Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Measure of an economy’s ______and ______(monetary measure - $13.78 trillion in 2007)

Total value of all the ______goods and services produced in a country during a single year. (used cares are not counted in GDP because second hand sales are not counted)

Used to measure ______of ______(quality of life based on the possession of ______and ______that make life easier) in a country.

Measures ______not quality.

Per Capita GDP – total GDP divided by the country’s population – U.S. was $45,800 in 2007

Compared yearly to check growth of the country.

______GDP from previous year = ______economy.

______GDP from previous year = ______economy.

Economic Systems

Three major types




What are 2 distinguishing factors of economic systems?

Traditional Economy

Economic decisions are made by ______handed down through generations.

Hunting, farming, and gathering No Technology

Activities center around the ______

Men and women have ______social roles

Found in rural, non-industrialized areas. (Africa, S. America, Asia)

Command Economy

______makes all economic decisions. (China, N.Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and the former Soviet Union).

No individual freedoms!

What are 2 advantages of a command economy?

What are 2 disadvantages of a command economy?

Market Economy

Decisions are made by the principles of ______and ______.

______- People buy, sell, and produce whatever they want. People can work where they want.

Capitalism - ______own most means of production.

What is Free Enterprise?

7 characteristics of a market economy

1.  ______- exchanges here determine prices of goods and services. It’s the ______and ______exchange of goods and services between buyers and sellers.

2.  Consumer Sovereignty – The consumer is ‘_____’ of the market.

  1. Why are the consumers ‘king’ of the market?
  1. It exists only in ______based economies.

3.  Economic Freedom – freedom of choice with ______.

  1. Example – an entrepreneur starts a business and it fails. The gov’t usually will not help out.

4.  ______- the freedom to own, use, or dispose of our property as long as it doesn’t interfere with the rights of others.

5.  Competition – struggle between buyers and sellers to get the best products at the lowest prices.

  1. ______thrives on competition
  2. Rewards the most ______producers.

6.  Profit motive - the driving force that encourages individuals and organizations to improve their material well-being.

  1. What is the purpose of a profit motive?
  1. It is the reason for growth in a market system

7.  Voluntary Exchange – the act of buyers and sellers ______and ______engaging in market transactions.

  1. Both buyers and sellers must feel a benefit.

Mixed Economy

Any combination of Economic systems

The United States is a mixed economy because ______and ______exist with government regulations.

What are some services the U.S. govt. provides?

Has some gov’t regulation

At certain times gov’t can take control of the means of production.

Capitalism & Free Enterprise

The U.S economy is built on a ______economy, but government still plays a role.

Free Enterprise - ______gov’t interference

Capitalism - ______citizens own and use factors of production (______, ______, capital, & entrepreneurship) to make a profit.

The Rise of Capitalism

2 concepts developed



1200s trade routes opened between Europe and the East.

Silk roads, Marco Polo

Throughout hundreds of years trade increased

Developed ideas of wealth


Scottish Economist

Wrote Wealth of Nations

Basic Principles of Economics

Individuals who seek profit benefit all of society

______-______- to leave alone

What are the 2 main concepts of Laissez-Faire economics?




What is the main belief of socialism?

______Wrote “The Communist Manifesto”

Socialist – believed industrialized nations divided into bourgeoisie (______) & proletariat (______)

Predicted revolution of the proletariat

Believed socialism would develop into ______.


Communism – one class would evolve where property would be ______held & there would be no need for ______.

Built on the idea of ______.

Transitioning Economies

Former Soviet Union & the Soviet Bloc

Inefficiency of ______economies led to no or very small growth

Transition of this type of economy let to the transition from ______to ______.

Why do you think a transition from one economy to another would be difficult?


North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – agreement between, ______, ______, and the ______where ______were almost completely eliminated (“Free trade”)

Began on Jan. 1 1994