Scholarships are extra sources of financial support which are awarded toresidential students to help with the cost of accommodation and food.
Scholarships are available to students who are due to commence a full-time course or who are already enrolled on a full-time course at the college. Although scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis, not all are for academic excellence; some aim to reward improvement or enthusiasm in taking on a new challenge.
Before a scholarship application will be considered, you must first have established your eligibility for the Residential Support Fund, details of this fund can be found on our website.
Please note the deadline for applications is 1st July 2017
Learner Details: Please provide your personal details.
Title: / Address:Surname:
First Name(s):
Date of Birth:
Age on 31 August 2017: / Postcode:
Course/Level you have applied for:
Please provide in yourown words the reasons why you are applying for a scholarship. These should include how you will contribute positively to student life on campus, your interests and achievements to date, aspirations for the future and how this award will benefit you during your studies. Please continue onto an additional sheet if required.
Student Declaration:
•I confirm that the information I have provided is true and accurate
•I agree to notify the College of any change in my circumstances which may affect my eligibility for funding, or of any change to my course, as soon as either of these occurs.
•I understand that the College may claim back all or some of the award made to me if I have given misleading or inaccurate information intentionally. I recognise that false statements can leave me open to prosecution.
•I understand that financial assistance is dependent upon satisfactory attendance, achievement and behaviour on campus. Scholarships may be withdrawn during the year if any of these are not satisfactory.
•I understand that if I withdraw from my course early, I may be asked to pay back some or all of the funding I have received up to that date.
•I will declare any interest I have in the College, such as relationships with employees of Askham Bryan College or Newton Rigg College.
Signed: / Date:(Learner applying for the Scholarship)
What Happens Next?
Please return your application form to:
Scholarship ApplicationsNewton Rigg College
CA11 0AH
Applications received after 1st July 2017 may not be considered by the Scholarships Panel.
The outcome of your application will be notified to you in writing by 31st July 2017.