
Community Consultation Process Report

1.  Community awareness, Beneficiaries listing and process followed for the selection of communities and beneficiaries

a)  FAO Proposed field mission to Buhoodle together with SVO & MoA representatives

FAO proposed field mission to Buhoodle together with the Somaliland Ministry of Agriculture representative and SVO to identify, prioritize and select consultatively productive communal infrastructure as per the infrastructure information to be collected guidelines for the catchment, water canals, contour bunds and other activities.

This assignment was undertaken between 5th of July 2017 to 10th of July 2017 with visits to many target locations of Buhoodle districts with productive infrastructures, eight sites were listed for targeting, and only 7 infrastructures were selected and approved by the DG ministry of agriculture on 11th July 2017 which consist of 6 strategic water catchments and 1 contour bund for consideration and rehabilitation.

How were the Infrastructure selected

The infrastructures were selected based on the information to be collected on different infrastructure type guidelines provided by FAO, their productivity & impact to the community, close proximity to the target locations and its strategic location along the pastoral migration route, infrastructure were selected in close consultation with local authority represented by Mayor Abdirisaq in Buhoodle from Somaliland who gave us updates on drought conditions and local authorities’ priority regarding severely drought affected areas for targeting consideration.

The infrastructure assessment team from SVO & the MoA consulted the local authority members represented by the Mayor, elders, women and youths from the respective target villages visited to explore their level of vulnerability, livelihood conditions and identification of potential infrastructure for identification, selection and approval. During the infrastructure identification no major meetings were conducted to mobilize all the communities, only few key community stakeholders mostly elders and some women & youths were involved, during the infrastructure identification & consultation process community raised a number of issues and demands related to their humanitarian needs which include;

§  Drilling of boreholes and equipment.

§  Fencing of existing water catchments.

§  Construction of elevated water tanks at the catchment site.

§  Provision of diesel engine Pumps.

§  Laying of quality plastic sheet on the water catchment.

§  Increase the allocation of unconditional cash transfer.

§  Construction of water supply system and kiosks.

§  Support for education and health interventions.

§  Reduce workload.

§  Scourge of cholera outbreak in the district.

How were the issues addressed?

We explicitly explained our mandate at this stage of project infrastructure identification and community consultation regarding the CFW&UCT intervention implementation objectives, modalities, duration, benefits & impact.

We have discussed with the local community stakeholders the current provisions and limitations of the project in terms of its ability to respond to all community concerns raised and respond to it in the most progressive an effective way possible only those aspects related to the project modalities such as fencing, increase UCT & workload reduction and cholera message which would be mainstreamed within the project.

b)  Community Mobilization and Beneficiaries

Based on the approved infrastructure information and beneficiaries breakdown approved by FAO engineer, SVO was tasked to mobilize, sensitize and inform target communities, potential eligible beneficiaries and elders about the project implementation objectives, modalities, opportunities, payments, risk management framework, gender mainstreaming and FAO hotline numbers as per TOR entered with FAO.

The community mobilization process has been organized in a very systematic and appropriate manner in order to reach the intended objectives and target beneficiaries. All the target communities have been well mobilized and made aware of the implementation of cash based interventions in their respective target communities and sites.

The selection of target beneficiaries was based on the criteria listed below, but we also emphasized on the project beneficiary targeting approach which is key to considering target beneficiary vulnerability & poverty status, the beneficiary identification and registration process should therefore be fair and free from any form of prejudice and discrimination especially for the marginalized and less represented groups. The beneficiaries were registered using ODK phones during the initial stage and latter registered using biometric process.

Due to increasing risk of cholera, selected beneficiaries were informed about good hygiene and sanitation practices such washing hands, drinking treated water, use of toilet, eating warm food and use of ORS to avoid adverse risk of cholera outbreak.

The selection criteria has given due consideration to vulnerability and poverty status such as drought affected groups and displaced families especially women who are under deplorable humanitarian situation. The selection process was conducted successfully through a public gathering as expected and few challenges faced. Less represented and marginalized groups were also adequately targeted and well represented.

Please find the below beneficiary selection criteria followed.

Beneficiary Cash-based Intervention Selection Criteria

§  He/She should be residents of the local target village or district.

§  Those households without any source of income or form of assistance should be given high priority or consideration.

§  Those households involved in other productive works should not be considered for selection.

§  Those affected and displaced by the ravaging severe drought should be considered.

§  Women headed household should be given priority.

§  No household should be registered more than one worker unless all needy household have been given a chance to provide a beneficiary and all means have been exhausted.

§  The registered beneficiary members shall be the ones to collect the payment voucher and the money compensated for works done. A HH member can replace its members for certain days of work if the registered worker/beneficiary is not available to go for the work on a particular day.

§  People or persons who are less than 18 years should not be registered as workers or in engaged in the CFW activities.

§  Vulnerable marginalized drought rural affected household.

§  Households that have lost a large number of animals in the past subsequent drought should also be given a priority.

Challenges faced during community mobilization and beneficiary selection

§  Some rural village households left-out based on their livelihood status conditions which were better than those targeted.

§  Some IDPs HHs were left-out as they are feared to move-from one place to another in search of pasture and water for their livestock.

How these challenges were addressed

§  Elders and committees were engaged to deal with increasing community expectation and complain.

§  Public gathering was organized for all the target community eligible beneficiaries and differences resolved amicably.

Table 1: Summary of community awareness meetings

No / Location meeting held / Dates of meeting conducted / No. of council/ elders who attended / Number of women who attended / Number of men who attended / Subject discussed / What was agreed
1. / Mobilization & Meeting with Local District & Regional Authorities
Mayor Office Buhoodle / 5th of July 2017 / 8 / 2 / 6 / §  Serious drought Situation in the district.
§  Cash interventions in the district.
§  Areas highly affected by drought & cholera outbreak.
§  Project objective, benefits, duration & modalities of implementation.
§  Risk Mgt framework.
§  Areas to be assessed.
§  Communal dire needs / §  Worst drought affected areas be assessed and supported.
§  Local authorities monitoring project progress.
§  Willingness for cooperation.
§  Fair targeting of beneficiaries selection process.
§  Infrastructures to be targeted.
§  Issues raised mention above.
2. / MOA DG Office
Hargeisa / 11th of July 2017 / 4 / 0 / 4 / §  Prioritize, select and approve identified infrastructures.
§  Provide SVO registration and profile.
§  Scrutinize targeted sites and infrastructures.
§  6 Water Catchment and 1 Contour bund approved for rehabilitation. / §  Agreed on infrastructure targeted endorsed by the community and approved by the ministry.
§  Agreed to cooperate and coordinate in cash based implementation & monitoring process.
3. / Mobilization and sensitization of selecting eligible target beneficiaries, local communities and relief committees
Goljanno / 24-07-17 / 153 / 88 / 65 / §  Update on project objectives, benefits, modalities and approach.
§  Provide information regarding beneficiary selection criteria.
§  Information on of approved beneficiary target, infrastructure dimensions & workload.
§  Gender mainstreaming and consideration for vulnerable, marginalized & elderly people. / §  Selection of eligible beneficiaries based on FAO provided criteria on vulnerability status.
§  Provided 50% telephone contacts, more than 30% female beneficiary targeting.
§  Communal acceptance & ownership of the project benefits.
Horufadhi / 24-07-17 / 137 / 77 / 60
Sooljogto / 24-07-17 / 168 / 124 / 44
Carroweyn / 25-07-17 / 109 / 65 / 44
Bali-Hadhac / 25-07-17 / 188 / 118 / 70
Ceegaag / 25-07-17 / 111 / 63 / 48
Banyaal / 26-07-17 / 175 / 105 / 70
4. / Registration of Identified Selected beneficiaries on ODK.
Goljanno / 02-08-17 / 133 / 77 / 59 / §  690 beneficiaries targeted and registered on ODK.
§  410 Female and 550 Male.
§  42.7% beneficiary female registered.
§  50% telephone contacts provided.
§  Beneficiaries mobilized on FAO hotline number
0633550120 / §  The project assigned number of beneficiaries targeted and registered.
§  Beneficiaries clustered into CFW & UCT.
§  Target beneficiaries accepted project modalities and terms of payment & conditions.
Horufadhi / 03-08-17 / 132 / 79 / 53
Sooljogto / 04-08-17 / 131 / 84 / 47
Carroweyn / 05-08-17 / 123 / 69 / 54
Bali-Hadhac / 06-08-17 / 143 / 91 / 52
Ceegaag / 07-08-17 / 153 / 64 / 89
Banyaal / 08-08-17 / 145 / 89 / 56

2.  Prioritization of infrastructure proposed to be rehabilitated

Table 2: Resume files for ranking of Water catchments

Scores for the various water catchments (WC)
Factors to consider / WC 1
Sooljogto / WC 2
Ceegaag Bari / WC 3
Bali-Hadhac / WC 4
Goljanno / WC 5
Carroweyn / WC 6
A. / Likely number of household to benefit / 2,800 (10) / 1,400 (6) / 1,850 (9) / 1,400 (6) / 1,700 (8) / 1,600 (7)
B. / Community participation in maintenance of the facility in the past. / Excellent (10) / Excellent (10) / Good(9) / Good(9) / Average (5) / Average (5)
C. / Possibility of facility generating conflict issues between pastoralists and farmers. / Unlikely (10) / Low (9) / Low (9) / Medium (8) / Low(9) / Unlikely (10)
D. / Distance of the water facility to the beneficiaries grazing lands / 3KM (10) / 5KM(9) / 6KM(8) / 7KM(7) / 7KM(7) / 6 KM(8)
E. / Size of the water catchment (M3 ) / 13,065 M3 (10) / 9,570 M3 (9) / 9,504 M3 (8) / 8,880 M3 (7) / 8,550 M3 (6) / 8,360 M3 (5)
F. / Period the facility has been in use / 9 Yrs (10) / 7 Yrs (9) / 6 Yrs (8) / 5 yrs (7) / 5 Yrs (7) / 4 Years (6)
G. / Existence of community by-laws on operation and maintenance of facility / Yes(8) / Yes(8) / Yes(8) / Yes(8) / Yes(8) / Yes(8)
H. / Number of months in a year the facility is able to store water if rehabilitated. / 6 Months(10) / 5 Months(8) / 4 Months(7) / 3 Months(6) / 3 Months(6) / 3 Months (6)
I. / Economic use of the water stored other than livestock watering e.g. minor irrigation etc. / Yes(8)
Minor Irrigation / Yes(8)
minor Irrigation / No
Irrigation (4) / No irrigation (4) / No irrigation (4) / No irrigation (4)
J. / Support to Livestock production/ marketing/ trade with terminal/ export markets. / (High) 8 / (High) 8 / (High) 8 / Medium (6) / Medium (6) / Medium (6)
K. / Community willingness to pay for the water for maintenance purposes. / (High)9 / (High) 9 / (High) 9 / (High) 9 / (Low) 5 / (Low) 5
L. / Total score / 103 / 92 / 85 / 69 / 64 / 66
M. / Ranking / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 56 / 65

3.  Disclosure

SVO has duly and accordingly shared all the project information and activities with the beneficiaries from the beginning of the projects including the project objectives, target beneficiaries, benefits, workloads and project implementation and payment modalities. SVO has also shared with the beneficiaries FAO hotline number for complaints and feedback regarding any issues concerning the project.

4.  Grievance mechanism

We have explained to the beneficiaries during the community mobilization and awareness meetings, FAO risk management and communication framework in place, including verification call centers and FAO hotline numbers (+252633550120) for clarifications, feedback and complaints concerning the project issues and challenges.

We have supplied the target beneficiaries with stickers with FAO hotline number on it, we have also informed them that at the bottom of the payment vouchers there is FAO hotline local number that they can call an address their concerns.

We have also told them that FAO Somalia call Centre will also communicate and call them to evaluate and verify project progress.

I could not provide copy of this sticker as all were distributed to the beneficiaries, it had only FAO and SVO logos with project name and hotline number on it will submit once I get a copy.

5.0 Are participants aware of the project & its Impact?

Yes participants of the project meetings and consultation processes are fully aware of the project implementation modalities, accountability framework, complain, feedback &response mechanism, payment benefits, infrastructure productivity & long term project impact.

6.0 Conclusion and Recommendation of the consultation process


§  Target communities were in an emergency ravaging drought & humanitarian situation.

§  There was limited humanitarian intervention in the district.

§  Local target communities largely depend on livestock for their survival and labour-work.

§  Target areas are cholera prone due inadequate water facilities.