Most frequently asked questions about federal government publications:
(revised 4/17/2003—BC/smc)
- How do I locate Census data for Kentucky?
>use paper copy of latest Census (C 3’s) on Ready Reference or inCensus Ref.
Collection in west wing of 2d floor; or
>use Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (C 3.134:) on Ready Reference or in SuDoc Ref.
Collection in west wing of 2d floor; or
>use Census CDs (C 3’s) or “American Factfinder” on Web:
use Statistical Universe on Web:
2.How do I use ASI, CIS, Monthly Catalog?
ASI (American Statistics Index) and CIS (Congressional Information Service) have
both been replaced with Web access:
If you need to use paper copies, they are indexed annually with multi-year
cumulations for indexing only. Once index has been used, you must look up
entry number in appropriate annual volume to get more information, including
SuDoc number, usually preceded by "degree”/radio button symbol (open
The Monthly Catalog of U.S. Gov. Pubns. in paper is also an annual index/abstract
volume system, but both parts are usually bound together until the mid-
1970’s. However, most of the post-1976 records are now in our OPAC.
Therefore, you will only need to use this tool if title you need is not in OPAC.
Since this index has changed significantly over time (goes back over 100 years),
you will need to use index carefully, both for terminology and for page number
vs. entry number referrals in index. You will also need to confirm what
various symbols mean in the year you are using, but, as a general rule, if a
“bullet” (black dot) appears in your entry, you are looking at a depository item
that we should have received.
Items without this symbol are non-depository and may or may not have been
received. We do have copies of non-depository titles in the Readex Non-
Depository Microprint Collection over in King, 1953-1980, and the Readex
fiche collection in Young, 1981-1984. Readex non-depository fiche for 1985-
1992 are interfiled with the rest of the SuDoc fiche. The microprint in King is
organized by Monthly Catalog entry number, not SuDoc. However, the 1981-
1984 fiche are organized by SuDoc number, but filed separately.
Finally, the online version of the Monthly Catalog is called the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications and can be found at: This version covers 1994 to present.
The version available via the Kentucky Virtual Library < our FirstSearch account covers 1976 to present.
3.How do I find out what happened to this bill, i.e., trace this federal legislation?
(see “Cites” document for more information on bill citations)
Young Ref. SuDocs, LC 14.6: (Digest of … bills…, 1936- ) or History of Bills at:
Young Ref. SuDocs and Young SuDocs stacks, Y1.2/2:
(Calendars of the United States House of Reps., gaps for earliest years, 1925- )
Young Ref. Rotunda, KF 49.C6 (CCH Congressional Index, 1963- )
THOMAS < (1973- )
GPO Access )
Congressional Universe < (legislative histories,
1984- ; bill tracking, 1989- ; votes by member, 1987- ); see answer to
question 2 above forpaper version
Congressional Record (see answer to question 8 below)
4.How much does the government spend on this program?
GPO Access Appendix, FY96- ;
Economic Report, 1996- )
Young Ready Ref., PrEx 2.8: (Budget Appendix)
Young Ready Ref., Pr 42.9: (Economic Report of the President)
5.Where is the Congressional Directory?
Young Ready Ref., Y 4.P93/1:1/(Congress-Session)
Alternative access:
GPO Access
Congressional Universe <
Young Ready Ref., JK 1083.B55 (Congressional Yellow Book)
6.Do you have information about Congressional districts?
Congressional District Atlas, Young Reference CD SuDoc, C 3.282/5: (CD)
or Young SuDoc stacks, C 3.62/2: (paper)
MapStats <
1990 and 2000 Census data:
7.How do I find this Congressional hearing?
OPAC (1976 to present)
Congressional Universe < (indexing, 1823- ;
fulltext of unofficial transcripts, 1988- ; fulltext of submissions, 1993- )
Young Periodical Desk microfiche, Y4 (depository fiche, 1978- ); also, through 1969,
Greenwood Pr./CIS fiche (Young Periodical Desk), and CIS fiche, 1970 to
present, at Law
Young SuDoc stacks, Y4
King Library Storage (microprint, microfilm)
GPO Access full text, 1997- )
THOMAS < (select fulltext of House hearings, 1997- )
8.Where is the Congressional Record?
Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation
(Annals of Congress, 1789-1824; Register of Debates, 1824-1837;
Congressional Globe, 1833-1873)
King Library Storage SuDoc, X 1.1: (Annals of Congress, 1789-1824; Register of
Debates, 1824-1837; Congressional Globe, 1833-1873; Congressional Record,
bound edition, 1873 to present)
Young Periodical Desk, SuDoc microfiche, X 1.1/A: and X 1.1: (daily and bound
editions, 1979- )
Congressional Universe < (1985- )
THOMAS < (1989- )
GPO Access )
Young Ref. SuDoc, X 1.1/A: (daily edition only)
9.How do I locate Congressional reports and documents?
(see “Cites” document for more information on citations for reports and documents)
Congressional Universe < (indexing, 1789- ;
reports fulltext, 1990- ; documents select fulltext, 1995- )
or CIS U.S. Serial Set Index in paper, Young Ready Ref., Z 1223 .Z9 C65 1975
Young Ready Ref., KF 11.U56 (AmericanState Papers)
Young SuDoc stacks, Y 1.1/#:
Young Periodical Desk, SuDoc microfiche, Y 1.1/#: (1979- )
King Library Storage SuDoc, Y 1.1/2: (bound Serial Set) or Readex microprint
THOMAS < (Reports fulltext, 1995- )
GPO Access )
10.Where is the County and City Data Book?
Young Ref. CD SuDoc, C 3.134/2:
Young Ready Ref. (latest) or Young SuDoc stacks, C 3.134/2:
Census website:
11.Where is CQ Weekly Report?
Young Ready Ref., JK 1.C15 (latest 3 vol.)
Young Periodicals (3rd floor), JK 1.C15 (backfile)
KYVL databases: (Academic Search Elite, 1998- )
12.Where do I find criminal justice statistics?
Young Ready Ref., J 29.9/6: (Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics)
Young Ready Ref., J 1.14/7: (Uniform Crime Reports/Crime in the U.S.) or FBI
website < (1995- )
Bureau of Justice Statistics <
Statistical Universe on Web:
13.Where do I find employment and earnings statistics for Kentucky?
Bureau of Labor Statistics < or Employment and Earnings in
paper, Young Ready Ref., L2.41/2:
Kentucky Deskbook of Economic Statistics, Young Ready Ref., HC 107.K4 A370
Statistical Universe on Web:
14.How do I find federal regulations?
(see “Cites” document for more information on citations for regulations)
>current Code of Federal Regulations:
GPO Access
Congressional Universe <
Young Ready Ref., AE 2.106/3:
>earlier Code of Federal Regulations:
Young Periodical Desk, SuDoc microfiche, AE 2.106/3:
Federal Register (most recent regulations and all proposed regulations):
Congressional Universe < (1980- )
GPO Access )
Young Ref. SuDoc, AE 2.106: (current issues, discarded when fiche is shelved)
Young Periodical Desk, SuDoc microfiche, AE 2.106: (earlier fiche shelved at GS 4.107; 1983- )
15.How do I find foreign trade and overseas business information?
Young Ref. CD SuDoc, C 3.278: (imports and exports)
International Trade Administration
Statistical Universe on Web:
16.Where is the Statistical Abstract of the U.S.?
Young Ready Ref., C 3.134: (latest edition)
Census Bureau < > (.pdf for
most tables, 1995- ; tables from proprietary sources not included in Web
Young Ref. SuDoc, C 3.134: (complete run)
Young SuDoc, C 3.134: (circulating second copies)
17.How do I find information on an industry?
Young Ready Ref., C 61.48: (U.S. Industry and Trade Outlook)
Census Bureau
(1997 Economic Census on American FactFinder)
Young Ref. CD SuDoc, C 3.277: (1992 and 1987 Economic Censuses)
Statistical Universe on Web:
18.How do I find education statistics?
Young Ready Ref., ED 1.109: (Condition of Education)
Young Ready Ref., ED 1.326: (Digest of Education Statistics)
NationalCenter for Education Statistics <
Statistical Universe on Web:
19.How do I find articles in U.S. government periodicals?
Government Periodicals Universe < (indexing only)
InfoTrac < > (Expanded Academic)
KYVL databases: < > (Academic Search Elite)
Young Ref. Rotunda, Z 1223.Z7I5 (Index to U.S. Government Periodicals, 1970-1987)
20.How do I find information on occupations?
Young Ready Ref., L 2.3/4: (Occupational Outlook Handbook)
Bureau of Labor Statistics <
Statistical Universe on Web:
21.How do I find population information?
Census Bureau < (1990 and
2000 censuses on American FactFinder)
Young Ready Ref., C 3.134/2: H62 (Historical Statistics of the U.S.)
Young Ready Ref., C 3.134: (Statistical Abstract of the U.S.) or
> (.pdf for most tables, 1995- ; tables from proprietary sources not included in Web version)
Young Ref. Census stacks
Statistical Universe on Web:
22.How do I find a public law?
(see “Cites” document for more information on public law citations)
Young Ref. SuDoc, Y 1.2/5: (US Code, Popular Name Index)
Young Ref. SuDoc, AE 2.111: (Statutes at Large, 1789- )
Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation <
(Statutes at Large, 1789-1873)
Young Ref. SuDoc, AE 2.110: (slip laws, 1993- )
THOMAS < (public laws, 1973- ; US Constitution)
Congressional Universe < (public laws,
1988- ; US Constitution)
GPO Access laws, 1995- ; US Constitution)
Young Ready Ref. KF 90.S5220 (Shepard's acts and cases; use for indexing)
23.Where is the Federal Register?
Congressional Universe < (1980- )
GPO Access )
Young Ref. SuDoc, AE 2.106: (current issues, discarded when fiche is shelved)
Young Periodical Desk, SuDoc microfiche, AE 2.106:
(earlier fiche shelved at GS 4.107, 1983-)
24.How do I locate this technical report?
Young SuDoc stacks, C 51.9: (early indexes to following titles)
Young SuDoc stacks, C 51.9/3: (Bibliography of Scientific and IndustrialReports,
Young SuDoc stacks, C 51.9/3: (Bibliography of Technical Reports, 1949-54)
Young SuDoc stacks, C 51.9/3: (U.S. Government Research Reports, 1954-64)
Young SuDoc stacks, C 51.9/3: (U.S. Government Research & DevelopmentReports,
Young SuDoc stacks, C 51.9/3: (Government Reports Announcements and Index,
Young Ref. Rotunda, C 51.9/3: (Government Reports Announcements and Index,
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts < (Search NTIS, all
of GRA&I, plus current)
25.How do I find a U.S. Supreme Court case?
(see “Cites” document for more information on citations for Supreme Court cases)
Academic Universe <
Young Ref. SuDoc, Ju 6.8: (pre-1931 vol. at Law Library)
GPO Access
Young Ready Ref. KF 90.S5220 (Shepard's acts and cases; use for indexing)
26.How do I find out what this agency publishes?
Young Ready Ref., Z 1223.Z7A574 (“Andriot”)
Young Ready Ref., Z 1223.A11 (Checklist)
Young Ref. Rotunda, GP 3.6: (Document Catalog, 1893-1940)
Young Ref. Rotunda, GP 3.8: (Monthly Catalog, 1895- )
Kentucky Virtual Library < FirstSearch (Monthly Catalog,
1976- )
GPO Access of U.S. Government Publications,
1994- ; Sales Product Catalog)
27.How do I find this U.S. government publication?
OPAC (most depository items listed, 1976- )
Federal Depository shelflist
Congressional Universe < (many
departmental documents are also issued as Congressional documents)
Young Ready Ref., Z 1223.Z7A574 (“Andriot”)
Young Ready Ref., Z 1223.A11 (Checklist)
Young Ref. Rotunda, GP 3.6: (Document Catalog, 1893-1940)
Young Ref. Rotunda, GP 3.8: (Monthly Catalog, 1895- )
Young Ready Ref., Z 1223.Z9 C850 (Cumulative title index, 1789-1976)
Young Ref. Rotunda, GP 3.8: (Cumulative subject index, 1900-1971)
28.How do I find a federal publication on this subject?
OPAC (limit to GPO; most depository items listed, 1976- )
Congressional Universe <
Young Ref. Rotunda, GP 3.8: (Monthly Catalog, 1895- )
Young Ref. Rotunda, GP 3.8: (Cumulative subject index, 1900-1971)
GPO Access of U.S. Government Publications,
1994- ; Sales Product Catalog)
Government Periodicals Universe <
Young Ref. Rotunda, Z 1223.Z7I5 (Index to U.S. Government Periodicals, 1970-1987)
29. How do I find government information on the Web?
(see answers to first 28 questions!)
GPO Access
FirstGov <
Google U.S. Government <