientation for T-Ball managers/ coaches and any new manager/ coach to Westside
-Add video links to the website to help managers find ideas to improve instruction
-Offer manager evaluation forms for families following the season
The Board decided to take time to reflect on various ideas, revisiting this in February, and Kim will be creating an orientation template.
7:45 p.m. Spirit Wear- Andrea
The first order is going in for registration. The new order includes socks, pajama pants and fleece pull over. Andrea was looking for suggestions, which included mesh shorts, arm sleeves, and long sleeve dry-fit shirts.
7:50 p.m. 7U Manager
Tom McAleenan wants the manager position. Motion to accept: Jeanette; seconded- Bill.
7:55 p.m. New/ Old Business
Jason W. – Greg Harrell is no longer with the league. Motion to remove Greg from the Board: Brad; seconded- Tom.
Janet- The second and third weeks of March will be field maintenance. Grass seed needs to be down two weeks prior to field use. Extra dirt is needed behind the garage in the Bronco field or drain tiles should be installed. Janet will write an appeal to the Park District in regards to flooding from the streets.
Andrea- Dick’s Sporting Goods offered Westside a free website. Tom will review and research the information.
Jason W. - Picture Day will be April 23 and Opening Day will be April 16.
Bart- The status of the golf outing is still pending. It is difficult to find a location. Since it would generate great profits and Warrior teams would manage the outing, Andrea will check on dates for August.
Jen- Jen asked for volunteers for the upcoming registration days.
Brad- Tarps may not be an option because of the expense. The Board is looking to improve the batting cage and replace the marquee.
Jason W. - February will have 2 Board meetings because of the updates to the Constitution and Rules. We will meet the second and fourth Thursday in February.
9:26 Adjourned
Motion: Tony; seconded- Jeanette.