The role of the clerk to the Parent Council is an important one. The exact nature of the clerk’s duties is a matter for the individual Parent Council operating within the parameters of its Constitution.

It is important that the clerk to the Parent Council is familiar with the Parent Council Constitution: each Parent Council Constitution is unique therefore the parameters for operation will differ.

Generally the following are the main duties which should be considered:



Any member of the Parent Council has the right to ask for an item to be placed on the agenda of a meeting. The Chair of the Parent Council holds ultimate responsibility for determining what items are included on the agenda. In liaison with the Chair, it will the Clerk who:

  • Types out the agenda;
  • Ensures all enclosures to accompany the agenda are ready;
  • Distributes all the papers for the meeting to every member of the Parent Council and the Head Teacher, and any other associated individual in accordance with the Constitution;
  • Arranges for the meeting to be publicly advertised;
  • Displays agenda and draft Minute of previous meeting on school notice board/website, two weeks prior to next meeting.

The following items should be considered when preparing an agenda:

  • Apologies;
  • Announcements and additions to the agenda;
  • Minute of the last meeting, approved as an accurate record;
  • Business arising from previous Minute;
  • Correspondence;
  • Parents’ Comments;
  • Specific items (put forward by, and any supporting documentation);
  • Any Other Competent Business (AOCB);*
  • Date, time and place of next meeting.

* It would be good practice to agree under ‘announcements and additions to the agenda’ any items to be raised which are not already included on the agenda. Normally any member of the Parent Council who wishes to do this should raise it with the Chairperson before the meeting starts.

See example – Appendix A


The Clerk is responsible for producing the draft minute of the meeting of the Parent Council. This draft minute should be prepared as soon as possible after the meeting has taken place and should include the following:

  1. Name of members present;
  2. Names of people in attendance;
  3. Names of people who have sent apologies;
  4. Any amendments to the draft minute of the previous meeting;
  5. Proposer and seconder of draft minute of the previous meeting;
  6. For each item on the agenda a brief clear statement of the discussion and decision(s) made by the Parent Council. A verbatim script is not required, just a note and action points;
  7. If an item results in a vote, ensure that the following is minuted:
  • A statement of the motion with the names of proposer and seconder;
  • A statement of any amendment with the names of proposer and seconder;
  • A note of the votes cast for the motion and the amendment.

Once the draft minute is prepared, in consultation with the Chair, it is then circulated to all members and the Head Teacher with a request for Agenda items for the next meeting.

See example – Appendix B


The Clerk is responsible for:

  • Keeping an accurate record, and copies of, all correspondence sent to the Parent Council;
  • Keeping an accurate record, and copies of, all correspondence sent from the Parent Council;
  • Preparing any correspondence, as agreed at the Parent Council meeting. It is the responsibility of the Chair to determine the content and sign correspondence;
  • Assist the Chair will the preparation of the Parent Council Annual Report to the Parent Forum.



The appointment process will vary according to individual Parent Council constitutions. The Clerk will have to ask school administration staff to provide them with a full contact list for “parents” with children on the school roll, for the purpose of nominations/elections (usually this would be in the form of address labels).

The Act uses the broadly framed definition of ‘parent’ set out in the Education (Scotland) Act 1980. This includes:-

  • non-resident parents who are liable to maintain or have parental responsibilities in respect of a child
  • carers who can be parents
  • others with parental responsibilities e.g. foster carers, relatives and friends who are caring for children and young people under supervision arrangements
  • close relatives, such as siblings or grandparent caring for children who are not looked after or are under home supervision arrangements


The term of office a member of the Parent Council can serve, without re-election/nomination, will be in accordance with that stated in the individual Parent Council Constitution. The criteria for eligibility of members will also be stated in the Parent Council Constitution.

Resignations, outwith the term of office, should be made, in writing, to the Chair of the Parent Council. Arising vacancies should be filled according with the process stated in the Parent Council Constitution.


Annual funding of the Parent Council will be in the form of a grant payment, based on the completion of a grant application to Shetland Islands Council.

January – A grant application form will be sent out to each Parent Council Help notes will also be sent out. (These are included in this pack).

31st May – This is the deadline for completed grant forms to be submitted to the Finance Office at Hayfield House. Action Plans and audited accounts must be submitted along with the application form.

June – All grant application forms will be acknowledged, assessed and passed to Maggie Spence, QIO for approval. All under/over spend on last years grant will be calculated and letters sent out requesting repayment for any under spend. New grant allocations will not be released until under spends are recovered.

30th June – A decision on all applications will be made. Please note the success of any late applications will depend on the funding already allocated, and therefore cannot be guaranteed.

July – A grant offer letter will be sent out to Parent Council’s who have included all the correct information, with docquet to be completed and returned.

Once the docquets have been returned, grant payments will be made to Parent Councils.

The Clerk, if s/he is also the Treasurer of the Parent Council, will have an important role in this process, and would have to also undertake the following;

  • Assist the Parent Council with the completion of the grant application;
  • Record income and expenditure either in electronic or paper format (see Appendix C);
  • Process mileage and subsistence claims from Parent Council members, which must be submitted on the appropriate form (see Appendix D & E)
  • Retain copies of income and expenditure receipts;
  • Reconcile income and expenditure to bank statements (see Appendix F & F (I));
  • Provide financial updates to the Parent Council;
  • Prepare annual accounts for the Parent Council
  • Ensure that annual accounts are independently audited.
  • Present annual accounts for the Parent Council and Parent Forum;
  • Ensure the Parent Council has appropriate Public Liability Insurance;
  • Ensure good practice and best value for all financial transactions;
  • Ensure the Parent Council operates within the parameters of the law regarding financial transactions, e.g. appropriate licence to operate a raffle.

Whilst the Clerk may order goods or services and receive the invoices, it will be the responsibility of the Parent Council office bearers to authorise payments/cheques.

The Clerk should be mindful of school resources used, e.g. photocopying and paper, recording on the appropriate form (see Appendix G & H) and ensure reimbursement is made from the Parent Council bank account to the Shetland Islands Council, via the school.

The Clerk should also be mindful of goods in kind received, e.g. free use of a school classroom, and record this information on the appropriate form (see Appendix I) to ensure a provision is made in the annual accounts.


The following information should be supplied to Shetland Islands Council, Children’s Services on a regular basis:

  • Annual Financial Report to Parent Forum;
  • Updates of Parent Council membership, to reflect any change.


Remember you are not alone! Further information can be sought, at any time, from Mrs Maggie Spence, Quality Improvement Officer, Children’s Services, Hayfield House, Lerwick, Shetland. Telephone (01595) 744085

October 2011