Cosmic Calendar Gallery Walk

Directions: As you walk from month to month on your cosmic journey you are to read the information presented about each event on our Cosmic Calendar. Fill in the information in the correct event.

The Big Bang

  1. When did this event occur? 13.8 billion years ago
  2. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? ___January 1st______
  3. Brief explanation of event: __an explosion that all matter in the universe was created.
  4. Why is this event important to our society? __The Big Bang was the event that created all forms of matter in our Universe.

Stars Began to Form

  1. When did this event occur? _13.6 billion years ago____
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? ___January 10th______
  1. Brief explanation of event: __Gravity began pulling together clumps fo gas (hydrogen, helium) and heating them.
  1. Why is this event important to our society? __Stars have provided our universe with all the matter and our star-the Sun makes life on Earth possible.

The Sun and Solar System Formed

  1. When did this event occur? 4.57 billion years
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? August 31-September 16th-Earth forms
  1. Brief explanation of event: the sun and all planets were created
  1. Why is this event important to our society? We live on the Earth and our distance from the Sun makes life possible.

The First Life on Earth

  1. When did this event occur? ___3.5 Billion Years ago_
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? ____September 21____________
  1. Brief explanation of event: _single-celled primitive bacteria signified the birth of life on the primordial Earth.
  1. Why is this event important to our society? _This simple forms of life made our the evolution of more complex organisms possible.

First Human Hunter-Gatherer Societies

  1. When did this event occur? __2 million years ago to 10,000 years ago___
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? ___December 31, 11;00 pm-11:59:32pm
  1. Brief explanation of event: __Humans use tools to hunt and kill game
  1. Why is this event important to our society? ___This is the beginning of our society

Marine Plant and Animal Life Form

  1. When did this event occur? ___500 million years______
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? _____December 15th
  1. Brief explanation of event:This period is when vertebrates formed.
  1. Why is this event important to our society? ___all living organisms today can trace their DNA back to this time period_____

Homo sapiens Appeared

  1. When did this event occur? 200,000 years ago
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? December 31, 11:59 pm
  1. Brief explanation of event: Anatomically formed humans evolve onto the planet
  1. Why is this event important to our society?This is our history-this is where begin to improve our tool use, higher level thought.

The Milky Way Galaxy Formed

  1. When did this event occur? 11 Billion Years ago
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? March 15
  1. Brief explanation of event: Smaller galaxies merged to form larger ones.
  1. Why is this event important to our society? Our Solar System is part of the Milky Way galaxy, therefore we would not exist without the formation of galaxies.

The Earliest Dinosaurs Appeared

  1. When did this event occur? _____230 million years ago_____
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? __December 25____
  1. Brief explanation of event: Dinosaurs become the dominant species on Earth for nearly 200 million years.
  1. Why is this event important to our society? ___Their existence effected animal evolution

Dinosaurs Disappeared

  1. When did this event occur? 65 Million years ago
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? December 30
  1. Brief explanation of event: an asteroid hit Earth and decimated almost every form of life. The non-avian dinosaurs died out,
  1. Why is this event important to our society? The extinction of dinosaurs paved the way for mammals to conquer the world.

First Amphibians Appeared

  1. When did this event occur? 360 million years ago
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? December 22
  1. Brief explanation of event:First animals to begin living on land
  1. Why is this event important to our society? This is the start of organisms living on land-breathing oxygen.

Galaxies formed

  1. When did this event occur? __12.85 billion years ago______
  1. When did this event occur on the Cosmic Calendar? January 13______
  1. Brief explanation of event: __Gases began to come together and coalesce to form stars, which in turn began to cluster as a result of their own gravity

Why is this event important to our society? __Our Solar System is part of a galaxy, therefore we would not exist without the formation of galaxies.