The Four Gospels of Jesus Christ

The Teacher / Mark
The Preacher / Luke
The Historian / John
The Theologian
Meaning of Author’s Name / Gift of God
[ AKA “Levi” ] / Mighty Warrior
[AKA “John-Mark”] / Bringer of Light / God is gracious
His Occupation / Tax Collector
in Capernaum / Raised in Christian home
(failures in his youth: to Jesus & Paul) / Physician / Fishing Business
His Nationality / Jew / Jew / Gentile / Jew
Discipled by / Jesus / Barnabus/ Paul/ Peter / Paul / Jesus
Date Written / AD 50-58 / AD 58 / AD 60-70 / AD 85-90
Recipients / Jews / Romans / Greeks / Followers
Whole World
Purpose / Show that Jesus FULFILLED Messianic prophecies
Explain: “So where is the Messianic Kingdom? World Peace?”
Prepare: Coming Judgment
AD 70 & future / "What could He DO?"
Did not come to be served, but to serve
Live out your faith!
Deny self / The Perfect Man:
self-disciplined in mind, body
with power to bring
true change / That you might personally believe
have eternal life
Ezk 1:10, Rev 4:6-8 /
Lion of Judah
Messiah & King
Son of David /
Servant of YHWH /
Son of Man /
Son of God
Character of God / Law
Rule & Reign / Awareness of Need
Serve & Suffer / Power
Share & Sympathize / Glory
Reveal & Redeem
Genealogy / Abraham
Jesus, Messiah / NONE
Servants - No“lineage” / Adam
Jesus / No human lineage,
Jesus IS God
In the beginning…
Special Features / Sermons
Topical Arrangement
“Kingdom of heaven”
“Son of Man”
Emphasis on Fulfilled Scripture,
Authority, yet
Obedience to Law / Miracles
Geographical Arrangement
(shortest gospel)
Immediately:action, quick obedience
Gave His life as a ransom for many
He, also, experienced unjust authorities / Parables
Chronological Sequence
“Kingdom of God”
for Whole World
Power of Holy Spirit: Anointing
Childhood of Jesus
Special concern forJerusalem, Gentiles,
& women / Doctrines
Arranged like walking thru
The Tabernacle
7 Discourses
7 miracles/signs
7 "I AM"statements
Eternal security
Jesus' private thoughts, conversations, prayer
Shows response of listeners:
belief or unbelief
Ending / Resurrection:
Proof of Messiahship
Great Commission:Disciple Gentiles / ASCENSION:
From lowly – To exalted
Always FAITHFUL to Serve
... the LORD worked with them & confirmed His Word / Promise of
the Holy Spirit
The coming power
to indwell man / Promise of 2nd Coming
Personal restoration:
Tend My Sheep
Comparisons / Outer /Human facts of Lord's Life / Inner/ Divine
Public/ Galilean teaching ministry / Mostly Private/ Judean
Like the front page of a newspaper / Like an editorial
Synoptic ("See Together") / Interpretive