The Installation of Beta Omega Chapter of Sigma Zeta at Virginia Wesleyan College
April 28, 2011
Under the direction of Dr. James Hall, the Beta Omega Chapter of Sigma Zeta was installed on April 28, 2011. Dr. J. Christopher Haley, Professor of Earth Sciences and Chairman of the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at VWC acted as Conductor for the ceremony. Dr. Garry Noe acted as the photographer for the event.
The event was opened by Dr. Victor Townsend, who welcomed the Academic Dean Timothy O’Rourke, members of the faculty in the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and students to the installation; he then introduced Dr. Hall. The meeting was officially called to order by Dr. Hall at 5:35 pm in Clarke 118 on the VWC campus.
Dr. Hall then proceeded to install the chapter by welcoming the faculty members from the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Mathematics into Membership.
Dr. Soraya Bartol, Assistant Professor of Biology; Dr. Deirdre Gonsalves-Jackson, Associate Professor of Biology; Dr. Maury Howard, Assistant Professor of Chemistry; Dr. Garry Noe, Associate Professor of Physics; Dr. Philip Rock, Associate Professor of Biology, Dr. Maynard Schaus, Professor of Biology; Dr. Victor Townsend, Professor of Biology, and Dr. Zizhong Wang, Professor of Computer Science were present for the installation. Kathy Ames, Instructor of Mathematics; Dr. Joyce Easter, Professor of Chemistry; Dr. Lydia Kennedy, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; Dr. Elizabeth Malcolm, Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences; Dr. Dante Manna, Assistant Professor of Mathematics; Dr. Deborah Otis, Professor of Chemistry; Dr. Margaret Reese, Associate Professor of Mathematics; and Denise Wilkinson, Associate Professor of Mathematics were welcomed in absentia.
Dr. Haley explained some of the symbolism of the organization at this time. The faculty members were presented with their certificates.
Dr. Hall and Dr. Haley then welcomed the collegiate charter members of the organization to membership with a certificate, pin, or medallion. These students included:
Kristyn / AnselmoMeredith / Avery
Katie / Bennett
Stephanie / Bittner
Matt / Boyce
Amy / Bradford
Travis / DeGraphenried
Jennifer / Forbes
Melinda / Hopper
Jeff / Illinick / in absentia
Amber / King
John / Maravich
Heaven / Meinnert / in absentia
Ryan / Wade
Dr. Hall explained more about the symbols of the organization and talked about the national meeting and societal publications.
Dr. Victor Townsend, a newly installed member, accepted the Charter on behalf of the Chapter.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm and refreshments were served in Boyd East.
Respectfully Submitted,
Victor R. Townsend, Jr., Ph.D.
Recorder for the Installation Ceremony