The Greater Milwaukee

American Payroll Association Chapter

Meeting Minutes

Date: August 29, 2012

Location: The Wagner Companies

Minutes taken by: Annette Jones, Secretary – Recording

Featured Vendor: 6:27m – 6:32 pm

Chapter Business: 5:45m – 6:27 pm

Speaker: 6:27 pm – 8:27 pm

Featured Vendor: Jennifer Malek, Kforce

Meeting Topic: National Payroll Week Celebration

Welcome and Introductions

·  President Brian Beth welcomed all attendees to the meeting

Job Postings

·  No Job Postings

Member Networking and Spotlight

·  Brian Beth

o  Brian has worked at Extendicare for 11 years.

o  Extendicare uses ADP.

§  Extendicare upgraded from CSS HRizon to Enterprise V3 about 5 years ago.

o  Looking to upgrade from v5.03 to v5.04. Product is similar with some variances in look. V5.04 has lock in letter box.

o  Noreen had a question about Oklahoma payroll. Brian contacted Oklahoma chapter. The president of the chapter referred Brian to members that could answer Noreen’s question. In Oklahoma employees must have a paper copy of their paycheck. Members can feel free to call or email Brian with questions.

Payroll/Tax Updates

·  Pennsylvania Act 32 – Brian Beth discussed the new act. Act 32 does not affect Philadelphia. Employee need to complete a form listing where they work and also where they live. ADP withholds the higher percentage and will send the tax to the locality the employee works in. That locality will forward the tax to the employee’s lived in locality.

o  The Act is a burden on employers but hopefully helps employees.

National News

·  Brian Beth showed this month’s Paytech magazine. The Payroll Man & Payroll Woman of the Year are on the cover.

o  Michelle Ganzer spoke about being honored as Payroll Woman of the Year. She said people have asked what she did. She said she has gotten involved and volunteered at a local and national level.

o  Cindy and Michelle both ran for Directorship position and were both asked to be Vice presidents.

o  The APA gives back to the payroll community

·  The CPP/FPC Fall Study group is meeting tonight.

o  Noreen Tietyen and Kathy Thomae are leading the meeting tonight.

o  We are always looking for instructors for the CPP/FPC Study groups.

o  You might also consider hosting the study group at your place of work.

·  Trina Adams mentioned that Ascentis offers seminars over lunch hour for free. The website is

2012 Statewide Conference

·  Save the date flyer was sent out. The flyer is also available online.

·  Statewide will be held on October 11 & 12. Claire Wojtak is hosting the conference at Briggs & Stratton.

·  There is a discount for chapter members who attend the conference.

·  Currently there are 59 registered attendees.

·  We will cap attendance at 120.

·  We need 70 people to break even.

·  We have a great lineup of speakers.

·  Dan Maddux will be attending on Friday. He will arrive just after lunch.

·  If you would like to join the Statewide committee please contact Michelle Ganzer.

·  The donations committee is looking for donations that can be used as door prizes. Members will be getting a letter they can give to their employers for donations.

·  Diane Saeger sent out the invitation to National members in Wisconsin and Illinois.

·  11.5 RCH’s will be awarded.

·  There are currently 4 paid vendors.

·  There are 6 or 7 vendors that have provided speakers or large items.

·  Cindy Cichosz is still looking for some vendors to get back to her.

·  The vendor fair will be Friday morning.

·  Mindy thanked Miller Coors for posters and also thanked members for bringing vases for the decorations committee.

·  The decorations committee is looking for light up pumpkins for the front of the stage.

·  The Wagner Companies donated paper and paint for the vases.

·  MCFI has donated post-it note pad, paper and dividers for the binders.

·  Thursday night committee has a separate flyer for meeting. There will be time to go to the hotel before the evening event. The committee is thinking about having a costume contest to go along with the conference theme. The goal is to make things fun.


·  We are always looking to improve the chapter website. If you are on the website and see anything that needs to be changed or have any suggestions to improve the chapter website please send an email to Noreen Tietyen.


·  Brian was on webinar regarding social media. Brian asked how many members are on LinkedIn.

·  Brian also asked how many members are part of the APA group the Milwaukee APA group on LinkedIn.

National Payroll Week Celebrations – What is your department doing?

·  Register your company as a participant in National Payroll Week.

·  Companies that register will get free publicity in the January issue of PayTech and at Congress.

·  Extendicare ahs permission for the payroll department to wear jeans for the week.

·  Please forward what your company did to celebrate National Payroll week to Michelle Ganzer. She will include the information in a packet to be sent to National.

·  Members are also encouraged to teach about payroll at local schools. The APA will send you a guide and Power Point presentation after you register on the national website.

o  Trina gives the presentation every year.

o  Please let Michelle know if you teach the class.

·  Trina missed the May and June meetings. She won the chapter education grant. She wanted to thank the chapter for allowing her to go to Congress.

·  Mindy Spoden was able to get 2 proclamations for National Payroll Week.

o  One from the City of Milwaukee

o  One from the State of Wisconsin.

o  A picture was taken of the proclamations with Mindy and Brian.


·  Please pay your annual dues if you have not already done so.

·  Members can pay tonight or go online to pay by credit card. Applicants can also print out the form and send a check for the annual dues.

·  If you have not completed the Annual Survey please take the time to do so.

Other items??

·  Brian Beth thanked Mindy Spoden for hosting the meeting.

Next Meeting

Date: September 19, 2012

Location: Radisson Mayfair

Topic: Being Organized is Key to Reducing Stress

Speaker: TBD

Meeting ended at 8:27 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Jones

Secretary – Recording