The Great Depression/New Deal- Review
Mr. Driscoll
1. Economic troubles that contributed to the Great Depression: ______
2. Some economists felt the depression was due to ______
3. ____________ is buying stocks with borrowed money, putting 10% down.
4. October 29, 1929, known as ______, is the day stock prices dropped to an all time
low with more than 16 million shares of stock were dumped on the market.
5. ______is the total amount of goods and services produced in a year.
6. The banking crisis came about as______.
7. The Global Economy suffered most because of______.
8. ______, the highest in U.S. history, protected American industries.
9______is the ups and downs of business in a free enterprise economy.
10. The number of unemployed during the Great Depression ______
11______were hit particularly hard during the depressing, often being the first
to be laid off
12. ______were mutual aid societies formed by Mexican Americans to help each other of their
13. People waited in ______to get soup and bread given out by charitable organizations.
14. ______were makeshift shelters built out of packing boxes and scrap lumber etc. to home
the homeless. And because they blamed Pres. Hoover for their plight, they called them Hoovervilles.
15. Economic hardships took its toll on families. Divorce rates ______, and ______ causing a decline in the birthrates.
16. Farmers in the Midwest suffered from the low economy as people did not have money to purchase
food, causing the demand for farm products to drop which caused the prices to______leaving the farmer with a ______which he let rot in the fields which forced him to slaughter excess livestock that he could not afford to feed.
17. ______was a good term to describe the economy and the moods of people during this time.
18. .The psychological strain of the Depression had Americans taking an interest in ______
______in order to escape from their problems if only for a short time.
19. ______felt the way to recovery was through human effort and not government handouts.
20. ______was Hoover’s idea that success comes from the individual and private
21. ______, Secretary of the Treasury felt the government should keep its hands off the economy.
22. ______were instituted by Hoover to stimulate the economy and reduce
23.______was established by Hoover’s administration
to help farmers help themselves.
24. The ______was to stabilize banks,( try to stop huge
withdrawals,) stabilize insurance companies, RR and other institutions. (lent $$ to these institutions)
25. ______was WWI veterans looking for passage of a bill granting them early payment of pension bonuses, protested in WashingtonDC living in empty government buildings and camping in open areas.
26. ______commanded the troops that forced the Bonus Army out of
WashingtonD.C.when the bill guaranteeing them early pensions did not pass.
27. ______ran against Hoover in 1932 promising a New Deal.
28. FDR’s wife, ______ believed in social reform and was seen by the American
people as an asset to FDR in the hope that she could bring about change for the downtrodden.
29. ______was to stimulate industrial and businesses growth and
reduce unemployment
30. ______was to aid a 7 state region ruined by deforestation & flooding.
31. ______provided jobs to college and high school students so
they could stay in school and complete their education.
32. ______gave workers unemployment insurance, gave pensions to retired workers,
and provided payments to people with disabilities, the elderly, and wives & children of male workers who
had died.
33.______’ goal was to unite workers in different industries.
34. ______,region in the mid west affected by drought and dust storms, sent people to California for
a better life. .
35. The ______ guaranteed labor’s right to organize unions and bargain collectively.