The following is a basic supply list required by all Grade One students.
Please purchase good quality school supplies - they last longer.
Thank you
1 hard plastic pencil box; 20cm x 12cm size
20 2HB good quality pencils; sharpened (i.e. Ticonderoga, Staedtler, Venus). No fancy pencils, please.
3 large white erasers
1 Pencil sharpener (Staedtler tub sharpeners. All MUST have a container to catch the shavings)
4 large UHU glue sticks (not coloured, i.e. not purple )
1 pair of pointed end Fiskars scissors ( dominant hand, L or R )
1 24 pack Crayola wax crayons; regular colours (not neon, glitter or pastel, not 48 or 64)
1 24 pack of pencil crayons (Crayola or Laurentian brand ) SHARPENED
2 pack of 10 washable Crayola markers ( primary colours ) ( with regular tips - no fine tips )
1 Primary notebooks; half interlined/half plain______* This is what interlined
______paper looks like.
6 duo tangs (1 red, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 purple, 1 green)
* NOT FOLDERS (duo tangs have 3 metal brads inside for securing the sheets of paper)
1 pair of good quality head phones (ear muff style, not ear buds; compatible with computer and/or IPAD) in a labelled Ziploc bag
1 large Backpack/school bag
1 pair of runners for indoor and gym use; VELCRO/Slip on with non-marking soles only
* Even if your child is able to tie his/her shoelaces, please DO NOT send shoes with laces.
1 large box of Kleenex
8 large Ziploc freezer bags ( 3.7L )
1 colouring/activity book for indoor recesses
· Please only label clothing items including boots and shoes.
· Please do not label any other supplies (i.e. pencils, duo tangs, notebooks) sometimes we need to mix and match so that one subject has all the same colour of duo tangs or the incorrect supplies were purchased and need to be returned home for different ones.
· Please pre-sharpen all pencils and pencil crayons prior to the first day of school.
· Please send these items with your child on the first day of school
· Please send only those supplies listed above. Incorrect notebooks will be sent home so you can replace them while notebooks are still available at a reasonable price.
· More supplies may be needed as the year progresses
Additional supplies: Please also purchase the supplies requested by YOUR child’s Grade One teacher
Mrs. Dozlaw – 4 dry erase markers, 1 coil Hilroy scrapbook 11” X 14”, two 2” binders
Mrs. Kornelson – 1 Primary notebook fully dotted interlined (no plain space), one 1” binder
Mrs. Vaagen – 4 dry erase markers, 1 large bottle of white glue, one 1” binder
Mr. Niedermaier – 1 Primary notebook fully dotted interlined (no plain space), one 2” binder, 4 dry erase markers