Last Sunday in November to ChristMass – time to give up

favorite foods/drinks, etc., pray

more, & do acts of charity for

enemies & those in need –

neighbors – as birthday gifts for Jesus:



1. O come, O come, Emmanuel,

And ransom captive Israel,

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until The Son of God appear

English Refrain:

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to Thee, O Israel.

1. Latin - universal language of The Catholic Church

Veni, veni, Emmanuel,

captivum solve Israel,

qui gemit in exsilio,

privatus Dei Filio.

Latin Refrain:

Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel

nascetur pro Te Israel!

2E. O come, Thou, Wisdom from on high,

Who orderest all things mightily;

To us the path of knowledge show,

And teach us in Her ways to go. R.

2L. Veni, O Sapientia,

quae hic disponis omnia,

veni, viam prudentiae

ut doceas et gloriae. R.

3E. O come, O come, Great Lord of Might,

Who to Thy tribes on Sinai's height

In ancient times once gave The Law

In cloud and majesty and awe. R.

3L. Veni, veni, Adonai,

qui populo in Sinai

legem dedisti vertice

in maiestate gloriae. R.

4E. O come Thou, Rod of Jesse, free

Thine own from Satan's tyranny;

From depths of hell Thy People save,

And give them victory over the grave. R.

4L. Veni, O Iesse virgula,

ex hostis tuos ungula,

de spectu tuos tartari

educ et antro barathri. R.

5E. O come, Thou Key of David, come,

And open wide our heavenly home;

Make safe the way that leads on high,

And close the path to misery. R.

5L. Veni, Clavis Davidica,

regna reclude caelica,

fac iter tutum superum,

et claude vias inferum. R.

6E. O come, Thou Day-spring, come and cheer

Our spirits by Thine Advent here;

Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,

And death's dark shadows put to flight. R.

6L. Veni, veni O Oriens,

solare nos adveniens,

noctis depelle nebulas,

dirasque mortis tenebras. R.

7E. O come, Desire of nations, bind

In one the hearts of all mankind;

Bid Thou our sad divisions cease,

And be Thyself our King of Peace. R.

7L. Veni, veni, Rex Gentium,

veni, Redemptor omnium,

ut salvas Tuos famulos

peccati sibi conscios. R.


Month of The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary


(O Most Holy One)

1. O Sanctissima, O Piissima (Most Loving One),

Dulcis Virgo Maria,

Mater Amata Intemerata,

Ora ora pro nobis.

2. Virgo Respice, Mater Adspice,

Audi nos, O Maria.

Tu Medicinam,

Portas Divinam.

Ora, ora pro nobis.

3. Tota Pulchra es, O Maria,

Et macula non est in Te.

Mater amata intemerata,

Ora ora pro nobis.

4. Sicut lilium inter spinas,

Sic Maria inter filias,

Mater Amata Intemerata,

Ora, ora pro nobis.

5. In miseria in angustia,

Ora Virgo pro nobis.

Pro nobis ora in mortis hora,

Ora, ora pro nobis.

CHRISTMASS & the 40-day ChristMass Season:

Birthday of God The Son,

In Human Flesh - God-Man,

to The Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin Mother, & His Foster Father, Saint Joseph:



(from Byzantine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom):

1. Let all mortal flesh keep silence,

And with fear and trembling stand;

Ponder nothing earthly-minded,

For with blessing in His Hand,

Christ our God to earth descendeth,

Our full homage to demand.

2. King of kings, yet born of Mary,

As of old on earth He stood,

Lord of lords, in human vesture,

In The Body and The Blood;

He will give to all the faithful

His Own Self for Heavenly Food.

3. Rank on rank the Host of Heaven

Spreads its vanguard on the way,

As the Light of light descendeth

From the realms of endless day,

That the powers of hell may vanish

As the darkness clears away.

4. At His feet the six-wingèd Seraph,

Cherubim with sleepless eye,

Veil their faces to The Presence,

As with ceaseless voice they cry:

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Lord Most High!


ChristMass to the Gentiles: EPIPHANY - January 6th


1. We three kings of Orient are.

Bearing gifts we traverse afar

Field and fountain, moor and mountain,

Following yonder Star. R.


O, Star of wonder, Star of night,

Star with royal beauty bright,

Westward leading, still proceeding;

Guide us to Thy Perfect Light.

2. Born a Babe on Bethlehem's plain.

Gold we bring to crown Him again.

King forever, ceasing never,

Over us all to reign. R.

3. Frankincense to offer have I.

Incense owns a deity nigh.

Prayer and praising, all men raising,

Worship Him, God Most High. R.

4. Myrrh is mine; its bitter perfume

Breathes a life of gathering gloom.

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,

Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. R.

5. Glorious now, behold Him arise:

King and God and Sacrifice.

"Alleluia! Alleluia!"

Earth to Heav’n replies. R.


Month of The Divine Infancy of

Jesus Christ:


1. Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming,

From tender Stem hath sprung!

From Jesse’s lineage coming,

As men of old have sung.

It came, a Floweret Bright,

Amid the cold of winter,

When half spent was the night.

2. Isaiah 'twas foretold It,

The Rose I have in mind.

With Mary we behold It,

The Virgin Mother Kind.

To show God's Love aright,

She bore to us a Savior,

When half spent was the night

3. This Flower, Whose Fragrance tender,

With Sweetness fills the air,

Dispels with glorious splendor
The darkness everywhere.
True man, yet very God;
From sin and death He saves us,
And lightens every load.


1. O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of The Dear Saviour's Birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.

Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, O night when Christ was born;
O night divine! O night divine!

2. Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
So led by the light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here came the Wisemen from Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our Friend.
He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger,

Behold your King! Before The Lowly bend!
Behold your King! Your King! Before Him bend!
3. Truly He taught us to love one another;
His Law Is Love and His Gospel is peace.
Chains He shall break, for the slave is our brother.
And in His Name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we;
Let all within us praise His Holy Name.

Christ Is The Lord! O praise His Name forever!
His power and glory evermore proclaim!
His power and glory evermore proclaim!


Month of The Most Holy Trinity & of The Holy Family:



1. Holy God, we praise Thy Name;

Lord of all, we bow before Thee!

All on earth Thy Scepter claim,

All in Heaven above adore Thee;

Infinite Thy vast domain, (bis)

Everlasting is Thy Reign.

2. Hark! the loud celestial hymn

Angel Choirs above are raising,

Cherubim and Seraphim,

In unceasing chorus praising;

Fill the heavens with sweet accord: (bis)

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord!

3. Lo! the Apostolic Train

Join The Sacred Name to hallow;

Prophets swell the loud refrain,

And the White-robed Martyrs follow;

And from morn to set of sun, (bis)

Through The Church the song goes on.

4. Holy Father, Holy Son,

Holy Spirit, Three we name Thee;

While in Essence only One,

Undivided God we claim Thee;

And adoring bend the knee, (bis)

While we own The Mystery.

5. Thou Art King of Glory, Christ:

Son of God, yet born of Mary;

For us sinners Sacrificed,

And to death a Tributary:

First to break the bars of death, (bis)

Thou hast opened Heaven to faith.

6. From Thy high, Celestial Home,

Judge of all, again returning,

We believe that Thou shalt come

In the dreaded doomsday morning;

When Thy Voice shall shake the earth, (bis)

And the startled dead come forth.

7. Therefore do we pray Thee, Lord:

Help Thy servants whom, redeeming

By Thy Precious Blood Outpoured,

Thou hast saved from Satan’s scheming.

Give to them eternal rest (bis)

In the glory of The Blest.

8. Spare Thy People, Lord, we pray,

By a thousand snares surrounded:

Keep us without sin today,

Never let us be confounded.

Lo, I put my trust in Thee; (bis)

Never, Lord, abandon me.


1. Sing of Mary, pure and lowly,

Virgin Mother Undefiled,

Sing of God's Own Son Most Holy,

Who became Her Little Child.

Fairest Child of Fairest Mother,

God The Lord, Who came to earth,

Word Made Flesh, our very Brother,

Takes our nature by His Birth.

2. Sing of Jesus, Son of Mary,

In the home at Nazareth.

Toil and labour cannot weary

Love enduring unto death.

Constant was The Love He gave Her,

Though he went forth from Her side,

Forth to preach, and heal, and suffer,

Till on Calvary He died.

3. Glory be to God The Father;

Glory be to God The Son;

Glory be to God The Spirit;

Glory to The Three In One.

From The Heart of Blessed Mary,

From all Saints the song ascends,

And The Church the strain reechoes

Unto earth's remotest ends.


Month of Saint Joseph,

March 25th, The Annunciation of St. Gabriel to The Blessed Virgin Mary, & Lenten Month:


1. O Blessed St. Joseph, how great was thy worth,

The one chosen Shadow of God upon earth,

The [Foster] Father of Jesus! Ah, then, wilt Thou be,

Sweet Spouse of our Lady! a Father to me?

2. For Thou to the pilgrim art Father and Guide,

And Jesus and Mary felt safe by Thy side;

Ah, Blessed Saint Joseph, how safe I should be,

Sweet Spouse of our Lady! if Thou wert with me!

3. When The Treasures of God were unsheltered on earth,

Safekeeping was found for Them both in Thy worth:

O [Foster] Father of Jesus, be Father to me,

Sweet spouse of our Lady! and I will love Thee.



1. Saint Joseph Wast a Just Man,

A Man of upright life,

Our Lord’s Kind Foster Father

Took Mary as his Wife.

He knew the pain of exile

In far Egyptian land.

Obedient, Kind, and Faithful,

He followed God’s Command.

2. As Head of God’s Own Family,

Saint Joseph is renowned.

He searched the ancient city,

Until his Child was found.

All honor to Saint Joseph,

Whose merits we acclaim.

God bless each home & family,

In Good Saint Joseph’s name.


prayed at 6:00 a.m., noon, & 6:00 p.m.

V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae

R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.

Ave, Maria, Gratia plena,

Dominus tecum,

Benedicta Tu in mulieribus,

et Benedictus Fructus Ventris Tui, Jesus.

Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,

ora pro nobis, peccatoribus, nunc,

et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

V. Ecce Ancilla Domini.

R. Fiat mihi secundum Verbum Tuum.

Ave, Maria,...

Genuflect during the following:

V. Et Verbum Factum Est,

R. Et Habitavit in nobis.

Ave, Maria,...

V. Ora pro nobis Sancta Dei Genitrix,

R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.


Gratiam Tuam, quaesumus, Domine. Mentibus nostris infunde ut qui Angelo nuntiante Christi Filii Tui Incarnationem cognovibus, per Passionem ejus et Crucem ad Resurrectionis Gloriam perducamur.

Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.


V. The Angel of The Lord declared unto Mary,

R. And She conceived of The Holy Ghost.

Hail, Mary, Full of Grace,

The Lord Is with Thee.

Blessed art Thou among women,

and Blessed Is The Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners, now,

and at the hour of our death. Amen.

V. Behold The Handmaid of The Lord.

R. Be it done unto me according to

Thy Word.

Hail, Mary,...

Genuflect during the following:

V. And The Word Wast Made Flesh.

R. And dwelt amongst us.

Hail, Mary,...

Let us pray.

Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy Grace into our hearts, that we to

whom The Incarnation of Christ Thy Son wast made known to by the message of an Angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to The

Glory of His Resurrection. Through The Same Christ our Lord.


(1st half of this prayer found in Luke 1, v. 28 & 42)

Ave, Maria,

Gratia Plena,

Maria, Gratia Plena,

Maria, Gratia Plena.

Ave, Ave, Dominus,

Dominus Tecum.

Benedicta Tu in mulieribus,

Et Benedictus, Et Benedictus

Fructus Ventris,

Ventris Tui, Jesus.

Sancta Maria,

Mater Dei,

Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,

Ora, ora pro nobis.

Ora, ora pro nobis, peccatoribus,

Nunc, et in hora mortis,

In hora mortis nostrae.

In hora mortis, mortis nostrae.

In hora mortis, nostrae.

Ave, Maria!


Read the lyrics, listen, and sing with the songs. God bless!


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