

Working together towards a better future for our children


Wednesday 4th February 2015


Knaphill Junior School

In Attendance
Kim Chaffey / Kate Palmer / Julie Birch / Vicky Gibbs
Claire Browne / Becca Everitt / Emma Rashbrook / Tracy Burman
Sally Groves / Melissa Adcroft / Lynne Rashleigh / Sally Stevens
Susie Butler / Rachel Butler / Nikki Todd / Sharon Eager
Karen Greenhalgh / Michele Austin / Melissa Hardie-East / Shellique Yahia
Liz Perkins / Fiona Tayler / Julie Penketh / Tamsin Coco
1. / Apologies for absence
As above
2. / Approval of the Minutes taken at the last meeting
Approved by KP/KC
I item outstanding from last minutes – Does Lower school still want Microphone? ER to confirm if it iPads that are required instead. MA to write out to businesses requesting donations / ER/MA
3. / Chairs’ Report
Resigning from the post of Treasurer is Karen Greenhalgh and Vicky Gibbs was proposed to replace KG as Treasurer by KP, seconded by KC, JB, MA.
New helpers Claire and Tracey were welcomed at meeting.
Stepping down from the committee from August 2015 will be Karen Greenhalgh, Lynne Rashleigh(remain as helper) and Sally Stevens (will help with refreshments still) and maybe Sally Groves.
PTA UK awards – KP would like to put us forward for the award. Most PTAs make £8,000 on average compared to our £20,000. These awards are not happening for this year, however they are celebrating 60 years in 2016 and we would like to enter then. / KP
Photographer will be at the cake sale this week.
We are still gaining new social media followers each term. We have now at 354 Facebook likes and 291 Twitter, which was agreed by the committee that this is a valuable tool and is running well.
KP asked again that those who had not provided their Photo and ‘blurb’ for our website could they please send asap. / LR/MA/SS/SB/KC
PTA survey results are very positive (see copy attached). We have received 87 completed responses (180 logged on) and from that 88% wouldn’t change anything that the PTA currently do. The survey is to remain open and another reminder sent out to try and get more responses / KP/VG
Move Quiz night back to Lower School as did not work as well at Juniors.
Do we have enough help for Cake Sale?
Knaphill 1000 sponsored Bike ride will be run along side the Summer Fair and will replace selling raffle tickets. VG to set up Virgin Money Just Giving page and to ensure Gift Aid is claimed.
Big Lunch – Sponsored fun runs are to be held. Junior school doing theirs during the week and Lower school at the Big Lunch. Needs help organising MA/BE to help.
Disco needs help especially setting up and clearing up at the end.
Chocolate Bingo – BE/TB looking in how best to run this, will need help after school
Film night – will need helpers
Uniform – need someone to run this, as currently there is no one.
Need a huge recruitment drive.
Have a ½ way through total, next newsletter will be Easter
Need to ask Junior School for a wish list, advise that we would like to contribute to school trips.
4. / Treasurers report
VG is looking to introduce a new reimbursement procedure for expenses using online banking/direct payments and also looking to introduce a PTA debit card for purchasing large quantities (refreshments etc). Expenses will need to be in 7 days before or after an event to keep tighter controls.
VG has been looking at changing banks to either Barclays or Lloyds in the village. There is not much to choose from so probably Barclays for ease of parking.
VG is doing handover with KG and is looking to change the accounts to show each event individually (ie Discos/Quiz nights)
Still waiting for some payments from the Xmas Fair so will be chased / VG
Expenditure to be looked at as up by £5k on last year / VG
Junior school have asked for the swimming pool bill £5937.06 be paid. A condition to pay note will be written. Approved SG/JB/MA/SS
Junior School have £9500 left to spend and Lower School have £14,272. We have not seen bill for Wifi. ER to chase / ER
It was suggested that perhaps both schools look to using some of this money to subsidise school trips so that it is visible to the parents
New business directory is to be set up for local Businesses / VG
Accountant has now been found to sign off 2014/15 accounts.
5. / Lower School Update
ER thanked the PTA for all the donations received so far and confirmed that any future monies be put forward for Tablets for the school
It was asked if the eating time for the Big Lunch be cut to 35/45 minutes as it was felt that an hour was too long.
6. / Junior School update
No one present from the Junior School, not even a governor, which was very disappointing.
No heating was left on for the meeting, which was not very accommodating.
7. / AOB

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