The guidelines of Senior Residency at M.P.Shah Govt. Medical College, Jamnagar (Gujarat)
Senior residents shall be recruited as per the requirements recommended by the MCI in various departments.
A. Educational qualifications:
1. MBBS from any institution or university recognized by the MCI.
2. MD/MS in the concerned subject recognized by the MCI.
3. In case of the candidates having postgraduate degree qualification are not available, the candidates having diploma in the subject concerned, or those who are DNB can also apply
DNB / Diploma candidate has to complete two years of senior residency to get completion certificate.
4. DNB/Diploma should be recognized by MCI and their appointment will be as per MCI guideline.
B.Registration:Candidate must be registered under Gujarat Medical Council Act,1967.
Appointment to senior residency will be made by interview by the medical college annually; preferably within one month after declaration of MD/MS/Diploma results of the Saurashtra University additionally; the college may make appointments as per vacancy arising from time to time and requirement of the institution.
The performance of the residents shall be assessed six monthly on the basis of reports of the Unit Head and Head of the Department of the concerned department and reviewed by the Dean.
The scheme of senior residency shall apply only in clinical subjects including radiology and anaesthesiology. It may be modified from time to time as per requirement of MCI.
III Procedure for selection:-
a) The selection of the candidates for appointment to senior residency shall be made by the college selection committee consist of Dean, Additional Dean, Medical Superintendent, Senior most full time professor of the college and respective HOD of the concerned subject of medical college, and appointment will be made by the Dean.
b) As per selection procedure for Ad hoc appointments by walk-in interview for posts of teaching faculty.
c) Advertisement for the walk-in interview may be published and put on the college notice board. This advertisement would also be circulated to all Govt. Medical colleges including colleges run by Govt. Society, seven days in advance.
d) Interview would be conducted for all above posts in all departments, irrespective of vacancy on the date of interview, and waiting list for non-vacant posts would be prepared.
e) The notice would mention the number of vacancies in the respective departments including the number of category-wise reservation.
f) Candidates would be required to apply in the prescribed format (copy of the same is attached herewith) and bring along their original certificates for verification. Merit list would be prepared.
Merit list will show following details:
g) Also as per guidelines of ad hoc interviews for the post of Assistant Professor.[Annexure I]
i) Results of the interview may be declared within 7 days after completion of interview of all candidates.
Waiting list would also be prepared for vacant posts declared as well as for those which are not vacant on the dates of interview.
h) The appointment order shall be issued by the Dean of the respective medical college as per final selection by the college selection committee within seven working days for a period of one year and the copy of appointment orders would be sent to the Additional Director of Medical Education and Research, Gujarat state, Gandhinagar.
j) In case a candidate does not join on the last day fixed by the Dean, the residency will be considered as vacant and next appointment order would be issued as per the waiting list. If waiting list candidate does not join/respond within 48 hours, after sending the letter by mobile and speed post and E.Mail the appointment order would be treated as cancelled, and next person in waiting would be considered for the appointment .Waiting list will be applicable till the next interview and could be operated as and when required .
The selected candidates must deposit an amount equivalent to his/her one month’s stipend for first year senior residency.. Other conditions regarding deposits are as per rules of junior residency.
k) In case the waiting list is also exhausted, new appointments may be made by the College selection committee
l) College selection committee is also authorised to fill up a vacant post arising out of senior resident going on leave without pay for that period on locum basis.In case of unauthorised absence of more than 10 days the post will be considered vacant.
(As per existing rules in force)
(As per Rules of Junior residency)
Stipend & allowances :
Rs. 45000/ consolidated
Travel allowances for attending court summons (only as expert/treating doctor), if transport is not provided by the college/hospital.
, Immunization during epidemic and other medical bill re-imbursements will be as per Junior Residency rules.
No other allowances would be permissible.
Prevailing Income Tax rules may apply.
A certificate will be given at the completion/ termination of his/her appointment, if he/she has worked to the satisfaction of the college and hospital authorities, on the basis of report from the head of the unit and department
XI- Leaves;
AS per rules of junior residency.
XII-Accommodation facilities-Rules of JR ship can be applied
XIII- Teaching Experience
Senior resident would acquire teaching experience in addition to clinical experience as per MCI norms
XIV-Dicipllinary rules
Diciplinary rules will be applicable as per the rules of junior residency rules