Pre-Seminar Content Steps:
· Introduce this seminar by stating directly that our purpose in participating in this dialogue is to gain understanding of: art, form, infinity, symbol.
· Display a definition of a Mobius Strip on the board and discuss:
The Mobius Strip or Mobius Band is an interesting geometric figure that can be formed by giving a strip of paper a half turn and joining the two ends together.
· Have participants study and look carefully at the text.
Prior to the seminar, share the following background information:
· M. C. Escher was a Dutch artist known for his intricate, detailed prints.
· Most of his work consists of black-and-white lithographs and woodcuts.
· In his graphic art, Escher explored the complex relationship of shapes and figures to space.
· He was trained as an architect and was very interested in mathematics, particularly geometry.
Pre-Seminar Process Steps:
Prepare participants to participate in seminar discussion by reading the following script (or putting key points into your own words):
“We are going to have a Paideia Seminar today. And our purpose is to think together about art, form, infinity, symbol.
The main purpose for doing seminar is to better understand this piece of art, to better understand ourselves and each other.
“As participants, your job is to really think, and listen, and talk with each other. You can help each other do this by using each other’s names.
“You do not need to raise your hands in order to speak; you should really try to stay focused by looking at the speaker and waiting your turn to talk.
“You may agree or disagree. For example, you might say, ‘I disagree with what Joanna said because….
My job as facilitator is to ask questions. I will take notes to be a good listener. I am one among equals here today.
“Now, let’s think about how we normally participate in a discussion as a group. What goal should set for ourselves that will help us talk together? For this seminar, I would suggest TO ASK QUESTIONS.
[Set group goal and display it for all to see.]
“Please consider the list of personal participation goals that I have listed on the board.”
To look at the person speaking
To refer to the text in detail
To speak at least three times
To ask a question
“Is there one that is a particular challenge for you personally? Will you choose one goal from the list and commit to achieving it during the discussion we are about to have?... Please write your personal goal… at the top of your copy of the text/ on your name tent or on your goals sheet.”
Opening Questions:
Where does the strip begin (or end)? (round-robin response)
Why did you pick that spot as the beginning or end? (spontaneous discussion)
Core Questions:
Which is the lead ant? Why?
What is the relationship between the ants and the path they are on?
How many sides does the “strip” that makes up the Mobius Strip have? How do you know?
In mathematics, there is a concept called “infinity.” Who can tell us what “infinity” means? (Establish by discussion a fairly clear definition; use a dictionary if necessary.)
If you turn the Mobius Strip on its side (demonstrate…), it becomes the mathematical symbol for “infinity.” Do you think it is a good symbol for infinity? Why or why not?
Why do we need a symbol for an idea like the infinite?
Closing Questions:
What things can you think of that are infinite? Explain.
Post-Seminar Process Steps:
Debrief the seminar discussion by reading the following script (or putting key points into your own words):
“Thank you for your focused and thoughtful participation in our seminar.
“As part of the post-seminar process, I would first like to ask you to take a few minutes to reflect on your relative success in meeting the personal process goal you set prior to beginning the discussion. Please review the goal you set for yourself and reflect in writing to what extent you met the goal. In addition, note why you think you performed as you did. (Pause for reflection.)
“Would several volunteers please share your self-assessment and reflection….
“Now I would like us to talk together about how we did in relation to the group process goal we set for ourselves. On a scale of one to ten, ten being perfect, how would you say we did with ASKING QUESTIONS? Why? (Pause for discussion.)
“As always, our goal is continuous improvement: both as individual seminar participants and as citizens. Thanks again for your participation.”
· Thank everyone for their participation… and state that we’ll now take our final step in this seminar…
Post-Seminar Content Step:
Divide participants into groups of three and distribute construction paper, scissors, and glue. Demonstrate for them how to make a Mobius Strip. Have participants choose things that they consider infinite and write or draw those things on their strips before bending the strips of paper in Mobius Strips. Display the strips in the classroom.
“Mobius Strip” Paideia Seminar Plan Page 1