
The goal of the budget table is to graphically displaythe total cost of your school.

You should use Google Spreadsheet so all of your group members can edit simultaneously.

Table: The table should display all spaces in your building and any other exterior construction costs (i.e. outside walkways, courtyards, etc.). Use the template below to create you school budget. If you do not have multiple types of a particular space you can delete the row.

Type of Room / Quantity / Size (sq. ft.) / Cost/sq. ft. / Total
Classroom Type 1 / =B2*C2*D2
Classroom Type 2
Classroom Type 3
Computer Lab
Admin. Offices Type 1
Admin. Offices Type 2
Admin. Offices Type 3
Cafeteria / 1
Kitchen / 1
Arena (Large Gym) / 1
Small Gym
Auditorium/Theater / 1
Hallway 1
Hallway 2
Open Space Type 1
Open Space Type 2
Restroom Type 1
Restrooms Type 2
Storage Type 1
Storage Type 2
Other Space
SUM / =sum(E2:E23)

Pie Chart: The pie chart should show how much each space cost as a percentage of you total cost. To create a pie chart you must first create a condensed version of your budget. Use the template below for your new condensed spreadsheet.

Condensed Budget / Example Costs
Classrooms/Computer Labs / $ 10,141,920.00
Hallways/Open Space/Storage / $ 2,934,978.00
Auditorium / $ 3,372,000.00
Gyms/Pool/Locker Rm./Concessions / $ 8,386,829.00
Cafeteria/Kitchen / $ 2,160,000.00
Library / $ 1,178,097.00
Restrooms / $ 768,178.00
Admin. Offices / $ 918,600.00
Other / $ 0

Rubric for Budget

Excellent / 3
Good / 2
Needs A Little Work / 1
Needs A Lot of Work / 0
Room Type Column Is Complete / All spaces are listed in the room type column / 1 space was not listed in the room type column / 2 spaces were not listed in the room type column / 3 spaces were not listed in the room type column / 4 or more spaces were not listed in the room type column
Quantity Column Is Complete / All quantities are listed in the quantity column / 1 quantity was not listed in the quantity column / 2 quantities were not listed in the quantity column / 3 quantities were not listed in the quantity column / 4 or more quantities were not listed in the quantity column
Size Column Is Complete / All sizes are listed in the size column / 1 size was not listed in the size column / 2 sizes were not listed in the size column / 3 sizes were not listed in the size column / 4 or more were not listed in the size column
Cost Column Is Complete / All costs are listed in the cost column with dollar symbols / 1 cost was not listed in the cost column and/or missingdollar symbols / 2 costs were not listed in the cost column and/or missing dollar symbols / 3 costs were not listed in the cost column and/or missing dollar symbols / 4 or more costs were not listed in the cost column and/or missing dollar symbols
Total Column Is Complete / All totals are listed in the total column with dollar symbols / 1 total was not listed in the total column and/or dollar symbols / 2 totals were not listed in the total column and/or dollar symbols / 3 totals were not listed in the total column and/or dollar symbols / 4 or more totals were not listed in the total column and/or dollar symbols
Sum of Total Column / The sum is displayed at the bottom of the total column in bold text with a dollar symbol and the word “Sum” / 1 of the required components is missing / 2 of the required components are missing / 3 of the required components are missing / 4 or more of the required components are missing
No Empty Cells / There are zero empty cells except for the three from the template / There is 1 empty cell in addition to the three from the template / There are 2 empty cells in addition to the three from the template / There are 3 empty cells in addition to the three from the template / There are 4 or more empty cells in addition to the three from the template
Cell Data Is Consistently Aligned / All data is consistently aligned / 1 element is misaligned / 2 elements are misaligned / 3 elements are misaligned / 4 or more elements are misaligned

Score: / 32