Chemistry 1 Syllabus
Course Description: The Chemistry course encourages students to continue their investigations of the structure of matter along with chemical reactions and the conservation of matter and energy to those reactions. Inquiry is applied to the study of the composition, structure, properties and transformation of substances. The course focuses on basic chemical concepts and incorporates investigations to build understanding of these concepts. The unifying concepts and program strands provide a context for teaching content and process skill goals.
Prerequisite: Biology I and Algebra I
(Algebra II preferred.)
Corequisite: Geometry taken at the same time.
Text: Glencoe, Chemistry, Matter and Change, can be found online at
user: cmc2005 password: T8chefec
Tests: Tests are taken for evaluation mastery of objectives. A practice test is taken before every
test and every retest.
- Homework will be a rigorous review designed to reinforce skills/concepts learned in the Chemistry class.
- Homework will be given every night and will be graded for correctness. Students who do not show mastery of the skills/concepts covered in the homework will have opportunities during class and tutorials for additional practice.
Grading Criteria: Grades are posted weekly, and progress reports are given out half
way through the quarter. The grading scale follows the one set by
CMS which is:
A 93-100
F 0-69
Grading Scale: Each quarter grades are assigned giving the most weight to assessment,
and follows the outline below:
- Final exam will count 25% of the grade in chemistry.
Required Materials:
- Notebook or 3 ring binder with paper
- Scientific calculator
- Writing utensils
Classroom Expectations/Responsibilities:
- Students are expected to be prepared for class. This includes textbook, paper, pencil, notebook, scientific calculator and completed homework. Coming to class without the necessary materials reduces the students possibility of success.
- Students are expected to be in class on time. Starting classes timely is a must for goals and objectives to achieved. West Mecklenburg HS has a zero tolerance policy on tardiness – see the student handbook for complete behavior policies.
Chemistry Bill Of Rights:
Student Needs/Rights/Expectations:
1. Students’ needs include survival, belonging, power, fun and freedom.
2. Students have the right to learn without being disrupted by others.
Teacher’s Needs/Rights/Expectations:
1. A teacher needs the full attention of each student.
2. She/He has the right to establish optimal learning environments.
3. He/She may expect behavior that leads to optimal student growth.
Chemistry Class Rules:
1. Come to class prepared with materials and a willingness to learn.
2. Behave respectfully to your teacher and classmates.
3. Be prepared to face the consequences of misbehavior.
Tutorials and Parent/Teacher Conferences:
Tutorials will be offered Tuesday and Thursday from 2:25-4:25, and
students are expected to take advantage of them. Parent conferences may
be scheduled at the convenience of the parent and teacher. Conferences
can be scheduled by contacting the teacher and/or the guidance counselor.
Teacher Contact Information:
Teachers can be reached at 980-343-6080 and the individual teacher’s
voice mail can be accessed. Teachers also can be reached by email.
Mr. Sam Craig
Room 405
Mrs. Rebekah Myers
Room 406
Resources: Our web pages list a multitude of search resources, here are just a few.
username: mintms password: science