


Our purpose will be to pursue the ideas of liberty, justice, and freedom for all regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or handicap. We will pursue these ideas through support of the Democratic Party and its ideas, ideals, and candidates.With these thoughts we establish These By-Laws.


The name of this organization will be the Southwest Dallas County Democrats.

Section 1: Southwest Dallas County Democrats will be chartered with, and affiliated with the Dallas County Democratic Party, and by and through the Texas Democratic Party.

ARTICLEII - Membership

Section 1: Any qualified Texas Voter 18years of age or older who supports the foregoing “Statement of Principles” of the Democratic Party.

Section 2: Membership will not be affected by race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or handicap.

Section 3: For a member to participate in voting, the member’s membership must have been in good standing for atleast 30 days prior to any vote.Good standing requires payment, a completed application on file, and a statement of support for the Democratic Party.


The Southwest Dallas County Democratswill be composed of the Southwest Dallas County Democrats Executive Board and the remaining members.The Executive Board will consist of the officers of the Southwest Dallas County Democrats. The organizationwill have five (5)officers.

Section 1: The five (5) voting officerswill be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-At-Large.

ARTICLEIV – Executive Board

The Southwest Dallas County DemocratsExecutive Board will be the chief policy making body. The Executive Board will have all the powers necessary

for the proper and legal execution of all duties of the Southwest Dallas County Democrats. The Executive Board will meet no less than six (6) times during the course of each one (1) calendar year within each full calendar year of existence.

Section 1: President

The President will be the chief executive officer for the organization. He/She will preside over all meetings.The President will have all of the following duties and powers. The absence of a specific power or duty from this list is not necessarily a denial of its existence.

A. Establish administrative procedures not otherwise provided by the By- Laws

B. Act for and on behalf the Southwest Dallas County Democrats when they are not in session.

C. Establish the agenda for each meeting of the Southwest Dallas County

Democrats (general and Executive Board).

D. Ask for volunteers or if necessary, appoint members to ad-hoc committees.

E. Be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 2: Vice-President

The Vice-President will have all the following duties.

A. Act as President Pro-Tempore in the absence of the President.In a case where the President's office becomes vacant, theVice-President will assume all the powers, duties, and responsibilities associated with that office, until a new president can be elected.

B. Assist the President.

Section 3: Secretary

The chapter Secretary shall have all the following duties.

A. Keep accurate minutes of all meetings (general and Executive Board). B. Assure publicity for all upcoming events and meetings.

C. Keep an accurate mailing list and phone directory of all members.(A

person could be appointed toassist with all correspondence.)

D. See to all correspondence asdirected by the President.(A correspondence secretary could beresponsible for assisting the executive secretary.)

Section 4: Treasurer

The chapter Treasurer will be the chief financial officer of the organization and shall have all the following duties.

A. Be responsible for developing fundraising ideas and soliciting donations. B. Maintain accurate financial records for the organization.

C. Coordinate all financial activities, including any tax responsibilities with the Internal Revenue Service(IRS).

D. Advise the chapter President andthe Executive Board of the financial condition of the chapter.

E. If deemed necessary by the Executive Board, the Treasurer will file any reports for the State Democratic Party or the State Ethics Commission in a timely manner.

F. Write Checks and make deposits as directed by the Executive Board.

The Treasurer will not have the right to make financial transactions without the approval of the ExecutiveBoard.

G.Shall be responsible for collecting allfunds paid to or raised on behalf of the Southwest Dallas County Democrats.

Section 5: Member-At-Large

The Member-At-Large will perform duties as follows.

Oversee and coordinate standing, ad-hoc committees and various duties assisting other Executive Board members.

ARTICLEV: Standing Committees

Section 1: Membership Committee is responsible for attracting new members to the club and retaining current membership.Membership Committee Chairman will be appointed for a two (2) year terms by the Executive Board and shall report to the Member-At-Large.

Section 2: Fundraising Committee is responsible for developing programs to raise money in support of club activities.All such programs must be approved by majority vote of the Executive board before they can be implemented. Fundraising Committee chairman will be appointed for a two(2) year term by the Executive Board and reportto the Member-at-large.

ARTICLEVI - General Body

The Southwest Dallas County Democrats general body will meet no less than four (4) times during the course of eachone (1) calendar year within each full calendar year.

ARTICLEVII – Elections

Upon ratification of these by-laws, the first election cycle shall be for all five (5) officers. Each office termshall befor a term of two years, but during the first election, two members will be elected for a one year term and the remaining three will be elected for a two year term

Section 1: Elections of officers will be held at the first meeting of each new calendar year.

Section 2: The order of elections will beas follows, President and Secretary, and Vice-President, Treasurer, and Member-At-Large, for all officer terms that are due to expire and have elections for for their respective election cycles.

Section 3: In the event of anExecutive Board office becoming vacant, an emergency electionto fill the office shall be had at the second General Membership meeting after the vacancy.

ARTICLEVIII - Ad-Hoc Committees

There will be a minimum ofthree (3) ad-hoc committee members per committee. Each committeewill appoint their own chair.Each committee will be fluid and flexible to meetthe needs of the club.

ARTICLEIX - SupportingCandidates

The Southwest Dallas County Democrats Club will never oppose a Democratic candidatefor political office, either bysupporting non-Democratic candidates or by not supporting a Democratic candidate in each position in a primary, nor will the chapter support a non-Democraticcandidate, even if said candidate does not have a Democraticopponent.

ARTICLEX - By-Law Amendments

Proposed Amendments to these by-laws must be submitted to a member of the Executive Board in writing prior tothe next Executive Board meeting and at least one month before the next general meeting.The Board must then publish the proposed amendment along with the Executive Board’s

recommendationsto the General Membership at least 1 week prior to the meeting at which the amendment is tobe considered and the President is obligated to place the amendment on the agenda for that meeting.The amendment will be considered approved ifa majority of the Executive Board recommends approval and a majorityof the general membership in attendance vote in favor of the amendment. The general membership in attendance can override the recommendation of the Executive Board with a two-thirds (2/3) vote in opposition to the position of the Executive Board.

ARTICLEXI - Number of Offices

No one person may hold more than one office in the Southwest Dallas County

Democrats organization.

ARTICLEXII Removal from Office

Members of the Executive Board may be subject to removal.Procedures for impeachment will be as follows:

A.Any member of the Executive Boardmay be removed if found negligent of their duties.

B.The reasons for the removal

1.Shall be in writing

2.Include specific instances of negligence of duties

3.Be signed by no less than 5 general members or 2 members of the full board.

4.The written allegations shall be provided to the person no less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the impeachment will be discussed.

C. Members of the Executive Board whoare not charged with negligence of their duties or who have not signed the reasons for removal shall appoint an ad-hoc committee comprised of at least 3 general members

to hear the testimony of the person or persons charged.This committee shall also render an opinion on whetherthe impeached officer should be removed from office.

D. The findings of the committee shall be implemented with majority approval of the Executive Board.

E. The person so removed from office has the right to appeal to the general membership at their next meeting and to provide reasons why he/she should not be removed.The general membership in attendance can overturn the Executive Board decisionby a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

Statement of Support - Texas Democratic Party


The Southwest Dallas County Democratic Party hereby adopts the following Statement of

Principles as the foundation forPartyactivitiesatalllevels:

A. Beliefs

We believe that the Democratic Party, with its great diversity, its flexibility of organization, its historic adaptability to fruitful change, and its instinctive responsiveness to human needs and aspirations, can provide the leadership required inthese challenging times. We further believe:

1. That we must join together with a renewed faith in our country, in our state, and in our Party to provide our people with responsive, responsible government;

2. That government functions best when it is closest to the people;

3. That our government is and should be of laws and not of favoritismor ofarbitrary caprice, and therefore we condemn any resolutionofconflicts,save through legal processes;

4. That the Texas Democratic Party stands for law and order,for total and unceasing war against crime, for strengthening law enforcement agencies, and for justice under law;

5. That all citizens, no matter whattheir religion or raceor how humble or exalted their origin or station, have the duty to participate fully at every level of government and are entitled to an equal voice and to equal treatment at its hands;

6. That all Democrats are bound to defend, to protect, and to honor our nation, our state, and our Party, and that when they are right, it is our privilege to sustainthem, but when they err, it is our duty to correct them; and

7. That, as Democrats, we are proud and upright citizens of the United States, that we are determined not only to serve our country, but also to stand shoulder to shoulder with citizens of other states in providing meaningful,responsible,andconstructiveleadership for our great nation.

B. Declarations

To achieve these principles, we hereby make these declarations and adopt the following Rules to govern Party activities at all levels:

1. No test of membership in, nor oaths of loyaltyto, the Texas Democratic Party shall be required or used if it has the effect of requiring prospective or current members of the Democratic Party to acquiesce in, condone, or support discrimination onthe grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, economic status or disability.

2. The Democratic Party at all levels shall support the broadest possible voter registration and participationwithout discrimination on the groundsof race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, economic status or disability.

3. It shall be the duty of the State Chair and Party Officers at all levels to take affirmative steps to encourage young people, women and minorities to seek selection as Delegates to Party Conventionsand as members of PartyCommittees so that they shall be represented in reasonable relationship to their presence in the state.

4. Every person who accepts a Party office at anylevel (including the position of Convention

Delegate and Alternate) must agree to support all of the Party’s nominees or shall be removed.

5. Public meetings at all levelsof the Texas Democratic Party shall be open to all members of the Party, regardless of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, economic status, philosophical persuasion or disability.

6. The time and place ofall meetings of the Texas Democratic Party at all levels shall be publicized fully and in such manner as to assure timely notice to all interested persons.Such meetings shall be held in places accessible to allParty members and large enough to accommodate all interested persons.

7. The Texas Democratic Party shall publicize fully and in such manner as toassure notice to all interested parties a complete description ofthe legal and practical qualifications and procedures for selecting Democratic Party Officers and Representatives at all levels. Publication of these procedures shall be done timely and in such a fashion that all prospectiveand current members of the Democratic Party and all prospective candidates or applicants will be fully and adequately informed ofthe pertinent procedures in time to participate in each selectionprocedureateachlevel of the Democratic Party organization and to compete for any elected or appointed position.