Curriculum of Master of Science Program

in Community Ecotourism Management

Academic Institution Prince of Songkla University

Hatyai campus Faculty of Environmental Management

Section 1 General Information

1. Curriculum Name and Program

·  Master of Science Program in Community Ecotourism Management

2. Name of Academic Degree and Program

Full Title: Master of Science (Community Ecotourism Management)

Abbreviation: M.Sc. (Community Ecotourism Management)

Section 2 Curriculum Structure

1. Curriculum

1.1 Master of Science Program: Number of the total credits not less than 36 credits

1.2 Curriculum structure:

Course / Plan A: A1 / Plan A: A2
1. Compulsory courses
2. Elective courses
3. Thesis / -
36 credits / 9 credits
9 credits
18 credits
Total (not less than) / 36 credits / 36 credits

Plan A 1 : 36 Credits

1 Semester / 2 Semester
First year / 838-501 Research Methodology for Tourism
838-800 Thesis / 3 Audits*
9 credits / 838-514 Seminar I
838-800 Thesis / 1 Audit*
9 credits
Second year / 838-502 Consortium Development for Tourism
838-515 Seminar II
838-800 Thesis / 6 Audits*
1 Audit*
9 credits / 838-800 Thesis / 9 credits

* No credit (Result in grade of S=Pass, U= Fail)

Plan A 2 : 36 Credits

1 Semester / 2 Semester
First year / 838-501 Research Methodology for Tourism
838-511 Community Ecotourism Management
838-512 Tourism Impact Assessment for Environment
…………Elective / 3 Audits*
3 credits
3 credits
3 credits / 838-513 Environmental Management for Green Tourism
838-514 Seminar I
838-801 Thesis / 3 credits
1 Audit*
3 credits
3 credits
2 credits
Second year / 838-502 Consortium Development for Tourism
838-515 Seminar II
838-801 Thesis / 6 Audits*
1 Audit*
8 credits / 838-801 Thesis / 8 credits

* No credit (Result in grade of S=Pass, U= Fail)


Compulsory Subjects

838-501 (Research Methodology for Tourism) 3(3-0-6)

Study of research methodology; types of research; research questions; research topics; research methodologies; selection of research methods in accordance with research topics; defining the problem; target group selection; qualitative and quantitative analysis; research proposal preparation; research report and research evaluation, proposal presentation

838-502 (Consortium Development for Tourism) 6(0-18-0)

Learning from direct experience in ecotourism management for environment; learning by reality from local resources and ASEAN for knowledge maximize such as multicultural, sufficient economy, environmental management and conservation for ecotourism; learning from best practice of tourism management in oversea; application to use for sustainable tourism in accordance to area and community; interviewing with people who have knowledge to share learning experiences; presentation, conclusion and reporting the experience from the field trip by given topic

838-511 (Community Ecotourism Management) 3(3-0-6)

Principles and components of ecotourism; ecotourism management; various types of planning process of ecotourism; zoning; system and types of facilities corresponding to carrying capacity of destination; assessment of potential of the ecotourism destination; ecotourism tourists characteristics and behavior; management of natural environment and ecosystem; interpretation and education components of ecotourism; ecotourism and community participation identify problems based from community; conservation and rehabilitation by community; ecotourism management in protected areas; ecotourism management planning; case studies of Thailand and other countries; field trip required

838-512 (Tourism Impact Assessment for Environment) 3(3-0-6)

Impacts from ecotourism on environment in the dimension of physical, biological, economical and social, positive and negative tourists satisfaction; indicators and methods to assessment, analyse the result to develop and resolve by a tool of ecotourism community management

838-513 (Environmental Management for Green Tourism) 3(3-0-6)

Definition of environment; physical environment; natural environment; human environment; control and prevention of significant pollution in local community; impacts on the environment and society; conservation of natural resources; energy conservation; tourism operations for environmental and social sustainability; tools for environmental impact assessment; environmental management system; environmental labeling; environmental protection investment; reduction consumption of resources and energy; waste reduction and wastewater

838-514 (Seminar I) 1(0-2-1)

Presentation; analysis and discussion of interesting topics in community ecotourism management focusing on philosophy and program objectives

838-515 (Seminar II) 1(0-2-1)

Presentation; analysis and discussion of topic related to conceptual framework of thesis in the fields of community ecotourism management

Elective Courses

838-521 (Agritourism and Community Products) 3(2-3-6)

Principles of agritourism and community products; activity styles and additional knowledge for tourists; farm and factory management systems for environmental friendly; community products development for green tourism; standards of community products; field trip

838-522 (Climate Change and Tourism) 3(3-0-6)

Principle and significance of tourism; principle of climate change; theory; climate weather forecasts; changing trend; likely to change; factors affecting impact on tourism; national policies and plans, international conventions and agreements related to climate change and tourism; travel patterns and activities; knowledge and best practices; management strategies including adaptation and coping in the future

838-523 (Green Economy for Sustainable Tourism Development)3(3-0-6)

Importance and principle of environmental standards; tourism systems standards for various tourism sites management; regulations and laws that are practical for the organization; environmental clean technologies for pollution control nowadays; concept of 7 Greens and its application in tourism sites; expectations for the future environmental management of tourism; the green destinations concept and its management; case studies of Thailand and foreign countries

838-524 (Service Innovation and Information 3(2-3-4)

Technology for Ecotourism)

Innovation theory; service innovation concept; service innovation for ecotourism; tourism information system; the role of information technology and internet in ecotourism service; the application of information technology for service innovative creation in ecotourism; the researches of service innovation for ecotourism; trends of ecotourism service in the future

838-525 (Local Wisdoms and Tourism) 3(3-0-6)

Definition of local wisdoms, study and examine local wisdoms and indigenous knowledge, local wisdoms from creativity and learning; development from practicing and participation in communities; local wisdoms to live with others; local wisdoms to live with nature and environment; environmental wisdoms worldview focused on learning process; types of local wisdom; utilization, methodology of collection, case study of local wisdoms and value added in application for sustainable tourism

838-526 (Biotechnology and Environmentally Friendly Tourism) 3(3-0-6) Biotechnology with tourism environmentally friendly; biological wastewater treatment; biological degradation and treatment of organic waste; biofuel; biocontrol; biopesticides; microbial food safety; fermented food and health food; bio-degradable packaging; biodiversity and application of biotechnological processes for green tourism business

838-527 (Community Solid Waste Management and Recovery) 3(3-0-6)

Classification of solid and hazardous wastes, sources, types and amounts of wastes, impacts on health and environment, waste gathering and collection system, transportation and logistics, disposal treatment by physical, chemical and biological processes, waste separation and waste minimization, impact mitigation from solid waste, waste recovery and project planning, financial feasibility, public awareness raising, education and participation in waste recycle and recovery

838-528 (Special Topics in Community Ecotourism Management) 3(3-0-6) New occurring issues and interests concerning ecotourism management and environment

838-800 (Thesis) 36(0-108-0)

Research about ecotourism management for environment under the supervision of supervisor; thesis report, paper publications; presentation the research report in front of the panel committee

838-801 (Thesis) 18(0-54-0)

Research about community ecotourism management under the supervision of supervisor; thesis report, paper publication; presentation the research report in front of the panel committee

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Parichart Visuthismajarn : Chairperson of Community Ecotourism Management Master Program

E-mail :