Last summer Silvia and I travelled to Mexico with our friends. We were staying in a small hotel in central Mexico, that was near the jungle. On Monday 14th August 2012, we were visiting the old Aztec city “Acator” which was inside the jungle. We were taking photos when the floor started trembling.


Big crack opened on the floor and people fell. A few Aztec’s home fell down and the people were buried. When we thought that it finished there were four retorts of the earthquake that caused floods and landslides. The tragedy last a few minutes. In this time we ran far away from the earthquake to protect ourselves.

When it finished we didn’t find many people with life. The earthquake destroyed everything. It was a very frightening experience .We couldn’t believe what it was happening, but we felt lucky because we had survived. After the accident, we needed psychological help to overcome this great tragedy.

Now we don´t think we will come back to Mexico.


3º A-B