/ Here we are archiving a number of past articles from the Leader Magazine. There's really no rhyme or reason as to which stories are here. They are primarily retrived from the 2 or 3 articles posted every month on our main Leader page.
Thanks to Scouter Kevin Nickson, area commissioner from Sunnybrook (GTR) for the idea for this page.
Most are in the HTML format as originally posted on our site. Others are in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF).

PDF files may be read by a special reader, which you can download from the following locations:
  • Macintosh users may download the reader by clicking here.
  • Win95 users may download the reader by clicking here.
  • Win3.x users may download the reader by clicking here.
  • All others may download the reader by clicking here.
Afterward, you will need to run the Installer or .EXE file to set up the reader for your system. The articles may then be downloaded, opened through the reader (choose "Pick App" in your Web browser), viewed on and printed from your machine.
Recruitment Interviews: Stepping in the right direction. - April 1997.
How to Get the Right People. Screening Interviews: Part "A" - May 1997.
How To Get The Right People. Screening Interviews: Part "B" - June/July 1997
Sharing - Is it Time to Take Your Beavers Canoeing? - June/July 1997.
Tarantulas. The Biting Truth - June/July 1997.
Take a Hike on the Wild Side - June/July 1997.
Reference Checks are Vital - August/September 1997.
Venturer Log - The Big Snack Attack - August/September 1997.
Sharing - Clean Up Your Act - August/September 1997.
Outdoors - Choose the Right Pack for Your Back - October 1997.
Fun At the Pond. Fall/Winter Festive Season Ideas - October 1997.
Bump in the Night - A Ghost Story for Halloween - October 1997.
Orientation and Probation for New Members - October 1997
Great Continental Divide Hike. The 1996 Amory Adventure Award - November 1997.
Hug A Tree - November 1997.
Recruitment vs. Retention. The Role of PR - November 1997.
Freeze Dried! The "How-Tos" of Winter Camping - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Peer Pressure - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Yukon Sheep-Watching Camp An experience worth `bleating' about - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Build Them UP with Praise! - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Book Talk - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Fun at the Pond: December meeting ideas - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Outdoors: Get Organized for Backpacking - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Sharing/Paksack: Make a family tree - December 1997. In .pdf format only
For Volunteers: Let's Improve Our Training Courses - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Venturer Log: How "Long" Can You Look? - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Patrol Corner: On the Cutting Edge, Knives - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Can You Dig It? Scoutrees for Canada - December 1997. In .pdf format only
Network: Make Your Trips to Camp Safer - December 1997.In .pdf format only
Paksak: Cubs and Pocketknives, should they mix?.- January 1998.
Surf's Up. Tips for Scouting Out the Internet.- January 1998.
Get Ready for Scout - Guide Week. February 15 to 22.- January 1998.
Attitude is Everything. February 1998 [pdf format]
Risk Management: It's for Everyone to Learn. February 1998 [pdf format]
Local Heros Help Save Sections. February 1998 [pdf format]
Don't Be Naive! - Editorial Page. March 1998 [pdf format]
All Aboard the Underground Railroad! March 1998 [pdf format]
Stress It Up! March 1998 [pdf format]
PR Is Everyone's Responsibility. March 1998 [pdf format]
Fun at the Pond - Spring Safety. March 1998 [pdf format]
Venturer Log - Sex, drugs and peer pressure. March 1998 [pdf format]
Why Does Akela Do All the Work?. April 1998 [pdf format]
Let Beavers Design Their Own Program. April 1998 [pdf format]
40th Jamboree on the Air. The Canadian Experiences. April 1998 [pdf format]
What About a Single Jamboree Site? April 1998 [pdf format]
Membership: No More Excuses! April 1998 [pdf format]
A Simple Way to Promote Scouting May 1998 [pdf format]
Venturer Log. Agony and Delight: Make this Lightweight Oven for the Trail. May 1998 [pdf format]
Scouting. Go Public! May 1998 [pdf format]
Fun At The Pond: Map Making, Spring Beach Party May 1998 [pdf format]
Editorial Page - The Leader Magazine is Changing June-July 1998 [pdf format]
Caribbean Pirates. Summer Cub Camp June-July 1998 [pdf format]
1996 Amory Adventurer Award - Ghost River Wilderness Trail June-July 1998 [pdf format]
The Leader Magazine welcomes your editorial suggestions via e-mail to

Looking for an article in last year's Leader magazine? Check out the searchable index of issues from August-September 1995 to June-July 1996.

Back Issues of The Leader Magazine
Yes, we do have some back issues available for sale. Our archives go back to January 1980 and you can order copies for $2.00 each, pre-paid by cheque or money order.
Send your order to:
Canadian Leader Magazine
P.O. Box 5112, Stn LCD-Merivale
Ottawa, ON
K2C 3H4
Here is a list of back issues which are NOT available.
All others are fair game!
1980: March; August/September
1981: April; May; August/September
1982: March
1983: November; December
1984: January; February; December
1985: August/September
1986: February; March
1987: March; April; December
1988: August/September
1989: April; May; November; December
1990: February; November
1991: January; February; August/September; November
1993: April; August/September
1994: May; August/September

Last Updated:
June 17, 1998
9:05:02 PM