AREA: / Closing the GAPS & Employment Connection New Design Model
REFERENCE: / CWES Bulletin 07-11
DATE: / June 28, 2007
TO: / All CWES Staff
FROM: / Alette Lundeberg, DEBS Administrator
Listed below are the guidelines developed by the workgroups that would improve the work participation rate, program services and support the program’s performance objectives. These guidelines are to be used where applicable until the business processes of the CWES NBM Version 2.0 can be updated.
The Guidelines reflect revisions to and from the exits processes of:
- Activity assignments to reduce the time gap and handoffs to/from the Employment Connection Centers;
- Activity assignments to reduce the time gap and handoffs to/from Assessment;
- Work Experience and Community Service activities;
- Keys to Success activity;
- Adult Education and Community College Providers activities.
- The BRIDGE activity.
And arranging Support Services for referrals to and from Employment Connection Centers;
New Forms (attached):
- Child Care Request Form (SC1 1718) ●E-Mail Referral Form
All CWES staff will be trained during the months of June/July 2007 and the effective date of these guidelines for implementation is July 9, 2007.
The pilot team has been meeting to work out the day-to-day details and other internal office procedures applicable only to the pilot team members.
Guidelines Reference Table:
# / Name of Guideline / ECC Staff Only / AllStaff
1 / Referral to Next Activity / X
2 / Employment Verification / X
3 / Referral to Keys to Success Provider / X
4 / Referrals to Adult Education Providers / X
5 / Referrals to College Providers (Post Assessment) / X
6 / Referrals to Job Club – Supervised Job Search – Part Time Job Search / X
7 / Support Services / X
8 / Referrals to Work Experience or Community Service / X
9 / Referral to Bridge / X
10 / Referral to Assessment & Re-Assessment / X
- Employment Connection Employment Counselor (EC)
- Employment Connection Employment Technician (ECC-ET)
1 / EC / A) Refer client to appropriate activity. Refer to Assign Activity OLUMprocedure. CWES activities include, but are not limited to:
- Employment;
- Keys to Success;
- Assessment;
- Re-Assessment;
- Work Experience / Community Services;
- Bridge;
- And Mental Health Services / Substance Abuse (Health Alliance).
system will suggest the next activity. Close the window/do NOT use.
B) Record activities in the appropriate Plan/Activity tab of the Maintain
Employment Services Participation window. Refer to Maintain
Employment Plan OLUM Procedure (except full time employment and
KTS). This process allows the user to appropriately assign the
C) Complete WTW2 form with the client.
D) Sign and have the client sign the plan.
E) Send original WTW2 to the IDM Station.
F) Update case comments and send email referral to assigned ET, if no
support services are needed.
G) Refer client to ECC-ET if supportive services are needed and escort
client toECC-ET onsite office.
Stage / Who / Tasks/Steps
2 / ECC-ET / A) Arrange support services as follows:
If / Then
Client requests monthly transportation allowance, / 1) Authorize transportation allowance for the
new activity.
2) Update case comments inCalWIN and email
assigned ET of activity provider and
If / Then
Client requests mileage reimbursement, / 1) Inform and evaluate if the client meets criteria.
2) Issue and review mileage reimbursement
form, SC 1799 with client.
3) Update case comments in CalWINand email
assigned ET the nameof activity providerand
projected mileage reimbursement.
Client needs child care or ancillary / 1) Review WTW 2 sent by ECC-EC and
process other support services.
2) Update case comments in CalWINand send
email to assigned ET toreview casecomments
regarding service provider assignment and
support services approved.
Client wants a new child care provider / 1) Provide necessary forms and schedule
appointment for client to return forms to
assigned ET.
2) Update case comments in CalWIN and email
assigned ET of service provider assignment
and support services approved.
1. The ECC-ET will assist the client in finding a new childcare provider if
there is any change in the childcare during participation of any of the
ECC’s activities.
2. If client wants new childcare provider upon referral to next activity, the
assigned ET will assist the client.
3. If no change in childcare provider the ECC-ET will copy and approve
the childcare provider for next activity.
Stage / Who / Tasks/Steps
3 / Service Provider
ET / A) Update activity status. Refer to Update Activity Status OLUM
If / Then
Service Provider is a CalWIN User / Service Provider updates the activity status.
Service Provider is not a CalWIN User / Assigned ET updates the activity status.
4 / Assigned
ET / A) Provide ongoing case management.
B) Process current support service payments.
C) Update current WTW Plan and end support service assignment in
CalWIN, as appropriate.
- Employment Connection Employment Counselor (EC)
- Employment Connection Employment Technician (ECC-ET)
- Assigned Employment Technician (ET)
1 / EC / A) Provide client or send the Employment VerificationForm (SC 549) to theclient who becomes employed while participating in any activities
provided by the ECC. Inform client to return form to theassigned ET.
B) Upon receipt of the SC 549 assign employment as the next activity. Refer
to Assign ActivityOLUM procedures.
C) Complete WTW2 if client available. (A WTW2 is notrequired for the
Fulltime Employed client).
D) Update activity status, if appropriate. Refer to Update ActivityStatus
OLUM procedure.
E) Assign other concurrent activities, if applicable.
F) Provide the client a supply of SC1755s.
G) Send the Open Road EmploymentVerification Form to assigned ET to
serve as an alert of the employment if no SC 549 has been returned by the
H) Refer client to ECC-ET for support services. Refer to Guidelines for
Support Services.
I) Send SC 549, pay stubs or other employment verification if available to
the IDM station and original WTW2.
2 / ECC-ET / A) Arrange for support servicesper Support Services Guidelines from ECC
and issue required NOAs.
B) Complete APP Referral Form – SC 1776 for childcare and send to
Stage II Unit – must be noted in case comments.
C) Update CalWIN case comments and send email informing assignedET.
3 / Assigned
ET / A) Complete childcare referral when new provider is needed.
B) Follow up on APP referral.
C) Monitor and complete employment follow up.
D) Send email to EW once employment is verified.
E) Send SC 549 to IDM station.
- Assessment Counselor (AC)
- Assigned Employment Technician (ET)
- Employment Connection Employment Counselor (EC)
- Employment Connection Employment Technician (ECC-ET)
Referrals to KTS from EC or ECC-ET Only:
Stage / Who / Task/Steps
1 / EC / A) Offer LD screening. If client refuses LD screening and LD services, refer
client to next activity.
B) Record screening results on the Competency Tab. Refer to BENDS 1316.
C) Assign activity. Refer to Assign Activity OLUM procedure. This process
includes the referral and scheduling of a client to the activity in CalWIN.
D) If client has to wait for KTS appointment, refer client to BRIDGE via the
email referral form.
E) If client is identified as an appropriate referral to KTS send the information
to KTS via the Email Form.
F) Complete WTW 2 for BRIDGE as the concurrent activity.
2 / ECC-ET / A) Set up support services for KTS/BRIDGE activities.
B) Submit original WTW 2 to IDM station.
C) Email assigned ET to inform of referral to KTS/BRIDGE activities.
3 / KTS / A) Provide the evaluation and career assessment.
B) Review case information to assist in the development of the WTW Plan. See
Collect Employment Services Information OLUM procedures.
C) Develop WTW 2 Plan.
D) Complete the LD evaluation report.
E) Review the report and/or WTW 2 with the client and obtain the client’s
F) Provide copy of the report and plan to the client.
G) If plan is developed and schedule a return appointment through the
designated CST at each office for the assigned ET toimplement the Plan.
H) Send the report and/or WTW 2 to assigned ET.
I) Update the activity. Refer to Update Activity Status OLUM procedures.
J) If client does not show, or refuses services, or does not complete the KTS
assessment, notify the assigned ET by email.
Stage / Who / Tasks/Steps
4 / Assigned
ET / A) Enter the WTW Plan in CalWIN. Refer to Maintain Employment Plan
OLUM procedure. Implement the WTW 2 Plan.
B) Send KTS/LD report and/or WTW 2 Plan to IDM station.
C) Arrange support services as needed.
D) If client fails to show or complete KTS services, refer client to next activity.
E) If client does not cooperate, initiate the non-compliance process.
Referrals to KTS from AC Only:
Stage / Who / Task/Steps
1 / AC / A) If KTS is needed, schedule in CalWIN for next sessionwhile attending
assessment. .
B) Give client referral verification (CSF6).
C) Inform and remind client of required attendance in the BRIDGE activity
until KTS activity begins.
2 / KTS / A) If plan is developed schedule a return appointment for client to meet with
the assigned ET. Contact the designated CST located at office for the
B) Send KTS Plan to IDM station.
C) Enter case comments, or
D) If plan is not developed, contact the Assessment Unit and schedule a
return appointment for the AC to complete the assessment and develop the
E) Enter case comments.
F) Email assigned ET of referral outcome.
3 / AC / A) If there is a change in client’s child care provider and the provider is an
exempt provider, then complete the Child Care Request Form (SC 1718)
and give to client with Exempt Provider Childcare Packet, or
B) If there is a change in client’s child care provider and the client has
identified a licensed provider to use, include thisinformation in the email
sent to the assigned ET, or
C) If there is a change in child care provider and the client wants the
new provider to be licensed and needs assistance from 4C’s ,
complete the SC 1718 and give to client.
4 / Assigned ET / A) Enter the WTW Plan in CalWIN. Refer to Maintain Employment Plan
OLUM procedure. Implement the KTS Plan.
- Assessment Counselor (AC)
- Assigned Employment Technician (ET)
- Employment Connection Employment Counselor (EC)
- Employment Connection Employment Technician (ECC-ET)
1 / AC/EC / A) If Vocational Training and/or Education Directly Related to Employment (i.e. ABE,GED,ESL,HS) is needed, refer client to Adult Education provider for assessment concurrent
with BRIDGE.
B) Call the Site Rep. for an appointment or a placement test date for the client to be seen.
C) EC Only: If the next activity is a Vocational Training and/or Education Related to
Employment and the Ad. Ed. Assessment is needed then:
- Review and sign WTW 2 with the client.
- Refer and schedule for Assessment/BRIDGE activities at Ad. Ed.
- Refer client to ECC-ET for support services.
Activity is post assessment AND it is the first activity on the WTW 2 then:
- Review and sign the WTW 2 with the client.
- Refer and schedule appropriate activity (ies).
- If there is a change in child care arrangements and:
There is a change in childcare service provider and the new provider is exempt, / Complete the Child Care Request Form (SC 1718) and give to client with Exempt Provider Childcare Packet and instruct client when and whom to return to.
If the new childcare provider is licensed and the client has identified which childcare provider to use, / Include this information in the email to the assigned ET.
If the client wants a licensed and new childcare provider and needs assistance from 4C’s, / Complete the SC 1718 and contact the onsite 4C’s representative if available or send referral to 4C’s.
E) Fax the WTW 2 to the service provider.
F) Send the original WTW 2 to the IDM station.
F) Enter case comments in CalWIN.
G) Forward the referral to the service provider and copy to the assigned ET.
H) If service provider is CalWIN user, send Email Form to provider.
I) If service provider is NOT a CalWIN user, send the SC 1757 to provider and to IDM.
2 / ECC-ET / A) Set up support services for Assessment/BRIDGE.
B) Submit original WTW2 to IDM station.
C) Email assigned ET to inform of referral to Assessment/BRIDGE.
3 / Service
Provider / A) Upon receipt of email complete the referral outcome as follows:
If / And / Then
Client shows to the activity, / Service Provider is a CalWIN user, / Update activity status.
Service Provider is NOT a CalWIN user, / Fax or email the SC 1757 to the assigned ET.
Client NO SHOWS to the activity, / Service Provider is a CalWIN user, / 1. Update activity status.
2. Send email to the
assigned ET.
Service Provider is NOT a CalWIN user, / Fax or email the SC 1757 to the assigned ET.
4 / Assigned ET / A) Upon receipt of notification of client’s status applies the following:
If / And / Then
Client shows to the activity, / Service Provider is a CalWIN user, / Continue with case management services and monitor progress and attendance.
Service Provider is NOT a CalWIN user, / 1. Update activity status.
2. Send the SC 1757 to
IDM station.
3. Monitor progress and
Client DOES NOT SHOW to the activity, / Service Provider is a CalWIN user, / Start the non-compliance process.
Service Provider is a NOT a CalWIN user, / 1. Update activity status.
2. Send the SC 1757 to
IDM station.
3. Start the non-compliance
- Assessment Counselor (AC)
- Assigned Employment Technician (ET)
Stage / Who / Task/Steps
1 / AC / A) If Vocational Training or Jobs Skills Training Directly Related to
Employment (is post assessment and is the first or concurrent
activities on the WTW 2) then, reviewand sign WTW 2 with the client.
B) Refer and schedule appropriate activity (ies).
C) Review childcare plan and apply the following:
If there is / Then
A change in child care provider and it is an exempt provider, / Complete the Child Care Request Form
(SC 1718) and give to client with Exempt Provider Packet.
A change in child care provider and it is a licensed provider selected by the client, / Include information in the email to the assigned ET.
No child care provider identified and the client needs assistance to find a license provider, / Complete the Child Care Request Form
(SC 1718) and give to client. Schedule and send client to 4C’s Site Representative with referral or give referral to Site Representative so an appointment can be scheduled.
D) Email the assigned ET of activity start date and child care needs.
E) Send the original WTW2 to the IDM station, if appropriate;
F) Fax the WTW 2 to the service provider.
G) Enter case comments with activity service provider and support services
H) Forward referral to service provider and copy the assignedET:
If / Then
Service Provider is a CalWIN user, / Send Email Form to provider.
Service Provider is NOT a CalWIN user, / Send the SC1757 to the provider and IDM station.
Note: AC may elect to schedule client to meet with the assigned ET if is any follow is needed or documents to be delivered to the assigned ET. Appointment is schedule through the designated CST at each office.
Stage / Who / Tasks/Steps
2 / Service Provider / A) Upon receipt of email referral complete referral outcome.
B) Apply the following:
If / Then
Client shows for activity and service provider is a CalWIN User, / Update activity status.
Client shows for activity and service provider is NOT a CalWIN User, / Fax or email the SC 1757 to the assigned ET.
Client DOES NOT SHOW to the activity and service provider is a CalWIN User, / Update activity status and send email to the assigned ET.
Client DOES NOT SHOW to the activity and service provider is NOT a CalWIN User, / Fax or email the SC 1757 to the assigned ET.
3 / Assigned
ET / A) Upon receipt of notification of client status, apply the following:
If / Then
Client shows to the activity and service provider is a CalWIN User, / Continue to provide case management services and monitor progress and attendance.
Client shows to the activity and service provider is NOT a CalWIN User, / Update activity Status.
Send the SC 1757 to IDM station.
Continue to provide case management services and monitor progress and attendance.
Client NO SHOWS to the activity and service provider is a CalWIN User, / Start the non-compliance process.
Client NO SHOWS to the activity and service provider is NOT a CalWIN User, / Update activity status.
Send SC 1757 to IDM station.
Start the non-compliance process.
- Assessment Counselor (AC)
- Assigned Employment Technician (ET)
- Employment Connection Employment Counselor (EC)
- Employment Connection Employment Technician (ECC-ET)
- Employment Connection Client Service Technician (ECC-CST)
Guidelines for Referrals to Job Club
1 / Assigned ETor / For new referrals only:
A) Refer client to Job Club/Job Search for six weeks. Refer to the Assign
ActivityOLUM procedure.
B) Schedule client to the Job Club/Job Search session only. Refer to the
Maintain an Employment Plan OLUM procedure.
C) Complete and sign WTW 2 with the client.
D) Send original WTW2 to IDM station.
E) Approve and issue appropriate supportive services.
AC / A) Identify the appropriate activity;
B) If Job Club is post assessment AND it is the first or concurrent activity on
the WTW 2, then review and sign WTW2 with the client;
C) Refer and schedule Job Club;
D) Email the assigned ET of activity start date and child care needs.
D) If there is a change in the client’s child care provider it may require that
the JobClub be scheduled two weeks out;
E) Send original WTW 2 to IDM station;
F) Enter case comments;
G) If there is a change in client child care provider:
And… / Then…
The new child care provider is an exempt provider, / Complete the Childcare Request Form (SC 1718) and give to client with Exempt Provider Childcare Packet.
The new child care provider is a licensed provider and the client has identified which provider to use, / Include this information in the email to the assigned ET.
The client wants the new provider to be licensed and needs assistance from 4C’s, / Complete the SC 1718 and give to client. Schedule client or give referral card to 4C’s site representative.