WorldLink ~ Connecting Youth to Global Affairs
A program at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice,
at the University of San Diego’s Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies
I. Application
First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Date of Birth (MM/YYYY): ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
I. Application (continued)
Student Background Information
Home Address: ______
E-mail Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______
Do you have access to transportation? ______
Do you have access to a computer (with an internet connection) and a printer? ______
School Information
School Name: ______
School Address: ______
Academic Advisor: ______phone: ______
G.P.A.: ______
Enrollment status as of September 2016:
☐ Sophomore ☐ Junior ☐ Senior ☐ High school graduate*
* High school graduates may only participate the summer immediately following graduation.
Are you applying for academic credit for this internship at your school? ______
I. Application (continued)
List coursework relevant to this internship: ______
Extracurricular activities (include any work experience here): ______
Do you speak more than one language? If so, please detail your proficiency: ______
Please list your computer skills, your knowledge of specific software applications and
proficiency level: ______
I. Application (continued)
Have you been involved with WorldLink or the Youth Town Meeting? If so, what has been
your experience? ______
How did you hear about the WorldLink Internship Program? ______
Which position are you applying for?☐Research Intern ☐Media Intern
Research Intern Applicants: List 3 global regions or issues that are of most interest to you,
and give a 1-2 sentence explanation of each area of interest.
Media Intern Applicants: List 3 computer programs, social networking applications, etc. that
are of most interest to you, and give a 1-2 sentence explanation of each area of interest.
Time Commitment: The WorldLink internship requires students to work at the IPJ office 5-8 hours per week, Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Work hours should be scheduled outside your regular school hours, unless you have received special permission from your school to participate in this internship.
What days and times are most convenient for you to work? ______
II. Personal Essay
Please state your interest in WorldLink, your objectives and expectations of this internship and how these relate to your personal goals (500 word maximum).
III. Writing Sample or Work Sample
- Research Intern Applicants:
Please submit a writing sample on a global topic (5 page maximum).
* The 5-page limit does not include a bibliography or works cited page.
- Media Intern Applicants:
Please submit 3-5 work samples of original graphic design, videos and/or web sites.
IV. 1 Letter of Reference
Please provide 1 letter of reference from a teacher, counselor or supervisor. The letter may be included in your application packet (signed and sealed), emailed directly to , or mailed directly to Tina Medina:
Attn: Tina Medina, WorldLink Program Officer
Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, Suite 113 – Room 115
Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies
University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110
V. Parental Consent Form
I, ______, grant permission for my son/daughter ______
(name of parent/guardian) (name of student)
to participate in the WorldLink Internship Program. During this internship, selected students will be responsible for several projects in preparation for the 20th Annual Youth Town Meeting, in addition to researching pressing global topics while supervised by the WorldLink Program Officer. The WorldLink research intern will gain valuable skills while serving as editor to the WorldLinkReader and providing crucial administrative support for the Institute, 5-8 hours per week. The
WorldLink media intern will develop graphic designs, films and other online applications under
Program Officer supervision for 5-8 hours a week. Schedules will be determined during the firstweek of the internship.
I understand that this is a volunteer position and that this internship is unpaid.
Parent/Guardian Name (printed) Date
For any questions or concerns, please contact Tina Medina, WorldLink Program Officer by phone:
(619) 260-7568 or via e-mail:.