The Golden Phoenix Investment Group

Organization at The Ohio State University



I: Basic Info

II: Membership Process

III: Leadership Roles

IV: Methods of Selecting/Removing Officers

V: Advisor Info.

VI: Meetings

VII: Finances and Dues

VIII: Finances

IX: Legal Info

Article I- Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization

Section 1- Name: The Golden Phoenix Investment Club at The Ohio State University

Section 2- Purpose: There is a barrier of asymmetric information separating the Chinese and American markets. Due to many Chinese companies’ RTO process to IPO and allocations of accounting fraud, investors are weary about investing in Chinese companies; especially small cap companies and this is often reflected in their prices. The Golden Phoenix Investment Group specializes in analyzing and producing reports on Chinese companies, providing investors with researched and worthy information. We combine students from China and the best business students in the Fisher College of Business to research and produce our assumptions and opinions on Chinese companies. We work to exploit the companies committing fraud and dig to find the companies that are worthy of investment but trading low due to their associations with the bad reputations of being a Chinese small cap. We hope to help bridge the gap of information for US investors and make the markets more efficient in this sector.

Goal 1- to help students become more familiar with the fundamental analyze of companies and specifically companies doing operations in China.

Goal 2- to produce a professional report every month that gives professional assumptions and opinions on the companies we select to analyze.

Goal 3- to successfully set up a web site and social media services designed to provide investors with our reports.

Goal 4- to form a relationship with a hedge fund or investment company in China or America to provide them with our reports and outlooks for the companies we analyze.

Goal 5- to work as a team to manage a mock fund that out performs the S&P 500

Section 3- Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. No discrimination will take place in selection of members to join the organization and if any discrimination occurs within the organization it will be reported to the university.

Article II-Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership

Section 1: Membership is limited to students of The Ohio State University studying at main (Columbus) campus and students must pass through an interview process to make sure that they will add value to the organization and better the learning environment for other students. All potential members should contact an officer for setting up a time to interview.

Article III- Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of leaders

Titles: President (Primary Leader)- Bill Li

Terms of Office- First Semester and forward upon vote of executive board (5 founding members)

Duties of leaders

  • Manage and monitor the entire organization
  • Approve final investment decisions for the mock fund
  • Seek new opportunities for the group, including seeking relationships with companies in wealth management
  • Lead in the research process and guide the students allocating responsibilities
  • Approve new members into the organization and participate in the interview process

Titles: President (Secondary Leader)- Michael Aukskalnis

Terms of Office- First Semester and forward upon vote of executive board (5 founding members)

Duties of leaders

  • Approve final investment decisions for mock fund
  • Decide on which companies are to be analyzed
  • Organize and allocate responsibilities to the membersof the organization in terms of investment analysis
  • Approve new members into organization and participate in the interview process
  • Finalize the reports and manage the social media sites that will be developed

Titles: Vice-President (Co-Founder)- Daniel Maue

Terms of Office- First Semester and forward upon vote of executive board (5 founding members)

Duties of leaders

  • Group leader in managing students generating ideas for investment opportunities
  • Looks over and approves all financial modeling done by members
  • Leader in technology and responsible for generating new ideas to better the organization in terms of technology uses
  • Manages the website that will be developed

Titles: Recruitment Chair –Kaimeng Xing

Terms of Office- First Semester and forward upon vote of executive board (5 founding members)

Duties of leaders

  • Responsible for assisting the presidents for bringing in members to join the organization
  • Looks over resumes and advising reports submitted by students interested in joining the organization
  • Approve new members into organization and participate in the interview process

Titles: Treasurer– Mei Wang

Terms of Office- First Semester and forward upon vote of executive board (5 founding members)

Duties of leaders

  • Responsible for managing any dealings with the university in terms of funding and logistical situations such as rooms and meetings
  • Taking attendance at meetings and managing all emails sent out to all members
  • Assist Presidents in updating members and sending out updated notices about investment decisions and analysis reports to all members
  • Keeps track of each student’s responsibilities and projects and reports any problems to the presidents

General Membership:

Section 1: Students will be assigned into a group based off of what they have to add to the club. They will then receive responsibilities contributing to the analysis of these companies. These responsibilities may range from generating new investment ideas, reading companies’ 10K’s, building financial models, research, analyzing companies’ financial statements, and forming presentations/ analysis reports. Students should be prepared to allocate a good amount of their time to this club but should expect to be rewarded with company analysis experience and unique insight on how to analyze Chinese companies.

Article IV- Methods of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members

Section 1- Selecting Officers- Future officers will be selected based off of recommendation from existing officers and a vote of the existing 5 main officers.

Section 2- Removing Officers- Existing officers will be asked to be removed if they do not complete their basic duties and responsibilities. The presidents of the organization will make this decision.

Section 3- Selecting Members- Members will be selected based off of their interests in investments, their experience out side of school in the finance industry, their academic record, and their interview.

Section 4- Removing Members- Members will be asked to leave the organization if they do not follow through with their contributions to the club and/or if they fail to show up to more than two mandatory meetings throughout a semester.

Article V- Advisor Qualification Criteria

Section 1- Qualifications- Advisor of the Golden Phoenix Investment Club must be an Ohio State faculty member and a professor within the Fisher College of Business. (Preferably teaching Accounting or Finance)

Section 2-Responsibilities- Advisor is responsible and expected to be available for students to ask questions about work in progress and to give opinions and criticisms to the students in terms of their analysis reports.

Article VI- Meetings of the Organization

Section 1- Meetings will be held at least once every week and additional meetings will be announced based off of the mock funds requirements for attention or projects being done at that time. Required meetings will be held periodically at least once a month to discuss work in progress or to finalize reports.

Article VII- Finances and Dues

Section 1- Students should pay $25 per semester and they are due the week after the student joins the organization. If a student joins late, the $25 is still due at that time. The funds will be used for bringing in speakers, meetings, out of campus activities and team building events, etc. The money will be kept in an organization bank account through Chase and managed by the presidents.

Article VIII- Method of Amending Constitution:

Section 1- The 5 officers will vote upon any amendments to the constitution. Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the general meeting in which they are proposed, should also be read again at a specified number of subsequent general meetings and the general meeting in which the votes will be taken. Approval requires at least two-thirds of voting members present (and to conduct any business an organization should have quorum present at a business meeting, which is at minimum 50% + 1 of total organization members). The constitution should not be amended easily or frequently.

Article IX-Legal Info

All the information provided by the Golden Phoenix Investment Group is to be taken at one’s own risk. The Golden Phoenix Investment Group is not liable for any loss in investments due to following of our recommendations. Furthermore, if any member within the organization or an affiliate with a member is trading or owns any companies reported on, it must be disclosed in the report.