Gary Varsho Baseball League


General Rules

All games are at GPO West or East Fields. Check the schedule for the time of games.

The game length will be 5 innings or one hour and 15 minutes long.

The 2nd team listed on the schedule is the home team.

A team will consist of a minimum of 8 players. If needed, an additional player may be used from another team and will be used in the outfield.

The league umpire/director will be in charge of all on field decisions.

Game Rules

An inning will consist of 3 outs or 3 runs.

If there is a difference of 3 runs a team can score an additional 2 runs.

If there is a difference of 5 or more runs: 1 run will be allowed.

The last ½ inning of a game will be played with only 3 runs scored.

The league will try to reschedule all games due to weather.

The League Directors will determine the make up game schedule.

Batting Order; Line Up; Defensive Alignment

The batting order will consist of the entire team.

The batting order should be different for every game. Basic rule of thumb would be have a set lineup the first game and whoever was on deck after game 1 should be the 1st hitter for game # 2. Keeping the order the same just gives the team balance throughout the year.

Every team will use 4 outfielders, which will consist of 10 defensive players.

All players will be a minimum of 6 defensive outs or 2 innings.

Players will rotate defensive positions. Safety for all players is a prerequisite. There will be some players who are physically cannot play specific positions. Contact the head coach if there are any concerns.

Hitter/Base Runner

Once the baseball is put into play, the league encourages all hitter/base runners to touch the orange base when the 1st baseman is receiving a throw from an infielder. This will prevent collisions.

Base Runners

Players are not allowed to lead off the bases.

Players must keep their helmets on at all times.

There are no walks issued in this league. Either the hitter/batter puts the ball into play or a strikeout is recorded.

If there is a close play at any base, all runners must slide to prevent collisions and injuries. All runners remaining on the bases will advance only 1 base from their previous starting base.

If the 3rd out is recorded from a player not sliding, runs that have crossed the plate will be counted.

If a player leads off the base, he/she will be called out.


There is no bunting in this league.


Every coach staff will have a head coach and 2 assistants.

Parents and siblings should remain in the stands.

All coaches will dress in the apparel provided by the GVBL.

All coaches are responsible for the behavior of all players in the GVBL.

Equipment: Cleats, Uniforms & Bats

Do not put uniforms in the dryer. Air-dry all uniforms. Parents are responsible for the league’s uniform. Any damages to the uniform will result in reimbursement to the league.

All players must wear plastic cleats. Steal spikes are not allowed.

No jewelry will be allowed in the GVBL.

Parents are responsible for the league’s uniform. Any damages to the uniform will result in reimbursement to the league.

All players are required to:

1.  Wear the appropriate uniform, hat and belt. Black shirts are encouraged under each uniform.

2. Athletic Cups are encouraged to be used.

Bats requirements for this league will be:

The requirement for bats will remain the same until further notice from the National Board. See the attached link for more information on bats.


Parents are responsible for their child’s actions and to the GVBL.

Any issues that need to be addressed be a parent should be addressed to the Head Coach for each team.

Gary and Kay Varsho will handle disciplinary actions.