SHARE Peer Education Assistant

$11/hr. for 35 hrs./week for 8-12 weeks

The SHARE Peer Education Program provides students with opportunities to teach their peers about sexual violence prevention. Programs can include the role of the active bystander, healthy relationships, assertiveness, how to respond if a friend discloses, and knowledge of campus and local resources. Key issues include: sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, homophobia and transphobia. The Peer Education Assistant will help prepare for recruitment, training and education campaigns for the Peer Education Program.


-Prepare fun activities for peer educators to teach first year students about the key issues (sexual harassment, sexual assault, abuse, homo- and transphobia) during orientation week;

-Prepare for recruitment of student volunteers at the Fall Activities Fair by creating information booths (poster boards) on key topics such as healthy relationships and warning signs of abuse; homo- and trans-phobia; sexual assault; sexual harassment;

-Use telephone and email to confirm local contacts and resources related to key issues and topics;

-Assist with developing and/or formatting resources like handouts, charts and worksheets for trainings and presentations;

-Help create posters and pamphlets for passive education on key issues and for monthly campaigns;

-Use the internet to research potential monthly education campaigns for the 2017/18 year and assist in completing a prevention strategy for 2017/18;

-Assist with creation of powerpoint presentations about the sexual violence education and response policies forcampus groups; and

-Network with like-minded campus student groups towards collaborating on the monthly education campaigns and events.

The successful candidate will receive:

-Orientation to the campus Policy and Procedures on Sexual Violence Prevention and Education and on the key issues (sexual harassment, sexual assault, abuse in relationships, homophobia, transphobia)

-Training in effective response to sexual violence disclosures from peers

-Ongoing support from the SHARE Advisor

-Opportunity to present on key topics

-An inside look at crisis response services

-Experience organizing and developing programs and resources for peers

-Opportunity to receive further training and become a SHARE Peer Educator during the 2017/18 Academic Year


Melody Petlock, SHARE Advisor

Please email your resume, cover letter and 3 references.

The Canada Summer Jobs program for 2017 prioritizes offering this position to indigenous students and/or students with disabilities in the interests of trying to provide work opportunities to members of these groups.